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A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

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posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:07 PM

Their job is to partake in the evil underbelly of society and not to operate with morals.

Evil that in most cases they HELPED to create in an attempt to justify their own existance.

It is not a pretty job but it is a necessary tool and you do not know what exacta benefits we have achieved by doing this.

There is NO benefit or purpose to a lawless organization acting with impunity in a world of law...especially while telling everyone ELSE to be "lawful".

The CIA does not get to operate in a black and white world and sometimes they have to play the numbers game. Is this benefit worth this cost?

So you would use a group that has no respect for freedom to fight for freedom?
How can you not see the folly of that statement?

Should we allow 10 people to die in order to save 15?


As you said, they were designed to operate outside of the law and how you expect them to do this without doing anything "bad" is kind of missing the point.

I said they never should have been allowed to exist at ALL. Simply because I realize the nature by which they operate (in a state of lawlessness) does NOT imply I excuse or condone the behavior.
"Awareness" of a thing does not equate to "Forgiveness" of a thing.

They are asked to do things for the simple reason that they do operate outside the law and have access to information that other, lawful agencies cannot get. And the reason they can do this is because they are involved in all sorts of shady things.

Then you will feel right at home in your new police state because you will have no freedom, no law and no future.


edit on 28-10-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:19 PM

reply to post by Eryiedes

Ok, please explain to me what benefit the CIA derives from molesting children then.

If you contend that it is an ongoing policy of theirs, the molestation of children, why do they do that?

Are they trying to pry information out of the kids?

Are they trying to brainwash them?

Please enlighten us as to why the CIA wishes to molest children.

50 mins of woefully needed education for yourself.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:20 PM

You would really disband the CIA and just let these other groups operate with impunity?

I think they should ALL be disbanded, tried in international court and those found responsible, jailed for their crimes against humanity.
You thought I was going to stand on a soap box and split hairs?
No, ma'am...I dispise all intel agencies as they are ALL just another tentacle of the global military industrial complexe.


posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

Your attitude seems to be 'the end justifies the means' and 'choose the lesser of two evils'. Frankly, if fewer people agreed with those ideas and stated their disagreement of these ideas, these agencies would be disbanded. Anyone subscribing to these ideas will always lack the moral high ground and should be shunned. It is attitudes like this that allow these agencies to thrive.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:40 PM

reply to post by Eryiedes

Are you suggesting we get rid of the CIA?

They do perform a necessary function and at times must do illegal things. Its the game they play and they do not have the benefit of making the rules.

Certainly they may cross the line in many instances but are you sure that is not necessary? Without you being privy to all their planning how do you know?

And I highly doubt that the CIA has an ongoing policy of child molestation, its stuff like that which ruins threads and robs them of any legitimacy.

WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! You are dreaming, wake up!!! Hello is anybody home? Wake up!!! We need to rid ourselves of ALL the criminals in the government. The CIA was started with NAZIS and they are still NAZIS. LEARN YOUR HISTORY.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by benrl

Which won't be watched being too busy shaking her pom poms

Welcome to Spookland: Tricks of the Trade of the CIA

Perhaps because of the limitations of 'intelligence,' or in spite of them, the CIA has chosen to excel in an entirely different area: covert operations. The CIA has become a secret branch of the President's foreign policy apparatus, able to act where he cannot do things openly, because the CIA does not have to answer questions from the press. All agents agree that, when necessary, they will lie to anyone, including Congressional Oversight committees, in the interests of 'national security.' This policy, called "plausible denial," goes hand-in-hand with the fact that every agent must sign a contract agreeing not to reveal anything 'sensitive' that they learned during their service without the CIA's prior consent. To the "imperial presidency", the CIA became seen as a 'can-do' agency, because unlike any other part of the government, they had full control over their own budget and operations - they answered to nobody. This is part of what Victor Marchetti called the 'theology of national security,' maintained through the 'cult of intelligence.' It is a theology of salvation through duty to country - and adherents of the ritual believe all sins may be forgiven them.

