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Mainstream journalists expose 9/11 hoax

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:30 PM


whatever do you mean...?? Last I heard...he is named as one of the hijackers, right ? Than he must have gone through some some airport...or are you saying he boarded the plane in mid flight?

Thats amazing. Even though i explained it to you here:


Atta went through security in Portland, flight 11 was a connecting flight he did not need to go through Dulles security.

You still can't figure it out.

I have truthers demanding I show them video of Atta going through Dulles security, when the fact is,Atta never went through Dulles security.

As for the hijackers still being alive. The FBI released some names and few photos on Sept 17 and there was some confusion about their identities. On Sept 27 the FBI released their full identities Name/photo/birthdate/nationality/aliases/places of residence/ect ...ending all confusion.

Do you have any evidence of the hijackers still being alive dated after 9/27/2001 ?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:05 PM

reply to post by wmd_2008

don't you lot get tired of your crusade for the OS? it's a rather sad spectacle. always the usual suspects (ALWAYS). always the tired repetition of falsehoods. full marks for effort i suppose but man, the 9/11 OS gang here are a continual source of annoyance to me. we all know who they are, and they're why i rarely post in 9/11 threads anymore. just too damn irritating.

ho hum.

Funny I am sure YOU turn up to quote your misunderstanding of events on a regular basis or am I wrong!!!!
edit on 25-10-2013 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:31 PM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

To be honest, most of us already feel there is nothing to debate. Thats why most of us don't bother posting in 9/11 threads. The loudest and most persistent people in this particular forum are the OS parrots. The rest of us don't even bother because it's obvious if you still buy the OS after 12 years, you will not be persuaded to change your mind. Ever

This is WHAT I buy 2 planes hit the towers, structural damage was caused , fires started , thermal loadings were induced in the structure which caused further stress the collapse then initiated resulting in huge dynamic loads and the rest is history.


Steel structure design DID NOT look at the loadings caused by fire until a few years AFTER 9/11 only basic assumptions were made before it.

Many on here with NO repeat NO construction background make assumptions on what they think should happen some on the other hand have worked in the industry for many years some of us even with STRUCTURAL STEELWORK companies.

Why is that $/£100's of millions are spent world wide PROTECTING steel structure from fire ?

Why is it that if the Twin Towers were supposed to be so resistant to aircraft impacts that the Freedom Tower is of a very different design STRUCTURALLY.

There are many other assumptions made on here by people that have no experience of construction it's
like people on some of the Mars/Moon rock threads claiming a rock can't be natural until you show them something similar on Earth or how some on the ufo forums watch a video and say that object reach x thousand miles per hour when they don't have enough information to work that out.

As for eye witness accounts of sounds etc I wonder how many on here have NEVER embellished a story when they were the centre of attention.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:27 PM

reply to post by AussieDingus

Read this sentence carefully

Atta ..... never .....went ..... through

Where is your evidence of proven identity theft and the hijackers are still alive.

Thank you for typing very slowly, but maybe I should return the favour to you. I never said which airport he boarded at, I said the picture used has been confirmed as being from a another day at a different airport. I don't know how much slowly I can type to point that out to you !
It was an OLD photo used to try and tie Atta to the scene. This was even later admitted by one of the networks that aired the pic. Maybe you should contact them and type slowly for an answer ?

Where is my evidence of proven identity theft, well for you to ask that would suggest that your research into 9/11 is very basic to say the least. All the information is available for those that choose to look deeper than an official story [lie] would have you believe. When people with provable cases, and paper trails of stolen identity then have their identity used in a terrorist attack but then come out after the event, still alive and can prove that their identity was used, then I ask you, where is your evidence that they didn't have their identity stolen ?

Maybe you should read that last sentence very carefully ?

And where is your evidence that Saddam had WMD ? Seen as that was the official line giving for including Iraq, which Bush Jnr even admitted had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Yet you seem to believe every other official line your Government feeds you, so why would they lie about the WMD's that were never found ? You demand evidence from me, when its already readily available for those that wish to seek it, yet you use a lie as justification of an official story.

If you still, over 10 years later, still can't see that the US government and its allies needed an 'event' to then trigger all the new laws, acts etc that do NOTHING to stop a terrorist, but strip everyday US citizens of their rights bit by bit. And isn't the lies about Iraq just further proof of the fact they needed an 'event' for these things to be activated.

