posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 02:33 PM
My goodness, if all you think marriage is is two people doing what one of them wants to do, you're not ready.
The fact that you can get along with someone very different from you is much more to your credit than the whining I hear that, "she's not enough
like me!"
When in the name of God will any woman EVER BE LIKE A MAN, if she's truly a woman?
I bet you're conservative and she's liberal, right? Or the other way around. Well, Honey, that's biology, not "the wrong socialization."
If she's an interesting person and you care about her and you can help her grow she's a better match for you than a Yes-woman who doesn't have a
thought of her own in her own brain.
Give it some more thought.
I can see your future with a woman just like you--bored to death. After all, a marriage is for a long, long time. And sameness gets stale stale stale.
That's the reason for adultery--boredom with going through the usual motions with somebody who doesn't have any spunk.
Go travel for a few years, and then you'll have a whole new view of what marriage is for.
If you're looking for a buddy, forget it. There's no way.