The CIA has always maintained that all its secrecy and "clandestine mentality" are part of its efforts to keep vital secrets out of the hands of America's enemies. They claim that disclosure of their activities might jeopardize agents in the field and also destroy many important efforts of foreign policy, because CIA-controlled foreign agents would be revealed as such to their own people. As far as they are concerned, freedom of the press and freedom of information take a back seat, because any secrets given up are secrets betrayed into the hands of the enemy. Of course, to many others, all this secrecy is just a way for the CIA to hide its activities from the criticism of the American people, in the name of national security. But the art of the spook trade is like a poker game: know as much as you can about your enemy while giving the least away. In a world where anybody can be working for the other side - and paranoia is never in short supply in the halls of Langeley - you can't trust anybody, and anything is fair game. "Black operations" are necessary, 'cause we gotta do it to 'em before they do it to us. That is the commandment at the heart of the cult of intelligence and its spookly apostles.

The CIA, whose chief sphere of operations during the Cold War was to be the Soviet Union and China, made much of its actual focus the developing or "Third World." It was there that the CIA flexed its political muscle, recruited its hired hands, and interfered in other peoples' business, all the while pretending to be aiming its operations against the other threatening "superpowers." Unfortunately, the KGB was as good at the game as the CIA, and for that reason the CIA was never able to score very many successes in either the intelligence or covert operations field - which is why they made the Third World, an area the U.S. has always been better at pushing around, their chief focus of activity. Most Third World nations were no real security threat to the United States, but the CIA could always claim that there was the danger of their falling into the "Soviet sphere of influence." The CIA's goals in the developing world were really based on other factors: strategic interests (military bases, listening posts, naval ports), material interests (natural resources and trade goods), and economic interests (protecting the property of multinational U.S. corporations such as United Fruit, IT&T, and Exxon.) Democracy and freedom necessarily took a back seat.

Here on Our Shores: Domestic Operations
Despite its mandate to handle 'foreign' threats, the CIA has never kept its hands off domestic groups right here in the U.S. Its policy of persecution of such groups has always been based from the belief that they are the tools of foreign manipulation. And why not? If the CIA was manipulating Eastern European organizations during the rebellions of the Prague Spring, it figured the KGB was just as likely to be behind the revolutionary groups here in the U.S. Finding those links pointing to Soviet support was a pretty hard task (because there were none), but it never kept the Agency from its dirty work. Despite the fact that some of the groups, like the Trotskyist SWP, openly eschewed Soviet communism, the CIA could never accept the fact that such organizations were "homegrown" developments of dissent and discontent. They had to be getting their financing from abroad, thought the spookmasters...

During the late 60s, the CIA frequently recruited young men to infiltrate 'subversive' (generally antiwar) groups as agents provocateurs . These infiltrators were to try and agitate the groups and get them to surrender their nonviolent tactics for more militant ones. As part of the joint COINTELPRO effort with the FBI, the CIA maintained wiretaps, 'bugging' devices, hidden tape recorders, and other gimmicks for the invasion of privacy at the premises of the meeting places of many of these groups. Files were maintained on important (but potentially 'threatening') citizens such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Tom Hayden. Anybody who was a potential troublemaker of whistleblower soon would discover how the CIA used its relationship with other government agencies (such as the IRS)... and find his or her credit rating slashed, employee record blacklisted, bank account frozen, incoming mail opened, and careers ruined. If they were authors, they might soon discover publishers avoiding them like the Plague; if they were film directors or producerers, they might find their projects suddenly 'cancelled.' You tangle with the Company at your own peril.

The groups that the COINTELPRO effort targeted primarily were the Socialist Workers' Party, the Black Panther Party, and the Young Communist League. Radical, revolutionary, militant, and communist organizations were the initial targets; but liberal, socialist, pacifist, and reformist groups (like Ralph Nader's) often found themselves under scrutiny as well. Often immigrants to the U.S. were monitored for possible ideological or other connections to 'hostile' foreign governments or to 'terrorist' organizations, and lost their right of residency (and speech) in the U.S. when they were suspected of 'un-American' sentiments. (Nixon's "plumbers" squad had some former CIA men on it, and they focused primarily on Nixon's real and perceived enemies, including columnist Jack Anderson, who received death threats.) The CIA found clever ways of discrediting organizations (such as the American Indian Movement) by 'framing' their leaders for crimes they did not commit or creating false trails to violent incidents and terrorist organizations.

