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Watch the video the New York Times didn't Want You to See

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by KrzYma

First, do you have any clue how small Israel is? 7 miles wide at points!!!!! They can not take in a million Africans because a million more would be right behind them. This is just another attempt by the Arabs to make Israel suffer and look bad. Do you see any videos about how the Arabs caused this problem written or posted online by the N.Y. Times? Do you see any videos blaming the Arab nations that the Africans had to leave or walk through being blamed? NO!!! This is Islamic propaganda at its best. I would be pissed if I was an Israeli and my government did not export these Africans right back where they came from. Do you see Miami, Florida taking in a million Haitians in one shot? Hell no because we Floridians have had enough of them already.

What the guy is saying by not letting them in because it would no longer be a Jewish nation is, How many children do you think they would have in 10 years? in 20 years they would outnumber Jewish people.

Its just like the Mexicans invading the U.S.!!! We do not want them here at all. They are a drain on our tax dollars and medical systems. I even bet Israel would be blamed for helping these people by bombing the crap out of the Islamic whack jobs that forced them out of Sudan. Radical Islamist can always come see my middle fingers flying at them, that or my bullets. Scum of the earth, their will be no peace till they are gone.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:34 PM

reply to post by KrzYma

Irrespective of all other Israeli arguments, i can see their (normal citizens) point of wanting to preserve the nation they worked hard building up. If you strip it down to fundamentals and compare it to your own house; you worked hard a long time to buy it, you work hard to decorate it, you work hard each day to keep it nice. You really don't want squatters just moving in. It isn't about racism, it is about not being taken advantage of which unfortunately, here in the UK is something that has happened because we have leaders who are weak and money-driven.

All that said, the language and threats they used against the Africans was disgusting.

You kidding ?, the Israelies are the only squatters I see on those lands. If you ask me Israel is a disgusting hateful nation that have quickly forgotten what happened to them during world war 2, they gobble up the propaganda that is fed to them like it's there last meal.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:03 PM
all I see here is a the jewish people setting themselves apart from the human race because they clearly view themselves as better....that video shows the divide that is being advocated....the racism in that video is just plain sad.....whats worse is anyone who advocates this behaviour is simply promoting hate and indifference.....

when will people realise that we all bleed red blood,this kind of behaviour shows me that Hitler should have done a better job eliminating such a hatefull race....the world would be a better place without these kinds of people...that video made my stomach turn

Jewish schools here in Australia have armed security I know why....what a sad state of affairs....

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:38 PM

reply to post by buster2010

When Israel goes around telling other counties how they should let immigrants in and become more multi cultural then they can practice what they preach.


Israel has a right to secure its border just as every other nation. We are free to make suggestions but its Israel’s call. Period.

A fence is a stupid idea.
In your opinion…

We have fences on the borders in places now and it doesn't slow them down one bit.
We don’t have a fence around our border…that’s the problem.

Fences work just fine in prisons. I don’t hear of many breaches; certainly not the millions of breaches experienced on our national borders.

How about a better COMPLETE fence and manned machine gun nests? That's legal....ask Korea.

Meh, other countries are going to do what they're going to do. Im not influenced. All I'm sayin is if we're going to put up a really huge fence, we should make an aqueduct out of the top of it.

O.o Might as well catch water and transport it across the southern states that need it. Yeeeehaw Water and immigration legislation for all yall. You guys think I'm jokin huh... I'm not jokin. O.o

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:46 PM
So this is what Americas best freind look like? Couple this with Americas foreign policy and I can understand why America is hated so much. Has the time not come for real Americans to say or do something...

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:54 PM
Wow that had a lot of NAZI in it. Political gangs roaming the streets, elitist racism, concentration camps.

I don't think they should be afforded the sympathy of the victim. Not when they're so adept at subjecting others to the horrors they endured.

I guess the chosen people must fart perfume

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:24 PM

I have worked hard my entire life, been a volunteer firefighter but because I am a white male I do not get a leg up? At all?

