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Glastonbury Teens Arrested After Parents Come Home Early To Find Party Underway

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:48 PM
GLASTONBURY — Two Glastonbury High School students were arrested after their parents came home early from a weekend trip and found a party going on at their house, police said.

When, precisely, did parents start depending on the POLICE DEPARTMENT to assist in their parenting?

Whatever happened to laying a groundwork, LONG before something like this happened, to establish the knowledge and the cognitive notion that you do NOT do something like this when your parents were not home?

My father would have tanned my ass and hung it to dry. I'm sorry. These are not parents, these are people who clearly should never had children in the first place. They made a mess out of their children. They need to be the ones to clean it up. They need to take responsibility and OWN UP to the fact that THEY created the little terrors that felt it was OK to act out something they saw in a movie, disrespect their home, and disrespect their parents in the process.

But hey, call the cops. The schools do it. Why shouldn't a "parent" ?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:59 PM
I was thinking about what would happen if my parents would've come home early on one of the days I threw a party.
My father wouldn't have called the cops. In fact, if I got caught throwing a rager, I would probably WISH they called the cops.

Im glad I never got caught, because it would've been a beating like no other.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

This day n age parents know kids are more scared of the police then they are of them.

So I guess some use that to there advantage.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:08 PM


GLASTONBURY — Two Glastonbury High School students were arrested after their parents came home early from a weekend trip and found a party going on at their house, police said.

When, precisely, did parents start depending on the POLICE DEPARTMENT to assist in their parenting?

Whatever happened to laying a groundwork, LONG before something like this happened, to establish the knowledge and the cognitive notion that you do NOT do something like this when your parents were not home?

My father would have tanned my ass and hung it to dry. I'm sorry. These are not parents, these are people who clearly should never had children in the first place. They made a mess out of their children. They need to be the ones to clean it up. They need to take responsibility and OWN UP to the fact that THEY created the little terrors that felt it was OK to act out something they saw in a movie, disrespect their home, and disrespect their parents in the process.

But hey, call the cops. The schools do it. Why shouldn't a "parent" ?

So let me get this straight... It's the parents that are responsible, not the kids. You are saying that kids should not be responsible for their own decisions and should not suffer the consequences of their actions. That is exactly what is wrong with the world today. The abdication of personal responsibility.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:11 PM
CT isnt a real place. It's an artificial set full of actors and extras living out a bizarre anti-fantasy.

A more horrible state populated by more horrible people I can not imagine.

Well, not exactly. There is Massachusetts and California and New York and New Jersey, etc..
edit on 24-10-2013 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

Why not call the cops? It's THEIR house. Most likely alcohol was involved. Which is ILLEGAL to minors. We all know drugs were most likely involved also. I would of called the cops too, teach his ass a lesson.
edit on 24-10-2013 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:19 PM
You don't need the police to teach your child a lesson.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:22 PM

I was thinking about what would happen if my parents would've come home early on one of the days I threw a party.
My father wouldn't have called the cops. In fact, if I got caught throwing a rager, I would probably WISH they called the cops.

Im glad I never got caught, because it would've been a beating like no other.

So, you're saying your parents didn't raise you well enough to not have the parties in the first place -- you just didn't get caught... just kidding ya. Kids will be kids, and teens are as dumb as they come. Anyone who thinks they have the perfect teen who would never do this kind of thing, because they "raised them right" is a very naive parent. A smart parent would have had web cams set up in the house, so they could watch the kids. A REALLY smart parent would let the kid know the web cams are there. Talk about a deterrent!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:24 PM
If the parents didn't call the police and one of the party goers drives and kills someone then the police would have arrested the parents. I think these parents did the right thing now no one will go there to party any more.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:29 PM
Bringing the cops into a family issue is a dangerous game. Once they're called you cant take it back.

FAmily calls 911 for medical help, cops kill son

Mother calls cops after child opens gifts early. They charge him with larceny.

It no light matter to call the cops.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:31 PM

I was thinking about what would happen if my parents would've come home early on one of the days I threw a party.
My father wouldn't have called the cops. In fact, if I got caught throwing a rager, I would probably WISH they called the cops.