If I lied to you everyday, if would only take you a few days of this before you stopped listening to me or believing what I said, yet the US government lies to your face every single day, yet you still believe their fantasy story over 10 years later. How many more times do people with mentalities like yours have to be stung by the same people before you finally wake up and realise that you are the ones making it possible for the lying to continue !

Can you prove that those people saying that they had their identities stolen are lying ? And when you consider they have nothing to gain by coming out and making these claims, yet the US government has a lot to lose if their claims became public knowledge !

9/11 was a false-flag attack, no pics available of any of the 19 terrorist going through the terminals on THAT day. Iraq included when even admitted they had no role in 9/11. WMD story made up to justify involving Iraq. Most of the 'terrorists' coming from Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia doesn't get attacked in any way ? Where did Osama come from again, Saudi Arabia ? So Saudi Arabia gets NO punishment despite direct involvement, yet Iraq gets the # blown out of it AGAIN despite having NO ROLE in 9/11, a fact even that redneck Bush Jnr ADMITTED ! Proven cases of stolen identity from the 19 ghost terrorist that FAILED Cesna course but apparently pulled off a move that the most experienced airline pilot would be proud of. Yet despite all this, the official story is gospel and anyone who questions it is wrong, is that how it works ?
And I haven't even touched on Cheney taking over control of NORAD tat day, and just like with the London bombings, they just so happened to be doing the EXACT training drill of what was occurring, to cause MAXIMUM confusion and delay response and rescue times. But that's just a nice little coincidence, right ?
I could also mention the money trail that proves certain people made a LOT of money by somehow knowing to sell their share options in the airliners allegedly used. Lets just say that the majority of those people where US businessmen, and had no connection to Islam, Al-Qaeda or terrorism !

For 9/11 to still remain as a conspiracy and not fact after 10 years just further goes to prove how easy it is for a corrupt government to screw over its own people, all the while claiming to be the victim so the gullible majority will then agree to the wars that were planned long before any plane hit a building. When the public agrees to war, then those that want the war have their perfect, blameless excuse. They played on your patriotic heart-strings and people like you took it hook, line and sinker. But the irony is the new laws and Acts passed will now target those considered Patriots in its true form.

Maybe you should read that very carefully before commenting again !

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:32 PM

For 9/11 to still remain as a conspiracy and not fact after 10 years just further goes to prove how

Gullible some people actually are - they believe any nonsense about 9/11, including mini nukes, beam weapons, silent explosives, nanoo nanoo thermite etc etc.

that FAILED Cesna course

Yet another truther lie - who failed what "Cesna" course?
edit on 25-10-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:33 PM

edit on 25-10-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:42 PM

Here is some old article for those who are not sure...


FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication.


I just love me some MSM (accepted by the OS'rs) news and opinions.

New Yorker

Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists’ identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, “Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the F.B.I. to chase.”

In interviews over the past two weeks, a number of intelligence officials have raised questions about Osama bin Laden’s capabilities. “This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he’s running this operation?” one C.I.A. official asked. “It’s so huge. He couldn’t have done it alone.” A senior military officer told me that because of the visas and other documentation needed to infiltrate team members into the United States a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved. “To get somebody to fly an airplane—to kill himself,” the official added, further suggests that “somebody paid his family a hell of a lot of money.”

edit on 25-10-2013 by MarioOnTheFly because: (no reason given)

So even the FBI is admitting that the official story is a lie. If stolen identity was used in the attacks, and even admitted by the FBI, then how can ANYONE say that any of the 19 terrorist actually boarded a flight that day. And considering the lack of pics showing any of them going through the terminal that day, you would have to almost brain dead to even consider the official story.

One day people might start to understand that an official story is the NOTHING but the story created by the officials. If the officials have something to hide or cover up, then how truthful is their official story. If the official story is full of holes, then why would ANY logical thinking person still believe it, and at the very least, question it !

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:45 PM

So even the FBI is admitting that the official story is a lie.

Care to show us where the FBI admitted that?

One day people might start to understand that an official story is the NOTHING but the story created by the officials.