The CIA: Criminals in Action

[ hide]

1 Personnel
2 Controversy
2.1 Techniques
2.2 Black budget
2.3 Outsourcing the NCS
2.4 Intelligence-university complex
2.5 CIA-Nazi connection
2.6 Saddam Hussein as 40-year CIA asset
2.7 History of torture, outsourcing and secret prisons
2.8 Rendition program
2.9 Media Involvement
2.10 Involvement with central banks
2.11 Interference in other countries
2.12 Domestic spying
2.13 Role in drug trade
3 Contact details
4 Resources and articles
4.1 Related SourceWatch articles
4.2 References
4.3 Resources on the CIA
4.4 External articles
4.4.1 Through 2006
4.4.2 2007

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Eryiedes

indeed these secret societies composed of sociopaths and run by psychopaths
follow a mix of the law of the jungle and the iron rule of oligarchy

they're the "torpedoes" and "soldiers" of the mafia dons running the u.s.


posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 04:41 PM

Although previously touched upon in other posts, no salute to the scumbaggery that is the CIA would be complete without a 21 raspberry salute to the grand daddy spook of them all...Kermit Roosevelt.
HE was the one responsible for the installing the Shah of Iran and created the "mold" for which America would depose those unfriendly to US concerns while replacing them with a more compliant puppet.

Spies "Diplomacy - CIA Style": Iran

He was only the start. Eventually the CIA learned not to use agency personal and instead switched to indie contractors to allow themselves and the USA the luxury of plausible deniability for it's myriad of illegal, clandestined operations.

Financial Terrorism Exposed!! - John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hitman)

John Perkins on Globalization:

The "Jackels" Perkins refers to ARE the CIA.
They work at the bidding of the corperations and colaborate with them to overthrow anything deemed as a threat to American control.

Then, of course, there is George Bush...(spits at the mention of his name)

George Herbert Walker Bush - as VP - was one of the clients of this ring and people who were kids in the 1980's, but adults today, still remember GHW Bush attending Lawrence E. King's pederast parties and leaving with a teenaged prostitute, an 18 year old named as Brandt Thomas in the book the Franklin Cover up. George Herbert Walker Bush appears 15 times in the index of the book the "Franklin Cover Up".
(The video on this is found just a few posts above by Benarl)

The CIA and pedophilia are joined at the hips just like "kibbles & bits".
Enjoy your latest dose of the truth.


edit on 29-10-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo

edit on 29-10-2013 by Eryiedes because: Added Sentiment

edit on 29-10-2013 by Eryiedes because: Added Sentiment

edit on 29-10-2013 by Eryiedes because: Error

edit on 29-10-2013 by Eryiedes because: Altered link to something less esoteric

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 05:51 PM

reply to post by Eryiedes

Ok, please explain to me what benefit the CIA derives from molesting children then.

If you contend that it is an ongoing policy of theirs, the molestation of children, why do they do that?

Are they trying to pry information out of the kids?

Are they trying to brainwash them?

Please enlighten us as to why the CIA wishes to molest children.

Everything you just said could be said about the Catholic Church - everything. Yet you know for a fact those involved with the church molest children unabated for the most part and have for years. Because you can't see a benefit does not mean there isn't one.

You suggest the CIA provides a service - what is it exactly? There is a common belief, their motto, their budget log line, but it seems to me that authorizing the putting of '___' into a small french town's bread just to see what would happen is out of bounds to almost everyone on the planet BUT the CIA. Given this is within their mandate, I would suggest their goals are not the stated goals, but something deeper.

How do you feel that at any given moment, of any given day, a CIA effort could cover your house in radiation to see what would happen to you. Abduct you to and your family because your are a threat and take you to another country. Could hit you with high doses of radio-waves to see if they can control your mind. Could wipe out your savings and see how you react. And yes, you are a target if they wish... This really makes you sleep better? Or is it the fact that they do this on your behalf that makes you sleep better?

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Eryiedes

Congo (Zaire) — The CIA assassinates the democratically elected Patrice Lumumba. However, public support for Lumumba’s politics runs so high that the CIA cannot clearly install his opponents in power. Four years of political turmoil follow.

This has to be one of the worse, purely for the fact that the events of this led eventually to a Holocaust in the Congo. What should be the richest country is the poorest. Awful.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Eryiedes

This entire thread is silly and loaded with not a shred of objectivity, or understanding of international law, or where when and how American assets and organizations do not fall, legally, under the same set of laws that regular citizens do.

Research is not quoting Wikipedia or media or talk show sources. Research is diligent study and investigation in order to validate, reprise or refute facts. Just going with a couple simple internet reads, that fit a predetermined belief system, only serves to propagate prejudicial views or instigate further, often times baseless, positions that put individuals into such a heightened state of incompetence, that when true and actual presentations are provided, the individual is incapable of hearing, inquiring, or entertains such ideas. They are left only with denial, used as defense, to protect a belief made on emotion and not logic

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 11:06 AM
The poster above me is correct, this entire post and all the others like it are silly.

