posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:06 PM
One of the enduring mysteries I’ve encountered in my life is the phenomenon of why men don’t take female rock and pop musicians seriously. Ask
any regular woman who their favorite musicians are, and you’ll probably get a fair number of women mixed in with quite a few men. Ask a man they
same question, and it’s 100% dudes, all the way down. Occasionally, a male music critic will grudgingly admit that Patty Smith’s Horses
isn’t bad, or admit to liking some of Aretha Franklin’s work, but the average guy on the street has nothing but disinterest or contempt for female
musicians, and it astounds me. Are you telling me, guys, that there are no talented lyricists, composers or singers who happen to be women? That the
sounds that come out of a woman’s mouth cannot be soothing and beautiful?
Apparently so. I have never, ever met a fellow man who will admit to liking - or even, God forbid, purchasing - a song done by a female artist. If one
comes on the radio, the following exchange usually takes place between two guys:
Guy#1: “This song sucks.”
Guy#2 “Yeah, good thing she’s easy on the eyes.”
Whenever I make the mistake of admitting that I don’t think all female musicians are just untalented pieces of eye candy, the other guys always look
at me like I’ve just come out of the closet at a Westboro Baptist Church rally and am asking them on dates or something. (I’m not gay, BTW, and I
think being a dude and wanting a bunch of dudes to sing to you is quite a bit gayer than me liking Veruca Salt or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.)
Bono, lead singer of U2 (another band no one ever admits to liking, even though they’re all dudes), once said that the popularity of female
vocalists rested partly on the fact that the first sound that we all hear when we are born is the screaming and crying of a woman, and that we are
drawn to that on a primal level. Call me a momma’s boy, I guess.