One day people may start to understand that all the silly conspiracy theories about 9/11 etc. are just created by people flogging books, video's, talks etc. and have zero basis in physics or reality.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:20 PM


But no, it wasn't an inside job, there was no false-flag. There are no cases of stolen identity. There are no holes in the official story. It had nothing to do with oil, invasion or greed. Nope, it was JUST 19 Muslims with the help of Osama in a cave in Afghanistan, and that's ALL there is too it.

No, there was more to it however you are on the right track.....finally. OBL was in Khost, in eastern Afghanistan on the morning/afternoon of 9/11. Actually, it was about 5:30 in the late afternoon that word reached the Khost compound. One of the more fascinating things about the operation was the brilliant amount of silence that disguised the plot. About 800 miles to the south, in the spiraling city of Karachi, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi bin al-Shibh and Mustafa al Hawsawi gathered together all the 20 top lieutenants in al-qedia for what they thought was another bull session.
Setting up a satellite television they watched stunned at what unfolded. Counting OBL, his 2 bodyguards, KSM and his crew plus operatives in Sudan and Yemen at total of 11 people, outside the operatives themselves, in the entire world, knew what was coming.
It's tough to find any other operation in history in which silence was so complete. Perhaps, the Doolittle Raid comes close, as the pilots did not know their mission until the were 800 miles into the flight. The overall silence could be compared to the Ardennes Offensive-Watch on the Rhine-however American overconfidence, incompetence and indifference-along with some masterful fake coded messages-really led to the total surprise more than anything else.

Oh i'm finally on the right track am I, thanks for your validation ?
So why was Osama's family members giving direct flight out of the US when nearly all other flights were grounded, and why were they given an audience with the President of the time's father ? If they knew as quick as they claim that Osama was the mastermind, then what would be the ONE plane you DIDN'T allow to leave ?
So we have the Bush Snr,Jnr connection, we have the Bin laden connection, we have the US/Saudi Arabia connection, but nope, nothing to see her. Just 19 terrorist committing an act of terror !

And then Osama captured at a time when support for the war was at an all time low, which then going by what we saw here, lead to many Americans running out on the streets waving their patriotic flags and all of a sudden, just like good little sheep, the approval ratings start going back up, albeit shortly, after the reality had over ruled the celebrations. But unlike with Saddam [who had nothing to do with 9/11 remember], there is no public trial, there is no Youtube of his death, just 'captured', 'thrown overboard', 'all evidence removed' and business as normal for the flag waving sheep !

And I suppose Larry Silverstein was just accidently using a demolition term "pull it" to explain a slightly burning steel structured building, that then fell at near free fall speed with little to no resistance. Ok then, we'll go with that if it makes the sheep sleep better at night ? But lets just not mention what paper work and for what upcoming court cases they related to that were inside Building 7 that the moment the building was destroyed [sorry, pulled] it destroyed much incriminating evidence against a lot of very heavy players in the game. Enron would be a good starting point for those interested as to why Building 7 really came down that day. But the official story is that steel structured building with only a small section of one side on the top floors caught fire. This does NOT bring down a steel structured building at free fall speed and the investigations done by many independent engineers have all conformed this. Do we take the word of independent engineers who are reporting on what they have all been taught as engineers, or do we take the word of the official story despite their proven track record of lying, cover ups, corruption etc ?

Why was Bush Jnr and Cheney not investigated under oath, but given the option of being interviewed while not under oath, and not to be interviewed separately. Isn't that the classic example of why police will always split up a group so that they can't all go by the same story, and interviewing them separately will possible lead to one of them slipping up or contradicting the other. But yet again, the usual practice didn't happen with 9/11. And considering that Osama was first put in power by the US to fight the US enemy of Russia, but as soon as Russia retreats, the allies become the enemies in the new war. If Osama is Al-Qaeda, then Al-Qaeda was formed by the CIA. The same CIA that also promotes the official story. Circles anyone ? The same CIA that is going around the Middle east funding and training these 'rebel' groups that then just so happen to topple their Government, which always ends up in the US's best interest under the new Government. Libya, Syria, Egypt anyone ?

The track record and results are there for all to see, its just some people don't want to see it because that means they can't have the same gusto when waving their flag like a good little patriot. If only they knew what their Government had planned for the 'patriots' down the track.

