posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 09:41 AM
So I've finally decided to join ATS.
I've read a fair few threads in the past couple of years or so. Many of them have really captured my attention even in topics I never thought I'd
find interesting. The amount of research and information on display in these forums has, at times, astounded me!
I decided to join mainly because I feel it's time for me to try and contribute to the cause. I've delved into a number of conspiracy topics during
my time lurking the ATS forums and witnessed some of these theories become evident in my day to day life. I suppose that's what keeps me coming back
to this site. Some of the things I've been introduced to here have started to ring true to me. And there is always more information to be found,
although it can take some time to find it!
Anyway,Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm glad we got it out of the way