On one hand, you have the holier than thou believers, whose naive ideology believe you can manage the world and all it's problems on paper, theology, and sitting around and talking in a room.

On the other hand, you have people defending atrocities by trying to prove that multiple wrongs make it acceptable or right.

The answer is right in front of you people. The same force or nature that causes argument or discussion on this board is the same force that causes wars between countries and leaders.

You can't fight it, there's no wrong or right, there just is. It's human nature. The more man believes it can govern other men successfully with pieces of paper and bullets, the deeper the hole that we dug gets.

Singing and crying about how you wish the world should be is as ridiculous as sticking swan wings into a pig and expecting it to be able to fly.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 08:04 PM

The poster above me is correct, this entire post and all the others like it are silly.

On one hand, you have the holier than thou believers, whose naive ideology believe you can manage the world and all it's problems on paper, theology, and sitting around and talking in a room.

On the other hand, you have people defending atrocities by trying to prove that multiple wrongs make it acceptable or right.

The answer is right in front of you people. The same force or nature that causes argument or discussion on this board is the same force that causes wars between countries and leaders.

You can't fight it, there's no wrong or right, there just is. It's human nature. The more man believes it can govern other men successfully with pieces of paper and bullets, the deeper the hole that we dug gets.

Singing and crying about how you wish the world should be is as ridiculous as sticking swan wings into a pig and expecting it to be able to fly.

Kiki (U.S. DEA) was tortured for 30 hours to find out how he discovered the CIA drug operation. Pigs may not fly but the truth usually comes out; in this case it took 28 years...... if there was any agency or lawful authority who could or would act upon wrong doing without fear of being worked on too it would be a better world, No?

WASHINGTON (Proceso)(apro).-- Three former U.S. federal agents decided to end a 28-year silence and simultaneously entrusted this journal and the U.S. Fox news services with an information "bomb": Enrique Kiki Camarena was not murdered by Rafael Caro Quintero -- the capo that served a sentence for that crime -- but by an agent of the CIA. The reason: the DEA agent discovered that his own government was collaborating with the Mexican narco in his illegal business.

In interviews with Proceso, Phil Jordan, former director of the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC); Hector Berrellez, former DEA agent, and Tosh Plumlee, a former CIA pilot, claim that they have evidence that the U.S. government itself ordered the murder of Kiki Camarena in 1985. In addition, they point to a sinister Cuban character, Felix Ismael Rodriguez, as the murderer.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 10:29 PM

reply to post by Eryiedes

Ok, please explain to me what benefit the CIA derives from molesting children then.

If you contend that it is an ongoing policy of theirs, the molestation of children, why do they do that?

Are they trying to pry information out of the kids?

Are they trying to brainwash them?

Please enlighten us as to why the CIA wishes to molest children.

You should read this...

You might make some connections.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 10:14 PM


They are liars, thieves, killers, drug dealers, kidnappers, child molesters, a matter of fact there's hardly a crime anyone could name that the CIA are not guilty of.


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:16 AM
Here's a great timeline of the two most egregious atrocities of the CIA:

FormedStill exists.


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by bonecrusher321

International Law? Really? I wasn't aware the US was bound by the ICC--or any other international laws for that matter.

To accuse all participating in the thread of having no knowledge of international law is irrelevant, the CIA ignore all international laws so why would this need to be addressed?

Also: BS hides in verbosity.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by cartenz

I will keep it simple since your post contradicts itself (claiming the U.S. Is not bound by international law yet saying the agency ignores that by which you claim they are not bound). In addition it is well with in reason that the vast majority of the population does not have an innate understanding of international law and the application thereof, especially when related to clandestine assets and operations. I somehow doubt that the percentage of those who are credentialed in any form of international legal matters are not registered members of ATS, let alone posting in this thread.

You are right in one account though, some of our intelligence entities do ignore some parts of some nations laws, treaties, statutes, conventions, rules and policies etc (all under the umbrella of the buzz word international law). They ignore this for the same reason I ignore laws about whether or not I can drive if I'm legally blind. I'm not blind and that specific law does not apply to me. The most common misconception about the intelligence community is that the same laws that apply to civilians apply to their members. They don't, just as some of the laws that apply to their members do not apply to civilians.

It's not a question of who is special or above another. It's a matter of how and who the law is designed to be applied to

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