reply to post by Conspiracyskeptic
put a waypoint marker where you want to go, then follow the marker on your compass at the top of the screen.
Otherwise, if you're using a PC, hit the ~ key, type TCL, hit enter, and 'fly'.
To turn clipping back on, just ~ and type TCL again.
FYI, the treasure maps are just levelled loot and aren't worth more than anything you already pick up in dungeons. They're of more role-playing value
than what you get out of them.
If you're playing PC, stop playing and download all the eye candy mods, additional equipment, interface options, companions, player homes, new
playable races, hairstyles, tattoos, clothing, armor, city beautification and expansions, crafting overhauls, inventory sorters, and other stuff over
Skyrim Nexus.
Be sure to get SKSE, the Nexus Mod Manager, and BOSS so all the mods work.
Additionally, it's highly recommended yo at the very least get the Dawnguard DLC, as well as Heathfire and Dragonborn.
edit on 10/24/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)