I am a black male and I don't get any "leg up" either. As a matter of fact, I have to work twice as hard and be twice as good just to garner any consideration in the field that I'm in...

I digress, back on topic; This does not surprise me at all. I don't think it is solely racist, although the undertones ring clear, but it is mostly religious. They feel as if they'll lose their country if they let too many non-Jewish immigrants into the land; on top of that African immigrants most of which are more than likely Muslim.

I used to want to visit Israel one day to see some of the historic sites there, but I think I'll pass. Probably would not be welcome there anyway.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Lumpy79

America of course has elements in our country who wish to preserve our national image by keeping Mexicans out. But our nation is really a nation of immigrants and different cultures working together. I think in the end that's just going to be the way the world works now. We're not going to be able to have such homogeneous countries anymore.

It's much more likely that the world will become more like the United States with many cultures mixing together. You can still preserve your culture while being neighbors with other cultures. They will evolve and change over time as all cultures do. It's just impossible to prevent in our technological era.

And when you can only prevent it by building prison camps and deporting war refugees like common criminals you're clearly fighting a losing battle.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:14 PM
One thing that struck with the video, is the amount of hatred the people had for another human being... just sickening...

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by KrzYma

This is what happens when you combine fear, selfishness and a lack of accountability!
IMHO Israel will become as bad as the Nazi threat which first herded them into camps and
then exterminated this so called threat to their Aryan state! Is this any different? We shall see!
Though i'm guessing it wont be! As human beings seem to grow technologically we also
seem to degrade as much socially! May God have mercy on all the victims of this kind
of discrimination and may justice rein down on all those without mercy! May we be judged
as harshly as we have judged!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Kamza

I couldn't agree more.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour. We are all humans and aside from the very small differences around the world, we are all the same.

Maybe someday, we'll understand that...

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:48 AM
When one looks at Israel's Jewish and non-Jewish birth rates, its death rates, its immigration figures and its emigration figures, it is difficult to see how it can survive as a "Jewish" state.

When one realizes that the Jewish diaspora is larger than the Jewish population of Israel it is apparent that most Jews see Israel as an emergency escape rather than as a place to live.

It all adds up to a very precarious state of affairs which goes a long way toward explaining some of the extreme behaviour seen in the video. It doesn't excuse it, but it does explain it.

I have nothing against either Jews or Israel. I think there should be a Jewish "homeland" and the UN has recognized the State of Israel over and above that.

That being said, it is clear that enemies of Israel may be fussing about a problem that is slowly but surely being solved in the maternity wards and airports of the country.
edit on 25-10-2013 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:14 AM
Jews,Brits,Aussies,Mericans,nobody seems to want the black ones.....or the brown, or the different religions and cultures these strangers bring......
We just apear to want to exploit their resouces, by using their own cheap labour, AND PROFIT FROM THE MISERY WE CAUSE THEM....
And if anyone has the guts to protest, we bomb the # out of them....
We and the Israelis are simply creating the future blow back for ourselves and our children.
We will reap what we have sown, as will Israel........

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:25 AM


reply to post by PLAYERONE01

Why do you think Israel has to let Africans into their country?

I don't think any nation HAS to let people in. Don't nations get to determine their own immigration laws? Are we to impose our morality on them against the will of their own people? It's their country and their decision.

BiBi mentioned building a fence and deporting those who entered his country illegally. I WISH elected officials in US took our national security this seriously. I'm not against immigration but there has to be order. Mobbing in isn't least it shouldn't be.

edit on 23-10-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

Yea, if anyone has a right to control what goes on and who is in their country it is Israel. And with countries wanting to wipe them off the map i can't blame them for any tactic they take to protect their country.

