posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:53 PM
I'm assuming you were either given Vicoden (Hydrocodone) or Percocet (oxycodone) in which case there could be a fairly mundane explanation for
Opiates can induce what is sometimes referred to as "nodding out" It's basically falling asleep, but not quite. You'll be sitting there on the
couch, watching TV, then 5 minutes later or whatever you'll "come to" and realize you were passed out for the last few minutes. It's much quicker
and comes on with less warning (for the inexperienced) than actual sleep does, so it's pretty easy to just drift off without noticing.
It's also pretty common to "dream" during this nod period, although once again it's not really like true dreaming or sleeping. It's more similar
to when you wake up in the morning, then while still laying in bed sort of half-dream yourself getting out of bed, using the bathroom, making coffe,
etc then you actually wake up and realize you are still in bed.
After I had surgery I was on pretty heavy doses of Oxycodone and I'd often find myself nodding out, having short, almost lucid dream like states,
then waking back up. I'd be sitting there thinking about whatever, then things would start to seem a little strange, things would happen in
impossible ways, then I'd realize I was dreaming, and think to myself "how can I be dreaming, i was just sitting on the couch a few minutes ago"
after which I'd wake up and realized I nodded off.
This was the first thing that came to mind after reading your experience, as it seems to exactly match what people experience during an opiate nod.
You can instantly slip into a near-dream state without warning, and personally my dream state would just continue from where I passed out, meaning
there was almost a seamless transition from being awake to dreaming. It would be like sitting there one moment, the next moment you are in a dream
state, but everything in the same. Then it takes a few minutes to realize you are continuing inside your own mind instead of in the real world, or you
dont realize and wake up anyway, remembering very well the "dream" you just had. And being confused if it's something you aren't used to.