And if the war on terror is such a noble cause, then why are more returning US servicemen/women committing suicide then are dying on the battlefield. When this happens, you know something is VERY WRONG with the cause, and the reality is starting to over rule the cause !

9/11 was a false-flag attack. And it will be when its too late to do anything about it, that the majority who brought the lies and corruption the most, will then be the ones that complain the most and ask "how could this happen to us". Well, the answer is, because you allowed it to happen by believing the lies of a proven liar. Theses people will have no one to blame but themselves, and will get no sympathy from me when the time comes. But that's usually how it works, those that believe the lies the most, often end up being the ones to complain the loudest when they finally realise that they fell for the lie. And 9/11 is such an obvious false-flag that they can no longer blame their Government, they can only blame themselves because they allowed themselves to believe the lie. And how many times has that Government been caught out lying, and how many times do you believe a liar before you realise they are a liar ?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:22 PM

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:28 PM

And I suppose Larry Silverstein was just accidently using a demolition term "pull it" to explain a slightly burning steel structured building, that then fell at near free fall speed with little to no resistance
reply to post by AussieDingus

I guess fires on 13 floors qualifies as "SLIGHTLY BURNING" .... Right?

If the building was only "SLIGHTLY BURNING" what is causing all the fire and smoke to pour out of WTC 7?

Also who "pulled" WTC 7 ?

Was it the FDNY as they were the only people still around WTC 7?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:33 PM

reply to post by pheonix358

Building fall over, not straight down.

You are wrong. As long as the main inner structure beams are cut and the explosives are set to detonate from the top down it will fall into it's footprint. It's obvious 9/11 was a false flag my father and I watched the buildings go down on tv and the first words out his mouth was no Fing way. He was a iron worker on the trade centers he knew how it was built and what it took to bring it down. They needed these buildings to fall the way they did it was to cover up the theft of several hundred tons of gold.

Yet despite the qualified assessment from many engineers, their findings are simply ignored because it contradicts the lies also known as the official story. Its funny how people [shills or sheep] still lap up the official story despite the laws of physic's slapping the official story in the face, as it deserves.

Whats that saying.............'you can't fix stupid' !

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:48 PM



whatever do you mean...?? Last I heard...he is named as one of the hijackers, right ? Than he must have gone through some some airport...or are you saying he boarded the plane in mid flight?

Thats amazing. Even though i explained it to you here:


Atta went through security in Portland, flight 11 was a connecting flight he did not need to go through Dulles security.

You still can't figure it out.

I have truthers demanding I show them video of Atta going through Dulles security, when the fact is,Atta never went through Dulles security.

As for the hijackers still being alive. The FBI released some names and few photos on Sept 17 and there was some confusion about their identities. On Sept 27 the FBI released their full identities Name/photo/birthdate/nationality/aliases/places of residence/ect ...ending all confusion.

Do you have any evidence of the hijackers still being alive dated after 9/27/2001 ?

And as you have had explained to you several times...................where is the photo's of ALL 19 terrorist that would of also been caught going through connecting airports. It doesn't matter which airport they went through, the question is WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS that would only confirm the official story ?
But over 10 years later they still have no pics available, and remember that the footage of the Twin Tower attacks is now the most replayed event in TV history. Its funny how they can reply that scene over and over to seel their STORY, yet they could EASILY confirm that story by showing the pictures of ALL 19 terrorist going though an airport that day. If they did board the planes on 9/11 then the camera footage WILL be where is it ?

The only comeback I've heard to this was "maybe it was due to legal proceedings". Ummmm, NO !
When you instantly come out and name a person world wide as a ringleader in a terrorist attack then you cannot use the excuse of 'legal proceedings' as a get out clause for not releasing the pictures that apparently they don't have ?
What ever legal punishment they could face should already be slapped on them for saying he was a ringleader without a trial.

