posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by GreyGoo
There are radicals in every society, they get labelled racists because of their beliefs or political views and is usually started by a 2nd party using
a topical fear has kindling to start their movement or own political agenda.
Just been on YouTube watching video's on the EDL in the UK, pretty much the same crap, inciting hate and violence feeding off peoples ignorance and
fear. Usually taken on by people who not are well educated or poorly informed of the whole issue to make a sensible decision.
But it is amazing to see this kind of blind hatred on a other wise peaceful members of the country.
On one side of the coin, i can see the argument for a country to try and protect it's borders again'st an influx of refugees and be worried about it's
economic welfare.
But on the other side of the coin, to incite hate and violence against a non-violent group of individuals that is only going to provoke a reaction
sooner or later.
I really can't believe that the Jewish people act like this. I would of thought that they of all people would know what to is like to be victimized
and be targeted in such away.
Or have they forgotten about Hitler and think he was a made up fantasy figure? Bogeyman?!
What would they do if the rest of the world suddenly decided to remove every person of Jewish background from their county or put them into detention
P.s perhaps Hitler had the right idea.... sheeze now that's a shameful thing to say
edit on 25-10-2013 by panicman66 because:
edit on 25-10-2013 by panicman66 because: (no reason given)