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Michael Aquino Pyramidimusings

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posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by maquino

Hi. I'm responding to the top of thread in this case.

Anyone & everyone welcome to respond.

There's the somewhat crazed theory that the GP was a power generator and in particular the south shaft was an rf waveguide.

Well I revved up my mysterious shamanic mojo, and was told that the south shaft was indeed a INCOMING waveguide.


I generally try to rescue cats from trees or sharpen razorblades...not such heavy stuff...that mental image really rung my bell.

Don't ask if you don't want to know I always say. I should take my own advice I guess.

Take this as a joke.


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:02 PM

reply to post by maquino

Hi. I'm responding to the top of thread in this case.

Anyone & everyone welcome to respond.

There's the somewhat crazed theory that the GP was a power generator and in particular the south shaft was an rf waveguide.

Well I revved up my mysterious shamanic mojo, and was told that the south shaft was indeed a INCOMING waveguide.

It seems logical with the many hypothesized inputs for example like if the pyramids where used to balance a planets negatives vibrations or used to communicate off planet if not used to assist in some landings... That a power source of some kind would be present or needed. @ times 1 feels there are missing or confiscated capstones/crystals/metallics that would better help to understand their usages. But if these devices or artifacts are present it makes sense they would have been moved to some vault(s) in gov or religious safe keep... And if so all that many can do is speculate w/o having that potential data to further assist.

Sometimes I visualize a pyramid MAP of planet EA*RTH with All present and speculated above ground- buried and under ice/sea pyramid locations and the under areas or structures overlaid with a star chart.


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

That was the positive use of them. Think its gotten a little worse for these newer ones, more strategic placing. well the placing is needed for the ancient pyramids to anchor earth in such a way to stabilize it for use for life, at least is some theories I've read. But with later additions, not sure how its being done since annanuki times. For cities and even the federal reserve have sacred geometry layouts, and it seems they're attempting to reach multidimensionally with their fine print and contracts, but one has to realize its toilet paper. Its a bully running around on the playground self appointing himself as important and writing up IOU's when we're sovereign,and all the land all the resources belong to all of us. So we can hand them the bill that was our natural free inheritance and childen's inheritance and happiness stolen by illegal dark hats and their fantasy of rule of law. All the laws of null and voided, for Family above lives by virtues, ie, do not harm, Love and Peace, Goodness. They don't need laws, and if one isn't of that frequency and vibration they simply can't go there yet.

So, relating to the sacred geometry, the newer pyramids need to be viewed cautiously, ensuring they're not attempting to create credit owed, multidimensionally.

I'm always on the Free the Planet, Serve and Protect humans, and renounce all their asshat rules and regulations that are crimes against all souls.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:16 PM


I've always had the impression that, based on the interior design, the GP was designed to keep something in as opposed to keeping others out.

Granite plug, three doors, and the counterweight (leaf) left in place. They wanted access to the contents of the King's Chamber but they didn't want it to have the ability to get out. They even plugged the airshafts with slabs.

We should be asking ourselves what they wanted to lock up so badly.

Maybe the ravening insane destroyer of worlds prototype was locked in there: man..



that would make the most since. Explains a lot actually.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:44 PM

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

That was the positive use of them. Think its gotten a little worse for these newer ones, more strategic placing. well the placing is needed for the ancient pyramids to anchor earth in such a way to stabilize it for use for life, at least is some theories I've read.

This is what would be related to maintaining the vibration or frequency of the planet...
Planet Frequency ex: Science

It would be compared to taking a compact multi mineral or steel ball and transmitting various wave frequencies sonic-heat plasma-gravitational or even light gamma x-ray from some local source like SOL or BINARY (both) and recognizing the different effects these waves have on said compact multi mineral or steel ball.

Then place "nodes" to increase receive and transmitted wave energies on compact multi mineral or steel ball.

Add exterior components w/ nodes like transfer - receive devices that roam the area of some cosmic sort that can also affect Planet biology & frequency (depending on the material make up and electric/static charge/wave associated with said transfer device) and you can begin to SEE even more components that CAN affect.

Would be interesting if nodes detected on transfer devices of a celestial kind and or other planets...

But with later additions, not sure how its being done since annanuki times. For cities and even the federal reserve have sacred geometry layouts, and it seems they're attempting to reach multidimensionally with their fine print and contracts, but one has to realize its toilet paper.

