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Obamafeed - 'Affordable Food Act'

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posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:59 AM
I have no idea if this is a hoax; or if this is a 'leak' about what is being worked on behind closed doors; or if this is just a person pondering what will be next after Obamacare. I figure ATS can debunk or verify ... or we can say 'maybe' and watch to see if it happens.

'Obamafeed' or 'The Affordable Food Act'

According to several politicians, whose names I have obscured for purposes of anonymity, a bill is being drafted that would allow the poorer among us to be provided with food and basic household necessities at the expense of a majority of wealthier Americans. There has been some backlash from big business, but those in the know say that the rich should pay their fair share if they are buying more food than they need.

The details of the bill remain somewhat vague, but the basic framework is this: Every American buys select items at the store according to their needs and likes. From varying fruits to different vegetables, everyone picks and chooses what they want on their table. What the “Poor Man’s Kitchen” act (as it is now being called behind closed doors) would do is force every American to buy the exact same foods as everyone else. There would be a specified list, based on the best nutritional science, that would be provided to each American. This way, the food market would be narrowed to a select few items, lowering the price of production. All items would see price increases for those young and healthy enough to afford them. The money collected from the higher cost of foods would be used to subsidize those who cannot afford to eat.
Now, if any American decides to abstain from the program, they would be charged a simple fee of $95 or 1% of their income—whichever is higher

This story doesn't name names and it could easily just be a fear mongering hoax.
But it could also be for real.
Considering how intrusive the Obama administration is being, It isn't that far fetched to consider.

ATS what do you think? Hoax? Real? Far fetched? Probably coming?
edit on 10/27/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:05 PM
The USSR had something to this effect.

People stood in line to get bread.

Then they stood in line to get potatoes and vegetables. Usually it was just potatoes, beets, onions...

They stood in line for meat but it was rare. Only the politicians got the good stuff.

There was always plenty of vodka though.

The government made sure people could drink themselves into a stupor.
edit on 27-10-2013 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I am going to call hoax on this. At least I hope it is. We already have this program. It's called Food Stamps/SNAP.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:07 PM
It's metaphorical. Drawing a parallel.

There is no way it's real. In fact if you really believe it's real, then you are the sort of person who should have their food provided by the government as you clearly can't look after yourself and are dangerous to others.

Not you OP. The general 'you'.
edit on k120710bpmSun, 27 Oct 2013 12:07:34 -0500 by khimbar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

do you REALLY need to be told this is a hoax ?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:23 PM
This sounds very familiar.....


What could it be ?

I know...

The story is describing ObamaCare !!!

Just substitute a few words and you have it !!

We already know it can't work.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:29 PM

do you REALLY need to be told this is a hoax ?

Yes. And not just an O-Bot saying 'this is a hoax' because they want to defend their buddy Obama. I'd like folks to take a good look at what this says and give a reason why or why not this could be a credible leak.

Before Obamacare came about, if it had been described to Americans that the government would force them to buy a product that they didn't want - health insurance or get fined/put in jail - Americans would have said it 'has to be a hoax'. And yet, now it's sucky reality.

So yes, ATS. Is this article a hoax, or could it be a real leak from what is happening behind closed doors in DC, or is it (and this is my guess at this point) a person seeing the direction the country is going in and he's just pondering what will come next ....

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:31 PM

We already know it can't work.

Of course we know. The government screws up everything it gets it's hands on. And Obamacare is a perfect example of that. Of course, a whole lot of us knew it wouldn't work ... 'told ya' so'! (just had to

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:31 PM
I buy fresh aka "pricey" organic basics and spend LOTS of time prepping and cooking my meals...mornings are spent in my kitchen.

Only eat one meal out a week and that is "ethnic" in nature, usually labor-intensive Pho soups or well prepared Mexican dishes.

There is NO way in hell 85% of the people out there are going to shop and "do what I do" as it takes a TON of creativity, time, and effort!

Good cooking and shopping for whatever is "fresh" takes TONS of time so if you want fresh bok choy, brussel sprouts, kabocha squash, etc...sure I'll toss some your way! I can do things with kale that are gormet to the max...most people turn their nose up at it,LOL!

Sure...I'll get a huge bag of kale for you!

They want fast, salty, pre-packaged or pre-cooked groceries that can be warmed up and there are none to be found in my cart!

Even the "snacks" and "baked goods" I many make organic popcorn on the stove with non GMO butter and Himalayan salt for a weekly indulgence?

Very few.They eat chips and Doritos.I'm not buying those.

