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The majority thinks Christians are judgemental and stupid

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by beegoodbees

The world would be better off with just One very simple law/creed:Harm none and help your fellow man where and when ever you can-if the human race could get on board with That one very simple thing-no formal religions would be needed,anyway-and our children would not be inheriting a nightmare world.Its so sad that the simplest thing of all,is the only thing that can lead mankind out of the darkness-sad because it is never going to happen.And yet it is the only way.Religions divide,while the simple creed I mentioned,has the potential to unite all.There would be no need for religion if everyone treated everyone else exactly the way they would like themselves+their children to be treated+spare a few bucks/some of their time to be their brother or sister's keeper.Heck,if everyone could get on board with that simple creed we would not need armies,police,overreaching draconian governments etc-it is the key to perfect sovereignty for every individual on the planet-if you can police yourself to harm none and help others where you can,according to your financial means and time-we would have a planet of sovereign citizens of Earth,without Big Brother governments having the excuse that they have to shepherd the population.The population would individually and as a collective,shepherd thenselves.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Good idea in theory, but it would never work. There are always those that want power.
There will always be those that break rules. People that govern themselves, there will then be laws and lawbreakers. Man will always have a sinful nature...

The United states was supposed to be a government that represented the people, but it never works because of mans inherent nature.

No one is perfect. No one . We all have different ideas, of what is rite, so there people will fight for what they believe to be a good thing, then you have sides, then you have war. If we were all robots, it would work,. a collective, but we are not. We are individuals.

It goes back to the curse. If we did not know what was right from wrong, then there would be no issue.
Look at the animal kingdom. They do not know rite from wrong. They do live on instinct, but they do not declare wars, they are happy to exist as they are.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

If only people would follow one law...

Perhaps some golden law...

Or rule if you will...

We would have to come up with simpler phrasing...

Make it relatable...

Easy to remember...

Something everyone can have empathy with...

Oh man I got it!

Treat people how you want to be treated...

But we should make it more I don't know , flowery to give it weight...

Maybe do onto others as you would have done onto you...

Damn why does that sound so familiar...

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:04 AM
@lonegunman .''If Christians had control of the western world .....'' 'You seem to have forgotten that until a few decades ago, christians DID have control. That was before they decided to throw it away in order to make room for laws allowing people to insult God and His messengers, under the guise of 'free speech''...... .They redefined marriage by allowing homosexuals to marry and empowered them to parade and display their sin in public... They let them allow gays to adopt children, redefining the institution of famiy. Christians who question all this are termed as 'haters'' and ''bigots''. Of course, its only ok to hate traditional family and marriage. With family and marriage redefined, it becomes completely okay to disregard the life of the unborn, which in turn was redefined as not being human. . Mysterious unelected powers have manipulated people, even christians, into accepting godlessness, homosexuality,abortion as signs of ''progress''.. Even christians have given up on their own faith - by doubting and insulting Biblical prophets and figures.... And picking only the parts that they like. Some even deny the virgin birth of Jesus. In conclusion - Christianity is in deep trouble, and christians themselves are to blame.
edit on 25-10-2013 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:29 AM
it seems relevant and inherently biblical, to think on the good, surround yourself with beauty and learning and love. by that i don't mean that you should avoid someone who you find esthetically repulsive, but rather, think beautiful thoughts --- beauty of mind. that's not only scriptural, it's from jesus' own teaching.

there's 2 underlying themes in the new testament. one theme is decidedly negative and it breeds fear, anger and judgement. the other is decidedly positive and it breeds joy, happiness and compassion. you must start with yourself on this journey, as is evident from his teaching. in effect, you must be compassionate with yourself. forgive yourself. accept forgiveness. give forgiveness. if you can't forgive you, you will ultimately fail at forgiving others. the verse regarding loving your neighbors as yourself, should be seriously examined for its awesome connotations -- you can't love your neighbor as yourself, if you dont love yourself in the first place.

yep you're gonna make mistakes, and so will your neighbor. you learn to move past your own negative issues and thus remember to allow your neighbor the same wiggle room. in this way you are building a reality for yourself, that is ultimately healthier for you and those you come into contact with.

let's assume for a moment that the pain and suffering of prophecy, is created locally and to uncreate it, you must learn to see heaven is already here. right where you are.
edit on 25-10-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

Sorry if I missed it from your post...but how did you come to a conclusion...that...whatever you Jesus ?