I say do what you have to do. I think we should mine the border, you better believe that will work. I am sick of all this BS about immigration. If you are here illegally you have to go, period, get at the back of the line and do it the right way. Secure the border, the ancient Chinese did it, we can surely build an electric fence. Charge it with thousands of volts and between that and mines, nobody gets in.

And nobody gets out either, turning people prisoners of the lands in which they were born (that's what only letting people in and out by legal means essentially means). Oh yeah, while turning the borders into war zones I forgot to add. Jesus, you need to think about what you're saying before writing your posts.

Is that extreme, yea, but so is the drag on our economy by illegals. The jobs they take, the taxes they don't pay etc etc etc. People act like it is rocket science, it's not. We can seal the border and we should. There already is a legal way to get into this country.

The Bot

Why don't you better first concentrate on fixing an economic system that was designed to fail from the very start and then worry about the tiny little damage those illegals do to it in comparison (if they actually do any damage at all, something which is debatable at best)? Simply kicking out the illegals won't fix the problem (unless your issues with them are some other than the economy).

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:42 AM

reply to post by PLAYERONE01

Why do you think Israel has to let Africans into their country?

I don't think any nation HAS to let people in. Don't nations get to determine their own immigration laws? Are we to impose our morality on them against the will of their own people? It's their country and their decision.

edit on 23-10-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

You think the ones letting them in to America are doing it to be nice? The ones in control in America want them in to diversify the consumers available and provide and cheap source of labor. We need to take our argument and political power up against those writing policy as well as those passing it.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:47 AM

reply to post by PLAYERONE01

Ah the stupid things religion makes people do i cant wait for the day the major religions vanish. If Christianity Islam and Judaism were gone the world would be alot more peaceful.

Sorry to tell you, but religion doesn't make people do stupid things, most people simply are stupid by default.

And the world would probably be even worse without religion. At least religion gives people something to occupy their minds about that usually doesn't involve hurting others (in fact, most of the times its the complete opposite). Its just extremists that usually end up ruining something for everyone else. But by all means, you can keep making judeo-christian religion the scapegoat, too bad that's never going to accomplish anything.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:32 AM
I have found another documentation about immigrants, this time on Lampedusa, Italy
very interesting as it shows what happens in the immigration caps...
how the infiltrates think is also... interesting

hmm... I don't know why the link doesn't work... here the link in text form

edit on 25-10-2013 by KrzYma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:19 AM
Just another radical act in the name of religion. Something that has happened many, many times before.

Of course they don't want other people to come into their country. They want to try and "preserve" what they already have in there. In other words, they only want Jewish people.They think that they are the chosen ones, and generally feel superior than others.

Sure, it's fair to say they can handle immigration the way that they want. But doing it out of blatant racial hatred, that's not a good excuse to not do it if you ask me.


Now that I think about it, I think I understand why they are this way now in Israel. I'm sure that history will show that the world hasn't been very kind to the Jews. And I guess after so long of abuse, I suppose it just manifested into heavy bitterness. It's almost like their paranoid now. They don't want "outsiders" around. And a lot of abuse like that could lead to some seclusion and self-dependency.

My quick two cents at least.

edit on 25-10-2013 by Lingweenie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by TikkunAlex

I suppose stealing land and building a wall around Palestinian is not a crime in your perspective? Sure, there within 'Nation States' there needs to be a steam valve- but many will not see the Immigration debate within this video- many will see the seething hatred and an OUT OF CONTROL exceptional-ism and hypocrisy in this video- this would be me.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:59 AM
I think if the g-v makes it easy for them then what happens is word gets back to there friends and family back home. next thign you know you got 100 times the people showing up. And it turns into a mess. Also if you saw tons of drifters everywhere and anywhere it would start to be a bit of a burden on your daily life as well. Like you might try and help some but you can't help them all so eventually it could even be a strain on yoru own resources if you're not careful. And if they get too desperate they might turn to crime. I think anyone would get ticked off if a huge new race of people just showed up illegally. Like I said how many of them can you realistically help?

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