They cannot force me to buy and eat chit, sorry. I don't care who they are! I TOTALLY turned my health around a few years ago when I gave up sugar, red meat, dairy, and grains...perhaps they need to focus on a similar lifestyle instead of insisting the rest of us eat like goats (aka anything edible),

This will be as big of a failure as Obamacare for exactly the same reasons...

edit on 27-10-2013 by irishchic because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-10-2013 by irishchic because: spelling

edit on 27-10-2013 by irishchic because: aggrevation

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:33 PM
Without having done any research, as a note here, it strikes me as plausible.

No..Not the details. The details and specifics sound too extreme, at the moment anyway, for the public to accept. However, Obama has taken the cuts to the Food Stamps with good grace and let the Repubs deal that away for the recent budget deals. That struck me as odd enough to make a mental note.

Obama doesn't get the 2014 outcome he's repeatedly said he wants and needs (Pelosi back as speaker, in at least one specific statement for a wishlist) if the lower half of America is hungry and pissed off for having light dinner plates. It would be like the Washington set to let the cuts and pain settle in, and carry through the Holidays before response though.,..just so people hurt a bit more during the worst season to experience it.

....then, yes, I could see something forming a nugget of truth to this story from an inside leak (the next @wonk leak?) relaying the plan to save the poor from the evil, greedy heartless Republicans. (Which, the sorry losers happen to actually BE in this case, IMO....which makes it more viable, IMO)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:34 PM
As long as watermelon potato chips and BBQ sports drink is on the menu, no complaints.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Don't you just hate stories based only on anonymous sources? Without further information I'd like to say this is simply a hoax. Based on Michelle Obama's famous school lunch program (and flame out) it's possible the great nanny sponsors would be considering this.

Until we have some more sources this may have to stay in the limbo file. They do like to meddle though.


reply to post by badgerprints

The government made sure people could drink themselves into a stupor.

Now that's a government program I could get behind.

edit on 785pm3333pm122013 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:55 PM
I love the satire, the parallels that it draws.

I can't wait to see ObamaCar, The Affordable Car Act, or

ObamaClothes, The Affordable Attire Act, or

ObamaCuts, The Affordable Barber Act.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:58 PM

I love the satire, the parallels that it draws..

See ... don't know if the author is writing satire ... or if he is saying that he's actually spoken to politicians and that, behind closed doors, this next Obama____ act is being thought about. 10 years ago I would have immediately said 'hoax' ... but now, after Obamacare becoming reality, I don't know ... this could actually be happening behind closed doors.

Anyways, we have a thread on it now so we can talk about it in the future if it does come up.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Don't you just hate stories based only on anonymous sources?

VERY MUCH. It makes it extremely difficult to verify or debunk a story. That's something ATS does very well, so I figured I"d post the information and see what we can come up with. (if anything).

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:04 PM

I love the satire, the parallels that it draws.

I can't wait to see ObamaCar, The Affordable Car Act, or

ObamaClothes, The Affordable Attire Act, or

ObamaCuts, The Affordable Barber Act.

Hey Mr. Bunny, Obama is just bringing us what Mr. Roosevelt promised us all! A Chicken in every pot, a kitchen to put it in and a new car in the driveway to get there with. We won't own any of that ourselves of course. It'll be supplied (See pages of fine print and terms) to us for our use as loyal American citizens.

The disloyal get a chicken too, but their pot will be in an open barracks building in some remote place. Ahh well.. Our new future can't have room for those pesky patriots anyway, eh?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:18 PM
Soylent Green anyone?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Soylent Green anyone?

Excellent movie. Probably prophetic if you think about it. The Earth is being stripped of life sustaining minerals and nutrients. The oceans are sick and polluted. Where are we going to get our food and minerals and nutrients? Only one place I can think of ....

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well Flyers, before I resort to that? I'll pen pal some North Koreans and see how they make such creative use of things like tree bark and field grass to make delicious meals. Ummm... There are limits in life and even some things I'd starve before consuming. Yup... You hit the top item on that short list with no close #2.

When the neighbors are invited to dinner because they ARE dinner? I'll take a rain check.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I met a woman .. an old woman ... who was from Poland and now lives in the USA. During the Nazi occupation of Poland, she was a young woman and she was taken to the work camps. She was a slave for the nazis for years. She said that people all around her would drop dead but she was determined to live. She ate things to stay alive that she didn't think she'd ever eat. She didn't get to the point of eating people, but she was a survivor and ate things 'off the land' ... bugs and grass and stuff like that ...

It's surprising what people will eat when starving.

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