You say it looked like a bright light ?

How were you saved...?


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

I do see your point but perhaps you forget that before things 'modernised' for want of a better word, people used to be judged by the Church and burned to death people for believing or worse, proving scientific truths instead of the mistaken beliefs the Church taught. Other people were drowned and Christianity carried out judgement despite the fact its officials were not the elected representatives of the people and it was ruling literally by having an army of bullies.

The truths it brings direct from Christ's teachings simply fall into two simple ideals, one of which the Wiccans put just as well - 'do as you would be done by' and have a reverence for life which can be done either through having an icon such as God the father, or simply respecting the planet and all the forms of life it provides for us.

Christianity, especially through the Alpha Courses which I don't know if you had them outside the UK but they were in full swing here, taught among other things, the surrendered wife. This was for me a complete change from the teaching Christ gave when he said 'the two will become one'. That suggests to me the symbiotic side of the joining of two people and allows each to deal with the things they are the better partner to deal with. That may not be the traditional role, which seems far more to advantage the tax coffers of having a regular work force rather than the principle Christ may have had in mind.

Some Christians want to surrender everything to God and get him to deal with their lives, which is everyone's individual choice but the parable about using your talents does not follow this principle (the man who gives money to be cared for whilst he is away), so I guess the impression arrises that christians are naive etc.

Also it seems mad to me that people accept without question, usually because of conditioning whilst impressionable children everything in the bible. Not to research its truth, authors and origin which comes from a group of non-Christians seems ludicrous to me.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:44 AM

Two years ago a miracle happened.

Jesus came to me, I could actually see him but he was mostly white radiant light. The love and the empathy that radiated made my knees go out from under me and I cannot explain it I was saved.

Would you mind telling me about this in detail?? Like When, Where, and Why to the best of your ability obviously about this event.

Also, how do you know it was Jesus?? Did he speak his name?? etc, etc.

I understand if you don't want to make it all public for some reason so if it's more comfortable you can U2U me instead.

Anyway, let me know.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by amatrine

Yes,it would not work-unless in a "hive mind" type of scenario-which is not something any sane person would want either-we are our own worst enemy,it is a sad fact.Would have been so wonderful can always dream,eh?

+7 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:58 AM
Oh no! There's a war on Christians? It's the end of the world!

Christians, let me start off by saying that karma's a bitch. Sure, you may be paying for the sins of your fathers but you still show no remorse.

Since the dawn of Christianity, Christians have been at war with every petty thing that crosses their path -- including, but not limited to:

-People that were THOUGHT to be witches
-Other Christians
-"Satanic" practices like yoga and meditation
-Native American "heathens"

...and many MANY more.

So suddenly after attacking everyone and everything that doesn't fit into a very narrow Christian world view, Christians are the victims?

I don't buy it.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by benrl

yes well I'm not the one who came up with the concept-just saying-if life could have been like that,if people could live like that-it would have been like heaven on earth,compared to the current set-up.Pity it's never going to work out like that-but as a concept,it seems the only way to have a more peaceful,gentler,safer world.Because if the root is to harm no one else,and everyone felt the same way inclined-the fruit would have been a basically peaceful,friendlier world-nothing is ever perfect,but it would have been a vast,vast improvement.Well,like I said to another member,one can always dream-but this will stay a dream unfortunately,of that I am well aware,still it's a great pity.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:01 AM

Oh no! There's a war on Christians? It's the end of the world!

Christians, let me start off by saying that karma's a bitch. Sure, you may be paying for the sins of your fathers but you still show no remorse.

