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The majority thinks Christians are judgemental and stupid

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I won't pray for someone doesn't mean I don't care about that person's wellbeing.

Actually that didn't cross my mind.

I wonder if the act of saying yes I will pray would be enough.

Get my drift?

BTW, I have witnessed many miracles.

Tumors disappear, arteries unblocked, the doctor told me my youngest was in a state incompatible for life, yet she lived, she was in a diabetic coma.

One daughter had a horrible Ganglion cysts on the top of her foot and was going to have to have it removed, when I laid my hand on it, she said she could feel the heat, within days it was getting smaller, and totally disappeared, my husband had a blockage, I laid hands on him a week later new arteries had grown around the blockage, documented.

To this day when he is sick he always lays his head on my breast, nothing is spoken.

My son had three skull fractures after being beaten with a baseball bat he was paralyzed on one side and unable to speak, the Dr. said he may never speak again, I laid hands on his head and prayed, within a few days he was speaking and out of the hospital.

My mother lived with cancer for 12 years although they said she would be dead in two.

Many have come to me for help and I have gone to many almost all say they feel something, recently a lady who has heart failure and emotional issues, A women I had never met before was brought over by a friend to my house all I did was hug her and she said she felt something pass through her, later to my friend.

Anyway I could go on and on, about the power of Prayer, and sometimes not a word is spoken, but I have to do he dishes.

I wish I could hug you.

edit on 113131p://bFriday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

I'd do the same thing I do when I go to Thanksgiving dinners and some of my relatives insist on praying over their food, bow my head, maybe hold hands with the person and sit silently waiting for the prayer to end. I never actually prayed for anything, but I gave the illusion to placate the sick person's needs.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

While I want to avoid insulting you and your religion..

I do want to say that the majority of Christians seem to prefer releasing general circumstances to the mysticism of God rather than simple explaination.

Per instance~ I once had a close call years ago when I was shooting.. Forgot to empty it, had it pointed down, foolishly pulled the trigger. 7.62mm goes in the ground inches from my feet, rocks fly everywhere. Generally lucky nothing managed to hurt me at all..

My dad saw it as "God was looking out for me and I shouldn't question it."
My opinion? I was being wreckless and stupid, and my only luck in it is that had the muscle memory to not point the gun straight at my feet. Not that this is hard or anything..

My point in that slightly winded story? There was an easy explanation to why I didn't end up limping for a year. My dad chose that God was looking out for me rather than that easy explanation.

From my point of view, it''s a somewhat dumb way to view things.

I haven't met so many judgemental christians myself, but I do tire of hearing about the evils of homosexuality from them on the news, and why gays cant marry.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

reply to post by LoneGunMan

Sorry if I missed it from your post...but how did you come to a conclusion...that...whatever you Jesus ?

You say it looked like a bright light ?

How were you saved...?


I was writing a song about my girlfriend (she is Catholic and I was a Shaman) at the time I believed Jesus was just an ascended master...a great teacher so I threw in a line "You and I living in love with Christ" thinking of Jesus as just a teacher and it happened. He appeared with this radiating empathy, love and sympathy for my lack of understanding and the feeling of total acceptance, like he knew I was misled and would find him. My knees went week and I held myself up with my guitar as I automatically went to my knees because I could not stand.

I never believed in the workings of the cross, or sin. I believed in "an it harm none, do what thou wilt" and thought if my intentions were to harm none I was good. When Christ came a knowing followed and I instantly recalled all the bad things I had done in the name of good intentions. I knew the frailty of the human experience and the amazing flexibility of the human mind to excuse itself for its own survival. I then had this ineffable knowingness that no matter what, no matter how good we are we will sin if it comes to survival. I also KNEW that the only way off the wheel of karma was to be saved by the workings of the cross and no matter what we are all sinners. We cannot just have good intentions we are not perfect and on our own will stay on the wheel of karma.

I hope this helps.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:53 AM

reply to post by ketsuko

I'd do the same thing I do when I go to Thanksgiving dinners and some of my relatives insist on praying over their food, bow my head, maybe hold hands with the person and sit silently waiting for the prayer to end. I never actually prayed for anything, but I gave the illusion to placate the sick person's needs.

The sick persons needs?

I think someone deceiving others is the sick person, not the ones praying over there food.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

what a beautiful account.

you are very blessed

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by mOjOm

Hi and thank you for your interest. I replied to another poster and it is on page 6 (should be this page) just so I am not repeating.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

Where are you people digging up your Christians?! I have never run into folks like these in my entire life.

Me either, lol

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Why do you insist on separating God? I asked why He has no name for a reason, not so you could opine about "the Christian God." You are doing your best to give Him a name where He has none. It would be easier for you had we named Him Allah or Shiva or any of the other names given to deity in other religions. But He is God, no matter what he is called, He is God.

In other words, God is a concept, not a name.

For Christians, Christ is part of God. Christ is God. And the Holy Spirit which dwells in every Christian, is God, it is the presence of God of which we speak. God is God; Christ is God; and in small way we are all God if we have His presence within. Three concepts that are all God. And if you've been paying attention, God is bigger than just Christian. It's just that I believe Christianity is His clearest message.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Thank you so much.

I really was blessed to have this experience with Yeshua. The feeling never fades, it was the most profound thing that ever happened to me.

Blessings to you Stormdancer.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by ketsuko


Wow I liked that post a lot!

Edit to add:

The great I am.

