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Student homelessness hits record high

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:55 PM
Student homelessness hits record high

Very alarming .....

Where is the end of this ?

What have the politicians been doing for the last 5 years ?

Where's the jobs ?

Where is the *Opportunity* ?

What happened to the *Hope & Change*

What's with People that come up with the 'programs' and 'statistics' ?

They get paid big money with no results

There were 1.2 million homeless students during the 2011-12 academic year, from preschool all the way through high school. That's up 10% from last year and 72% from the start of the recession, according to the most recent data available from the National Center for Homeless Education, which is funded by the Department of Education.

Advocacy groups say continuing economic struggles are causing more students to end up homeless, meaning that they live in shelters, motels, or are staying temporarily with someone else because they have nowhere to live.

Homelessness is even a problem at the college level. Duffield said 58,158 college applicants indicated that they were homeless on federal financial aid forms this year -- up from 53,705 in the previous year. And that number is likely understated as well, since many families don't realize they fall into this category or don't want to admit to it.

Student homelessness hits record high

How *Bad* do these things have to get before ........

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:11 PM
that's the result of the ever growing divide between rich and poor....eventually something has to give......

that's a lot of homeless kids,i will have to do some research and find out what the numbers are like here in aussiland and work out a percentage comparison....

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:18 PM
Homeless College Graduates join the rest of America!

What an awful waste of tens of thousands of dollars on just one year of 'study', yet millions of American kids are still rewarding the college sham.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Nothing will.

Economic structure is changing, food prices are going to increase as most of our jobs are outsourced to overseas ans to machines.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:33 PM
Hope and change??? I don't mean to derail this thread, but here's my take. Put one of your hands in your pocket, the one you normally keep change in. Put the other one under your butt hole. Tell me which one of your hands filled up first after a day or so. Sheople are suckers for false hope. Wasn't that what got left 'behind' in Pandora's box?

My son dropped out of college after three years and joined the Army. Thankfully, he's out in less than two weeks. Doesn't have any real job prospects, but they need help on the oil rigs. My daughter is a senior this year. I told her to stop 'hoping' for her shot at medical school. With a mere 15% acceptance rate! the odds are not good. Fortunately, her studies have her at a point where she can stay in school for an extra year and come through with a dual major in biology and chemistry. She was in tears just a few minutes ago over what that's costing me and her mom, but parents have to do what they can.

Considering where I live, there's not much we can do but pay her dorm costs. What that (dorm) sets me back is MORE than the sum total of my annual costs to attend college back in the '80s. It's a racket, but sniveling about it won't keep a roof over her head. I'm not happy supporting the liberal infrastructure that is college today, but at least both of my kids understand and ascribe to conservative values.

Anyone's hands smell like poop yet? How's that Hope and Change working out for ya?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:27 AM

Student homelessness hits record high

Very alarming .....

Where is the end of this ?

What have the politicians been doing for the last 5 years ?

Where's the jobs ?

Where is the *Opportunity* ?

What happened to the *Hope & Change*

What's with People that come up with the 'programs' and 'statistics' ?

They get paid big money with no results

There were 1.2 million homeless students during the 2011-12 academic year, from preschool all the way through high school. That's up 10% from last year and 72% from the start of the recession, according to the most recent data available from the National Center for Homeless Education, which is funded by the Department of Education.

Advocacy groups say continuing economic struggles are causing more students to end up homeless, meaning that they live in shelters, motels, or are staying temporarily with someone else because they have nowhere to live.

Homelessness is even a problem at the college level. Duffield said 58,158 college applicants indicated that they were homeless on federal financial aid forms this year -- up from 53,705 in the previous year. And that number is likely understated as well, since many families don't realize they fall into this category or don't want to admit to it.

Student homelessness hits record high

How *Bad* do these things have to get before ........

Two years ago me and my family was homeless for 9 months living in a hotel room. There was four of us in one room.

The more i looked for work or even a house the harder it was to find anything.So for almost a full year me and my family had nothing.

Even after i found a job there was no help to find housing.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Snarl

Seriously - have your daughter stay at home and get a 2 year nursing degree - it's a great part-time job - starting at least $20.00 an hour - depending what part of the country you live in.

She will get very good experience to go to medical school - and be able to have flexible hours to work in the summer and fulfill her dream.

And, hopefully, the idiots in the country will be gone and having a medical license will be worth the time and energy she will have put into it.

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