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lol! Thank you I think....
I was, in my own way, agreeing to the O.P.
I DO believe it was NOT done that way by accidental design.
i also believe it was done or used to symbolize something more than, " All 3 fingers of equal length had to be shown."
Firstly, the FOUR fingers may be equal length, the thumbs are still shorter.
Secondly, I also do NOT believe it to be an, " Optical illusion."
Thirdly, I do not buy into the idea that it was done by," A less talented Artist especially in smaller Cities."
I love Art. It has ALWAYS been my 1st passion. I'm just not good enough to sell all the different types I've done.
Best money I made was from doing characters at small fair type events lol!
Actually, I have sold a few paintings during my lifetime, and sporadically, for quite a pretty penny lol!
My late Dad was famous as in, he was famous during his lifetime for mainly his very detailed, usually themed rock Sculptures, though he did do some
life sized ones, le' The 2 Buffalo on each side of the entrance to our legislative building, soldiers, miners, etc.
My late Mom designed clothing for Macy's and Bloomingdale's before starting her own line called, " Babe. ' She did a few other forms of Art as
well from decorating cakes to doing portraits.
I also love mysteries and always have, my favorite form of mysteries are usually about Art. All kinds, I would love to go to Egypt among other
various Countries or just places, for the Art alone. To admire and study.
Sigh! Why couldn't I have ever been rich?
Both of my parents and most family were all good musicians and singers as well. I lack that though I try still... lol!
There MUST be a better, more logical explanation to the OP's mystery. Still. Someplace, Hopefully Egypt. Apparently, origins are another mystery
And the old saying was," If one's right hand itches, money will be paid from it, if one's left hand itches, money will be paid into it."
I figure most Roman Catholic beliefs are stole from many of the oldest religious beliefs. ie; " The Ascended will sit at God's right hand."
I think I was one of the last generations in Canada at least, to in up to the end of grade 2, to have had left handedness beaten, er... punished,
being told using the left hand is work of," The Devil." Oooooh
One theory could be that the Roman Catholics Stole the whole concept, and reversed it as they have many older beliefs. Could have originated an
Original Osiris, Isis & Horace thing. That people ascended, would sit at their left hand.
SOMETHING tells me that it IS Religious in nature and the truth of it known but hidden until needed. Somehow.
Would the oldest Egyptian Artists know anything about it from teaching of their Art? I would think so.
Maybe the truth stays hidden due to religion and the possible wars of a Country already at unrest, needs to keep hidden?
I believe the truth of it is known. Just not to us. Which also begs a big," Why?"
Although the student may be correct and we just can't accept her answer as it kills enticing intrigue>