Since the dawn of Christianity, Christians have been at war with every petty thing that crosses their path -- including, but not limited to:

-People that were THOUGHT to be witches
-Other Christians
-"Satanic" practices like yoga and meditation
-Native American "heathens"

...and many MANY more.

So suddenly after attacking everyone and everything that doesn't fit into a very narrow Christian world view, Christians are the victims?

I don't buy it.

just out of curiosity, what is your personal world view? by that i mean, do you have a religious faith or world view that has a name, like atheist or pagan or muslim or new ager, etc?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by undo

I don't classify myself as being part of any religion, including Atheism.

I have my beliefs. I stick by them. They don't need a name.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by scolai

Your views seem to focus heavily on vengeance.

The poorest excuse is "but they did it" about the moral level of a 5 year old.
edit on 25-10-2013 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:10 AM

reply to post by undo

I don't classify myself as being part of any religion, including Atheism.

I have my beliefs. I stick by them. They don't need a name.

considering the history of christianity, and other -ity's, i don't classify myself as being akin to the history of it either, although i absolutely adore the teachings of jesus, and consider myself a follower of his teaching to the best of my ability, i make serious efforts to only embrace his positive message rather than the opposite theme that seems to lead to the kind of negativity you've pointed out. i think it's a human proclivity to make these kinds of mistakes, as is evident from history of any kind, regardless of world view, and it seems to be an optional thing to keep the fires burning on it, so i just choose not to.

there are 2 paths in scripture or in life, really. one where we choose to rise above the circumstances we were born into, mentally, physically or spiritually, and one where we do not. let it go, scolai, you'll feel better.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:19 AM
this is an example where i fell off the wagon. i mean the points were valid, but the focus was negative

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by undo

Honestly, I would probably be a Christian if it wasn't for Christians. I like the teachings of Christ. I like the idea of loving everyone as you would love yourself ... I just don't like the religion that has consistently gone out of its way to distort that message.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:39 AM
Just because your illogical faith tells you you're right doesn't mean you are.

Religion is frequently a wedge between people, and amounts to being judgmental in a real sense that you feel sorry for people who are not like you and say you'll pray for their souls and ask forgiveness for them for being mistaken because they don't believe the same things the same way you do.

Religious people of almost any faith are judgmental, whether they wish to admit it to themselves or not.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:40 AM

reply to post by undo

Honestly, I would probably be a Christian if it wasn't for Christians. I like the teachings of Christ. I like the idea of loving everyone as you would love yourself ... I just don't like the religion that has consistently gone out of its way to distort that message.

and that goes in reverse as well, love yourself as you would love others. in fact, i think he was saying that if you don't understand and love yourself first, you will have no patience for anyone else's errors. since we all have the occassional flub up, this seems entirely logical to me.

on this point in particular, you can see a clear demarcation between the negative material and the positive material. it's especially interesting how he refers to heaven existing right now, right here, where we are at, but we have trouble seeing it or imagining it or existing in it, because we're still in no-forgiveness mode (this being an artifact of the animal bodies we currently inhabit). we have trouble forgiving ourselves, much less others, and this plays a role in our inability to just let the negative view point, go.
edit on 25-10-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:59 AM
OP, I'm going to disagree with you.
The so called Christians I have encountered in my life were the MOST judgmental people I've EVER met.
Not only judgmental, but the most hypocritical.
I was raised Catholic, and no matter where I went to church, be it NY, AK, TX, FL or NC, if you weren't in the same 'social circles' they were in, they wanted NOTHING to do with you.
My expirence isn't limited to the Catholic Church, I've gone to baptist church and Episcopalian churches as well, and looked down at, both me and my son.
That's when I decided I didn't need a church to have a relationship with God. I don't need to go to a building to tell everyone, 'HEY, LOOK AT ME! I'M HERE!'
Get off your high horses and treat your brothers and sisters as equals, you're no better then me, you put your pants on the same way I do: one leg at a time.

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