1 is somewhat aware of the many obelisk points, and creative EA*RTH builds present in modern day. Are these special seeming designs being used for some similar hypothesized uses as the pyramids or something else 1 is not sure but I can see your points with the potential later additions considering HAARP arrays as well.

I'm always on the Free the Planet, Serve and Protect humans, and renounce all their asshat rules and regulations that are crimes against all souls.

1 has observed Unity_99 your Energy thru your words shared the compassions you possess for EA*RTH and its inhabitants

edit on 10/21/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

This is what would be related to maintaining the vibration or frequency of the planet...
Planet Frequency ex: Science

Lemuria. Ancient pryamids, with colored crystals and lights within, anyway it comes to mind. Along with belief that this was stolen and hijacked, but it was a higher dimensional technology than the current ones.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 10:44 PM

Originally around the interior perimeter of the Pyramid flowed an artificial Nile River, along which ancient barges wafted guests in the tradition of Marc Antony and Cleopatra.

Firstly, great thread OP. I have learned a lot from your AMA as well as this thread so thank you!

I went to the Luxor casino back in '96 and went on this ride. We were lucky, it was being shut down the week after we were there so we timed it perfectly.

As for the GP...I went to Egypt in 2008 and visited many different sites including the GP. I forget which entrance I went into to get to the kings chamber but I practically had to double over for a lot of the way (i'm 6 foot tall). It was ridiculously humid so I didn't stay there too long but i'm glad I saw it though as it is such a mystery. I had remembered reading some books about how it was precisely engineered with tools that rivalled ultra-sonic drills (from Gods of the new millenium by Alan Alford).

I still don't believe it was just a tomb...we may never know the real story behind it but gee I would love to know before I kick the bucket!

P.S, Just a theory and I don't have any evidence etc for this but could the granite box in the kings chamber have been used to store molten gold or some other liquid metal?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 10:51 PM

Ophiuchus 13

reply to post by maquino

Hi. I'm responding to the top of thread in this case.

Anyone & everyone welcome to respond.

There's the somewhat crazed theory that the GP was a power generator and in particular the south shaft was an rf waveguide.

Well I revved up my mysterious shamanic mojo, and was told that the south shaft was indeed a INCOMING waveguide.

It seems logical with the many hypothesized inputs for example like if the pyramids where used to balance a planets negatives vibrations or used to communicate off planet if not used to assist in some landings... That a power source of some kind would be present or needed. @ times 1 feels there are missing or confiscated capstones/crystals/metallics that would better help to understand their usages. But if these devices or artifacts are present it makes sense they would have been moved to some vault(s) in gov or religious safe keep... And if so all that many can do is speculate w/o having that potential data to further assist.

Sometimes I visualize a pyramid MAP of planet EA*RTH with All present and speculated above ground- buried and under ice/sea pyramid locations and the under areas or structures overlaid with a star chart.


I get this 'Caller ID' thing all the time.. when someone posts to me
or thinks about me or I post to them or think about them.. or
various circumstances. Then I get this huge web of connections
flashing before my eyes and in my mind in various ways. So even
if I'm minding my business, I can't mind my business.

Now of course, the most logical explanation for this is schizo-affective
disorder or something..

I won't go into why this probably isn't the case.. as I don't care if I have
any credability... other than perhaps general intellgience and a caring
heart. I wouldn't mind if some people thought that about me.. but it
truly does not matter.

In this case, I got a 'ping' off of a so-called "demon of the zodiac".
That's what I call them anyway.. I don't go looking for them..
and I don't tend to like them... long story about what they
are... but one of them passed on an information packet to a neural
one which shared a mental image. Pretty lame of the DOZ to think
that would keep me from noticing. Well.. also the way DOZ tend
to communicate is to enter your physical brain and then flip through
all your memories and images like a picture book.. and stop at
one that is similar to what they are trying to communicate. That
process is exceedingly unnerving the first time you have it.. heck
that very process was recorded once in the Bible.. gotta give the
Bible it's due in that case.

Again, I like loving and hugging and naming people George.. I like
helping people overcome small minds. I like helping people to
find their true selves. I do not enjoy or seek to interact with
all manner of critters.. though it happens often enough..

As Shamanism predates say Christianity by more than 5,000 years
it's a part of the path.. well more like 70,000 years I'd say..

But back to the subject at hand.

From a logical perspective, those 'copper fittings' I've read about..
very revealing.. of something -- LOL.

The thing that people seem to miss.. is that they use the usual
human way of looking at things.. to dissect down to 1 fact..
and thus miss the forrest for the trees.