And please now enlighten us as to how you can produce 19 pictures when some of those who 'died' on the plane are still alive with PROVEN cases of stolen identity ? That's why there is no 19 pictures over 10 years later, because 19 Muslim terrorists never boarded a plane that day. And the stolen identity cases keep getting supressed from mainstream media because the moment that fact becomes public knowledge, the whole sham and scam known as 9/11 will come crashing down like the house of cards it was designed on, and even the most gullibale or ignorant of people will then finally realise that YET AGAIN their government has lied to them, but when will THEY learn ?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:53 PM
edit on 10/25/2013 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 10:05 PM

the predicting of building 7 coming down in advance

So fire and building experts watching a building move due to severe damage and unchecked fires burning and predict it will fall down suddenly becomes part of a conspiracy.... you never stopped and thought about that silly comment before posting it, did you!

Why anyone, other than a paid shill justifying their sell-out paycheque,

would believe all the silly conspiracy theories about 9/11, which include mini nukes, beam weapons,silent explosives, nano thermite, holographic planes, planes firing missiles etc etc still promote and defend the silly conspiracy theories is beyond any logical thought at all.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:23 PM


For 9/11 to still remain as a conspiracy and not fact after 10 years just further goes to prove how

Gullible some people actually are - they believe any nonsense about 9/11, including mini nukes, beam weapons, silent explosives, nanoo nanoo thermite etc etc.

that FAILED Cesna course

Yet another truther lie - who failed what "Cesna" course?
edit on 25-10-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

See that's the thing, people like you think that if anyone questions the official lies, then they must believe in all conspiracy theories regarding the topic. Oh how people like you couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Is this not a conspiracy site, where possible conspiracies are debated, discussed, and hopefully resolved ? Is it not ?

I have seen some theories that instantly make no sense and have no logic to them at all, but because I don't believe the official lies, based on logic, laws of physics and plain old common sense when an official story is so full of holes its almost see through, does that mean that I then believe all theories ?

When exposing a conspiracy, its not as easy as just telling the lie and then sticking to the lie. And when those being exposed will stick to the lie even when laws of physics and common sense show the lie for what it is. And when they have their loyal little followers reinforcing the lie on conspiracy sites, then the lie will go on longer and least 10 years going by results.

With a conspiracy so big and ranging, you cannot dismiss all theories just because one smaller point of one theory got debunked. Also, consider that the Government that you swear by so blindly, has also admitted that it does "monitor" conspiracy sites and have employees [shills] that are basically paid to disrupt a thread when its hitting too close to home. Then look at some of the arguments in this thread and it appears as though the shills have outed themselves again.

As far as the 9/11 false-flag attack goes, where is the starting point for someone wanting to expose the lies and cover-ups ? When the lies are so big and deep, it is very hard to find a solid starting point without it then leading into another point and so on. But if you believe the official lies, you just have to quote the lie and your stance is made. Trying to prove the lie wrong isn't actually all that hard, but getting through to the gullible, conditioned masses that still buy the official lies is the hard part. We've all seen how hard it is to reveal the obvious to a stubborn person that doesn't want to hear what you tell them. You can lead a horse to water, but.......................

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:44 PM

Is this not a conspiracy site, where possible conspiracies are debated, discussed, and hopefully resolved ?

Some people also ignore the site motto "Deny Ignorance"....

They seem to use the motto "Embrace ignorance"!

even when laws of physics and common sense show the lie for what it is.

Actually the laws of physics show that the conspiracy theories are just lies.... like the lie the building fell at near free fall speed.... that one is so easy to debunk, all one has to do is watch the video's of the collapse, you can easily see the debris off the buildings falling at fre fall speed, the buildings are colla[sing much slower...

And when they have their loyal little followers reinforcing the lie on conspiracy sites, then the lie will go on longer and longer........

That lie being all the conspiracy theories about the collapses on 9/11....

As far as the 9/11 false-flag attack goes, where is the starting point for someone wanting to expose the lies and cover-ups ?

How about showing it was a false flag to start with....

When the lies are so big and deep, it is very hard to find a solid starting point without it then leading into another point and so on.

Again you are talking about the conspiracy theory lies, like explosives were used, nano thermite was used, beam weapons, mini nukes, the jews did it, holographic aircraft etc etc. All lies.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 12:24 AM



whatever do you mean...?? Last I heard...he is named as one of the hijackers, right ? Than he must have gone through some some airport...or are you saying he boarded the plane in mid flight?

Thats amazing. Even though i explained it to you here:


Atta went through security in Portland, flight 11 was a connecting flight he did not need to go through Dulles security.

You still can't figure it out.