Im glad I never got caught, because it would've been a beating like no other.

Same thing would have happened to me, if my father would have been able to catch me first.

That said, these days it's illegal to beat your kids, so they don't learn to fear their parents.
Parents aren't even allowed to spank, how do you discipline a teenager, other than taking away privileges?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:32 PM
it is illegal for children to have a party at there own house?

i could see asking for help if some of the attendees were drunk and had cars. There probably isn't a law that requires that action though. Might be open to a civil suit.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by SadistNocturne

I agree with it being a parenting fail, but calling the children little terrors??? These were 15,16 year-olds - highschool.

Even though it might be illegal (not encouring illegal action), you have to put yourself to kids shoes.

Here the laws differ, 18 is the legal age to consume alcohol, but according to statistics, 77% of under 15 year-olds have tried alcohol and 41% been drunk, under 18-year olds (93% and 89% respectively). I do not justify underage drinking, but if remembering back for me all of that started pretty much the same age. From 15-18 there were parties nearly every weekend (F&S), after its was much calmer for me, although occasionally (once/twice, sometimes more a month) I still went out.

This is a problem, although when looking at kids perspective, during puberty, when the hormones are affecting the behaviour, friends/girls (opposite sex) become very important, social pressure ( reasonably affecting, no strong drugs! ), curiosity (as most adults already drink occasionally).

This might be wrong but it is not abnormal and when putting yourself in their shoes, it is understandable, even though it might be illegal.

If these were my kids, police would have definite NO. Just a little talk and smaller punishment(no money for couple of weeks (more if something was broken) and grounded for similar period) to ensure it would happen in the future. If happens again, tougher punishment, but definitely no violence. I see that as never justified.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:50 PM

I was thinking about what would happen if my parents would've come home early on one of the days I threw a party.
My father wouldn't have called the cops. In fact, if I got caught throwing a rager, I would probably WISH they called the cops.

Im glad I never got caught, because it would've been a beating like no other.

And funny, being your children's "friend" tends to bite you in the ass when it comes time to be a parent. Suddenly, you realize that you are truly powerless. That you have no other choice but to "call the police".

It's a pretty damned sad situation. I feel bad for the vast majority of today's kids.

You know, a little tiny 100lb italian lady taught me everything I know about training dogs. The single most important thing she ever said to me was "You can love them all you want, AFTER you get their respect and obedience. This is the FIRST love they understand. It is also the first love they NEED."

Whenever I mention that to me, raising a child is little different from raising a puppy, I get the queerest look from people. And then begins the indignation. The "OMG, how could you POSSIBLY compare raising your CHILD to that of raising a DOG?".....And oddly enough, a few years later, those are the kids you see on leashes in stores because the parents cannot control them or trust them to stay at their side while they shop.

My dog always stays with me. So do my children. I don't need a leash.

I certainly don't need the police.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

In Massachusetts if you ever ever lay a hand on your child you will find YOUR butt in jail.

I think that answers the ops question.

To add spice to the information, GUESS WHO is behind it?
The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960


Past research into the mental hygiene movement in Canada and the United States has tended to view it in isolation from co-temporary projects funded by Rockefeller philanthropy, such as mass communications research. The mental hygiene campaign aimed to modify adult-child relations by reducing the influence parents and teachers held over children’s personality development; the central aim of mass communications research was the development of conformity of opinion. One a project of social engineering, the other of social control, the two projects combined appear to have possessed considerable potential to work in concert to shift weight in the socializing matrix from families and schools to the media at the outset of the post-World War II baby boom.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:14 PM

So let me get this straight... It's the parents that are responsible, not the kids. You are saying that kids should not be responsible for their own decisions and should not suffer the consequences of their actions. That is exactly what is wrong with the world today. The abdication of personal responsibility.

Yepp, you've got it straight, but only to a certain point.