There are 4 so-called air shafts (that aren't air shafts). These shafts
may or may not point at 'stars where way too many people think
the gods came from'. But that's actually irrelevant.

What kind of geometry and geometric field pattern would match
the placement of those 4 air shafts', with their 'copper' or
'other fittings' which may have been there?

Explain that to the world.. and you'd be well on the way to
understanding something of importance.


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:01 PM
Am I late in the game here, or am I just missing something? Why aren't the pyramids an ancient form of a municipal water department that supplies running water? I'm seeing a lot of psuedo science but nothing that makes sense. Does it leave little to the imagination and wonder to think the pyramids are a water pump, or is this ram pump theory been debunked? Links would be appreciated.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:11 PM

Am I late in the game here, or am I just missing something? Why aren't the pyramids an ancient form of a municipal water department that supplies running water? I'm seeing a lot of psuedo science but nothing that makes sense. Does it leave little to the imagination and wonder to think the pyramids are a water pump, or is this ram pump theory been debunked? Links would be appreciated.

I saw a History channel show on that theory. Of course since it was on the History
channel i knew that it was probably garbage. I think the Ancient Alien people own
that channel. But of course who am I to talk? I would really like to do a scientific
investigation were circumstances appropriate. I've read a lot of web sites that
have debunked basically all the theories everyone has ever come up with..
of course all those web sites are suspect too.

The GP is way, way slippery in terms of ascertaining the 'truth'.


posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:35 PM


I saw a History channel show on that theory. Of course since it was on the History
channel i knew that it was probably garbage. I think the Ancient Alien people own
that channel. But of course who am I to talk? I would really like to do a scientific
investigation were circumstances appropriate. I've read a lot of web sites that
have debunked basically all the theories everyone has ever come up with..
of course all those web sites are suspect too.

The GP is way, way slippery in terms of ascertaining the 'truth'.


So I gather that the history channel is solely in the business of disinformation in regards to the pyramids? I have never seen a show about the ram pump theory on the history channel, but I had an image of the pyramids internal structure flash in my head at a time I was researching the physics of a ram pump. So I took a shot in the dark and googled the two, only to discover a handful of information and some dedicated people on the subject. I'm no Egyptologist, but I'm savvy about what humans do. Generally humans do things for relativley normal reasons, like survival, pain avoidance, and pleasure. So I cannot fathom any reason for building the GP without human reasoning.

What reason would motivate such drastic structures with almost unexplained construction patterns? Seems like a very simple reason to me, but I'm not an expert in time travel to gather these answers. I've yet to see any claims that make 'sense' to a human, except obtaining precious water, and perhaps utilizing it for mechanal energy. Has any culture in the past managed a water system and used it for mechanical energy? Yes, all over the world, so why not the Egyptians? Were they allergic to energy and agriculture? I'm not understanding why the simplest explanations aren't fully looked into before we jump to crystal energies and negative planet vibrations.
edit on 21-10-2013 by Rychwebo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:43 PM



I saw a History channel show on that theory. Of course since it was on the History
channel i knew that it was probably garbage. I think the Ancient Alien people own
that channel. But of course who am I to talk? I would really like to do a scientific
investigation were circumstances appropriate. I've read a lot of web sites that
have debunked basically all the theories everyone has ever come up with..
of course all those web sites are suspect too.

The GP is way, way slippery in terms of ascertaining the 'truth'.


So I gather that the history channel is solely in the business of disinformation in regards to the pyramids? I have never seen a show about the ram pump theory on the history channel, but I had an image of the pyramids internal structure flash in my head at a time I was researching the physics of a ram pump. So I took a shot in the dark and googled the two, only to discover a handful of information and some dedicated people on the subject. I'm no Egyptologist, but I'm savvy about what humans do. Generally humans do things for relativley normal reasons, like survival, pain avoidance, and pleasure. So I cannot fathom any reason for building the GP without human reasoning.

What reason would motivate such drastic structures with almost unexplained construction patterns? Seems like a very simple reason to me, but I'm not an expert in time travel to gather these answers. I've yet to see any claims that make 'sense' to a human, except obtaining precious water, and perhaps utilizing it for mechanal energy. Has any culture in the past managed a water system and used it for mechanical energy? Yes, all over the world, so why not the Egyptians? Were they allergic to energy and agriculture? I'm not understanding why the simplest explanations aren't fully looked into before we jump to crystal energies and negative planet vibrations.
edit on 21-10-2013 by Rychwebo because: (no reason given)

I agree with you completely. 100% No argument. I was a nuclear engineer for 7 years.

