posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:33 AM
That sad moment when it's cheaper to break your leg and go to a third world country to get it fixed than to deal with obamacare. Meanwhile, the
quality of care won't be that much different except you won't be waiting your turn for a month.
What Obama originally wanted was much more comprehensive and what is now called obamacare is essentially watered down ( or perhaps drowned?) Romney
care... It can be called that because 'obamacare' as we have it today is quite like Romney's changes in Massachusetts health care; the irony may be
that Americans may have been better off with 'Romney care' but republicans and tea party fools fought so hard( and democrats resisted so little)
that Romney care is probably more 'socialist'! The ACA may end up costing more and providing less benefit to people than the republican sponsored
system in Massachusetts; the republicans will do whatever they can to get or steal votes but will call obama and the democratic pretenders communist
if they talk about doing half as much on a national level... It's all quite crazy and quite reminds one of gang of schoolboy gangsters.
For the record are you against socialism/corporatism for the rich, in which case your anger is justified, or against socialism and 'protections'
against such abuses for the middle and poor classes?