The parents ARE responsible for laying down the proper groundwork and foundation of respect and good behavior in their children. The parents are responsible for instilling in their children the idea that certain actions are 100% unacceptable by them. The parents are responsible for showing their children that they, the parents, will follow through with appropriate reaction and punishment in response to the children's behavior.

Apparently, these children learned that hey, as long as the cats away, we can get away with playing.

My parents made it perfectly clear that we would never know exactly when they'd be home. My parents made it perfectly clear that family friends would occasionally drive by and let them know if anything was going on that shouldn't have been going on. My parents would call to check in on us. My parents made their expectations of our behavior perfectly clear before they left. If we were allowed guests, it was predetermined who we were allowed to have over, how long, and when they should be gone by. My parents also had agreements with the neighbors that they would occasionally come over to look in on us and they would return the favor for the neighbors children as well.

As time went by, and our parents knew they could trust us, they ceased some of the measures they were taking to check in on us. Not only did it make US feel good that we were trusted, but it made our PARENTS feel good that they had done the right thing, and raised trustworthy children who did as they were told, and behaved.

We were also taught that if we simply were adult enough to ASK for things we wanted, say, to have a certain number of friends over, guess what? Particularly once we had *earned* their trust, we were allowed to do these things we wanted, and so much more.

I'm sorry, but the average parent today has been sold a load of crap on what it means to be a parent. It is the PARENT'S responsibility to instill values, discipline, good behavior, and respect in the child. Without this coming from the parents, the children know absolutely no better.

When a parent has not done these basic things, then yes, they end up needing to call the police. As sad as it is.

Sad that you see this as a case of the children "abdicating responsibility". In all reality, it was the PARENTS who abdicated THEIR responsibility to the children.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:20 PM

reply to post by SadistNocturne

Why not call the cops? It's THEIR house. Most likely alcohol was involved. Which is ILLEGAL to minors. We all know drugs were most likely involved also. I would of called the cops too, teach his ass a lesson.
edit on 24-10-2013 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

Good luck with that.

I'm glad to see you're well prepared to raise your own children.

But let me ask you this. If you had minor children, and you had even the slightest inkling that they could not be trusted, would you really simply leave them alone to their own devices?

You see, that is where being a parent comes into the picture. It also means being an adult, and accepting the responsibility that you cannot simply leave under age children alone by themselves, as they may do such a thing. Particularly if you have not given them the chance to earn trustworthiness (see my other posts, not going to waste my breath her re-hashing that topic). Particularly if you are not prepared as an adult to have contingency plans in place to make certain that your children ARE actually behaving.

Children are a responsibility. They require supervision. The idea that you can simply leave them alone for X period of time, and then be upset because they did something wrong or even illegal is ridiculous. It is the parents fault that this occurred. It was the PARENT who DECIDED to leave the child ALONE.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:38 PM
Damn Sadist, puttin people on blast.
I agree with everything you say. My parents had very similar style.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:51 PM

it is illegal for children to have a party at there own house?

i could see asking for help if some of the attendees were drunk and had cars. There probably isn't a law that requires that action though. Might be open to a civil suit.

First of all, and I do not believe that I even HAVE to begin to explain this, but the children do not OWN the house. It is NOT their house. It belongs to their PARENTS.

Their parents OWN everything that child would like to think of as their property.

If the child purchased something with their own money (money that they earned while working a part time job, outside of the family), guess what, it is still their parents, when compared to the true cost of raising a child compared to the paltry sum that child has earned.

So, no, this should have never, ever been *allowed* to happen in the first place.

Through inaction, through not being effective parents, the parents *allowed* their children to have this occur.

And then the parents were so pointless in their roles and responsibilities as parents, all they could do was call the cops.

Sorry, zero empathy here for the "parents"...or as they should be referred to, "biological material donors and biological incubator".

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Cabin

Funny I keep hearing that from parents these days >>>>

"Oh they are stressed" and " Its their hormones" ....LOL!!

# Stress and hormones were never heard of or mentioned when I was growing up!

# Nor when I brought up my three daughters

# And not even talked about/blamed by them when bringing up their own children!

Just wondering are 'stress and hormones' some new disease or an excuse for

bad behaviour?

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