I have truthers demanding I show them video of Atta going through Dulles security, when the fact is,Atta never went through Dulles security.

As for the hijackers still being alive. The FBI released some names and few photos on Sept 17 and there was some confusion about their identities. On Sept 27 the FBI released their full identities Name/photo/birthdate/nationality/aliases/places of residence/ect ...ending all confusion.

Do you have any evidence of the hijackers still being alive dated after 9/27/2001 ?

No one said the hijackers are alive. We said that according to evidence, there are SOME that are still alive, or were at the time of reporting. SOME were ALREADY listed as deceased with their identities being used. One of the guys still alive at the time even contacted the United Nations to inform them of his situation. Maybe you should look into the evidence, instead of just demanding it, and then probably just ignoring it anyway because it doesn't suit your opinion on the topic. Need we remind you about the head of the FBI admitting that it DID happen ?

Let me ask you, if you were to go and do this research which should reveal the very thing we have all seen in the forming our opinions, would you admit to the official story being at least a little lie if the stolen identity cases have even been confirmed by the FBI ? And then wouldn't with a logical mind, then question further other issues that don't add up, or even make sense ?

If there is one thing I've learned about discussing 9/11 on a conspiracy site, its that those that believe the official lies will NEVER change their stance no matter what evidence or information is put in front of them, because to be able to see the lies of 9/11, you first have to be able to admit to yourself that you were lied to. I did this long ago and have never looked back. But some of you have so blindly fell for the official lies that you know deep down you're wrong, but your pride, stubbornness and even ignorance is preventing you from seeing the forest from the trees. Its either that or its undying, unquestioned patriotism, but as I said earlier, if only you people knew what your Government had planned for its 'patriots'. The clues are actually in the Terrorist Act, and the Patriot Act, if you've read them ?

And 9/11 was just the 'event' needed to trigger these laws, but most can't see it's true meaning because the laws and Acts haven't been activated...........YET !

And why have so many cases of insider trading had a blind eye turned to it just before and after 9/11 ?

How did those shareholders know to sell their stock options in the days before 9/11 unless they had prior knowledge of the attacks ? You CANNOT just put that down to luck. Then add Larry Silversteins mutli-billion insurance pay out from the newly updated insurance policy, which just so now happened to contain 'extreme acts of terrorism'. But nope, nothing to see here, just a few guys that happen to 'get lucky' and the rest is history. Have you heard of any Muslim men making obscene profits from 9/11, considering the official lie says that they planned and carried out the attack. You'd think if anyone wanted to make money, it would be those behind the attacks. Well that is true, but it looks like we're starting to see who made the profits and who knew the attacks were coming !

How many more holes do you need in your nice little official story before you finally accept that you have been lied to, yet when one hole appears in one version of a conspiracy, it apparently debunks the whole conspiracy all in one go.

And do you honestly believe that the US government has its citizens best interests ahead of their own interests and agenda's [well you better not look into things called Operation Paperclip or MK-Ultra because you are in for the shock of your life about the realities of your Government], despite its track record of lies, corruption, assassination, war mongering, illegal invasions, mainstream media propaganda and influence, false-flag attacks etc, yet you still believe them despite the obvious holes in their STORY, and their history. You still believe them and take issue with those that can see through the lies. You still believe them ?

So, are you telling me, that no matter what, you do NOT question ANYTHING about the official story. Nothing at all ?
Everything happened EXACTLY as the official story says, and everything is as it should be ?
Your thoughts on your Governments history of lying ?
[As a disclaimer I will point out that the Australian Government is no better than the US Government and is looking more and more like US politics everyday no matter how much the Australian politicians deny it.]

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 01:07 AM
Just not ATS quality. GONE.
edit on 10-26-2013 by Springer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

including mini nukes, beam weapons, silent explosives, nanoo nanoo thermite etc etc.

which include mini nukes, beam weapons,silent explosives, nano thermite, holographic planes, planes firing missiles

like explosives were used, nano thermite was used, beam weapons, mini nukes, the jews did it, holographic aircraft etc etc

Three quotes from three of your comments on this page alone. You seem to be rather obsessed with these theories, and that's fine, that's your prerogative, but maybe if you just toned it down a bit and stayed on subject, your credibility wouldn't suffer so much.

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