So, the insanity continues to spiral out of control.
According to the website Muckrock, the Dept. of (Mis)Education is taking the madness to the next level.
In july alone, the DoE bought 30 Glock 27's and an assortment of Remmington Shotguns (with Wilson Combat Sights) in their latest attempt to "quell
One step closer to ensuring the schools of the nation are almost indestinguishable from prisons.
While on the surface some will say:
"So, what...I have more firepower in my basement?"
"At least the students will be safe."
From what exactly may I ask?
The truth of the matter is weapons kept on school property will NOT curb the occurances of gun violence in the nation's gun-free areas (a.k.a. Free
Fire Zones) and in fact will put these weapons THAT much closer to hands of a nation of youths under the effect of anti-depressant/SSRI drugs.
In addition, now we'll have stories about trigger happy security guards and teachers overreacting to a percieved (and quite possibly contrived)
threats, shooting first and asking questions later.
Is this really what anyone envisioned when they heard the words "higher education"?
I sure didn't.
The schools are not a safer place because of this.
They are instead placed in greater jeopardy by these actions.
The only way to tackle such efforts are to address the root cause of the dysfunction and not some stop-gap measure that has only the appearance of a
solution while in reality, exasterbates the problem even further.
edit on 24-10-2013 by Eryiedes because: Typo