Says it all...
edit on 25-10-2013 by LoneGunMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by olaru12

the reason for the ordinary people talking in "bible speak" is an affectation to appear pious, holy and closer to God and set themselves apart from the rabble and common people.

No one does that.

You have met someone that talks in Old English, I haven't .

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:13 PM

reply to post by undo

Honestly, I would probably be a Christian if it wasn't for Christians. I like the teachings of Christ. I like the idea of loving everyone as you would love yourself ... I just don't like the religion that has consistently gone out of its way to distort that message.

The part you do not like is man made. The part you do like is of God.

The original followers of Yeshua did not call it Christianity, they called it "The way"

Try and think if it as "The way" and you take out man and follow the way.

In Christ is the way and its so beautiful. Makes me cry with joy sometimes...I love Yeshua and his way.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:17 PM

What do you expect when so many American christians today believe that democrats are devil worshippers, all gay people are child molesting scumbags, anyone not married is a freak, anyone not from America is inferior, and we can bomb the rest of the world because we think Jesus loves us more than them?

I used to be a christian, but the hypocrisy, foolishness and general lameness of so many christians is part of what led me to see that it is brainwashing.

Somehow CB you got distracted and mislead by your so called "many Christians". Not that your reasoning isn't valid from your point of view, but as a Christian, who loves Jesus Christ, I do not hold any of these false views you somehow associate with "so many" Christians. Having a narrow mind and judgmental views of others may prevent you from seeing the bigger picture. As a Christian, I am on a path to learn, grow and become the person I feel I am inside. God has helped guide and shape me along the way and I truly give Him all thanks. He deserves all respect. love, admiration and all that I am. To have seen, felt, and experienced His glory is to simply know that something wonderful awaits us, One day!

Keep an open mind. Life is what you make of it, and yes many are lost and deceived (Christians and NonChristians), but God is still True and Alive, and no man can define or represent God. We all fail, and at best we can live our lives as He would have us live.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:24 PM
Most, but not all Christians are judgemental and for the most part hypocrtical. (See Catholic priests who are supposed to be most devout are some are the biggest child molesters.) Christians are human just like me and are also prone to mistakes. But some are some of the most un-Christ-like people I've ever met while claiming to be followers. As a matter of fact I used to date a fundamental Baptist who was the most hedonistic person I ever met. I once asked her how she could reconcile some of the things she did with her professed Christian personna. She told me no matter what she did, Christ would ultimately forgive her as He would all who believed in him. So while leading a most sinful life in this realm she claimed she would sit at his right hand (if she wasn't raptured first). All in all I agree with Ghandi:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by UnBreakable

She should read the letters in Revelation. She sounds like one of the followers of the church who had Jezebel among them or perhaps one of the lukewarmers. As I mentioned before, if there actually winds up being a Rapture, she might be pretty surprised. Belief in Christ is not a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, and there are too many running around today who think it is.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by UnBreakable

You just mentioned one.

I have known Christians like this,

Me, I had a terrible time but there are some things that caused it.

Child abuse and sexual abused as a child did a lot of damage to my mind and I became really really bad, but I was always begging god to deliver me from the drugs and alcohol, I hated what I had become and I hated what I was doing.

But sometimes I wonder if I had to experience all these things to fully understand others in the same situation.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:45 PM


reply to post by ketsuko

I'd do the same thing I do when I go to Thanksgiving dinners and some of my relatives insist on praying over their food, bow my head, maybe hold hands with the person and sit silently waiting for the prayer to end. I never actually prayed for anything, but I gave the illusion to placate the sick person's needs.

The sick persons needs?

I think someone deceiving others is the sick person, not the ones praying over there food.

Hey, I never said I like doing it. I'd vastly prefer if it if the person hadn't of asked me. But in this case, I would cede my needs and wants to a sick person's desires. I feel a small deception is a small price to pay to make a sick person happier.

I don't think the holier than though act is even necessary. I'm sure you've withheld information or bent the truth a little before either to make someone a little happier or to avoid an argument. Are you married? Ever avoid a conversation or not quite tell the whole story to avoid an inevitable or uncomfortable argument?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:06 PM


These experiences and education lead me to conclude that while Christianity does offer a moral compass and social system, it is very frequently used to take advantage of people or extract their money and property. If it works for you and leads you to altruistic behaviors and other good deeds, congrats. I sincerely hope you will take the time to study technology, especially projection technology:

Most churches use that money to help those in need, no matter who they are. When you do not get government help where do people turn for food? The food banks, run by us greedy Christians. If you have educated yourself to believe what you do then further that education and go and experience that amount of volunteering that a lot of Christians are doing.

Educate yourself please.

Study technology? You do not even know me and you assume I live under a rock. Sorry but project blue beam did not cause my visit from God, it was not a hallucination from bad grain. lol this is not Salem or is it the year 1692.

edit on 25-10-2013 by LoneGunMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-10-2013 by LoneGunMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I have done horrible things in the past. Ruined my marriage thinking my intentions were good, lost my entire family. I am a sinner. I used to be a lot worse. I am as imperfect as the human condition can be. I would not call someone sick because they are thanking god for the food that is provided through God. We can cultivate but we do not create it.

After all the terrible things I have done in the past, after losing faith in all humans because I thought I was incapable of hurting others and I devastated the only person that ever truly believed in me (my wonderful ex-wife) I know now that if I am capable so is everyone else.

edit on 25-10-2013 by LoneGunMan because: (no reason given)

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