But apparently ALL the 'normal' explanations have failed; and not just failed by a little
but failed by a lot.

I for one, believe it or not, reach for a 'normal' explanation 19 times in 20, at a minimum.

Now let's pretend that the water pump theory had enough validity (all the parts were there).
It makes no sense to me, why there wouldn't be a small scale model elsewhere.. in fact
1000's of working models elsewhere.

Think the 'unfinished pyramid'. That shows that pyramids didn't just teleport from the 19th
dimension without any engineering practice.

So you'd have me believe, that something which took 1000 times the skill of the world
trade center to construct, was the 'prototype' and 'only one of it's kind' water pump?
And even then, most of the parts that would make it work are missing?



posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 11:48 PM

I find it interesting that thousands of workers are supposed to have worked on the Giza Plateau and we have yet to find a single crap pit. Where did they get rid of all that bread and beer? I think the theory is fundamentally erroneous.

Once again I think that "conventional explanation" has tended to get a bit ahead of itself. What's been found at and around Giza? Remains of old villages, period. Workers on one or more of the big three Ps? Inconclusive. They could just as easily have been there to work on the mortuary temples and other add-ons around the 3Ps. When I chased down the various accounts (which seem to be what's appearing in this thread as "documentation"), what's down there on the bottom line are just archæologist speculations about what the villagers worked on. Unless I'm missing something, and someone found a papyrus saying, "Today we added another 10 blocks to the southeast corner of the 14th level, and boy was it a bitch. Time for a beer-break."

It amused me that you brought up sanitation. Know that old Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will, showing thousands of people all in formation in Nuremberg's Zeppelin Field, with thousands more in the grandstands? As someone who occasionally had to deal with logistics in the U.S. Army, what always comes to my mind is "Geez, Hitler must have ordered a zillion portapotties!"

Anyway, I can see some temperatures rising a bit in this thread, and I do hope we can all enjoy the mystery and the puzzle, not go to the mat over it. Where historical enigmas are concerned, I like to think of them as Rubik's Cubes: You keep messing with them long enough, and eventually everything clicks into place. The way I see it, conventional archæology has a vested interest and an agenda to reinforce it, so they've taken this RC and just repainted all the sides to "fit". Scott Creighton is more of a Rottweiler, who has his teeth in the ankle of the GP and isn't repainting anything. On second thought, I think there's a difference between Scott and a Rottweiler, because after awhile the Rottweiler lets go.

So this thread is more of a fun adjunct to the more serious, methodical material that Scott's introduced in this ATS area and on his website. Perhaps toss out a few fresh ideas and perspectives: food for thought, cure for Internet forum insomnia.

As previously, I think we can forget the Khufu-tomb theory, much to the annoyance of the University of Chicago et al. So then we're left, as noted, with a nonsense building that took somebody a hell of a lot of smarts and hard work to assemble. I worked my way through Political Science grad school as an administrator in the UC Art Department, and I saw plenty of completely wacko M.F.A. projects. Do humans or aliens do somethings just for the fun of it? Maybe so:

But assuming that the GP was not just a joke [on us or Joan Collins], its purpose is still that unsolved Rubik's Cube. I keep coming back to the example of the Keep in The Keep, whose purpose was completely outside the "realities" of the humans encountering it. It too was a building which was "irrational" within those "realities". To decipher it, an entirely different "reality framework" was necessary. HPL expressed it this way:

H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

So I suggest that we're all looking at the GP and trying to fit it into "normality". If it isn't a tomb, it's a calendar or a math repository or an observatory, or a water pump. Well, you can try to jamb the stepsister's foot into Cinderella's glass slipper all you like, but the GP just isn't any of these things. It's a superprecise structure with a lot of seeming carelessness and nonfunctionality inside. So we're still not seeing it. As Indiana Jones famously remarked, "Belloq's staff is too long. He's digging in the wrong place!"

A few posts ago I brought up old Abu Zayd, who noted that the original GP casing stones had inscriptions on them mentioning [at least] the date of construction. Reportedly all those casing stones were ripped off by the Arabs to build mosques in Cairo & thereabouts. Which means that they should all still be there sprinkled around town. Seems to me it would be interesting to look around for them and see if there are any visible inscriptions on them. Of course some may be wrongside-out, polished off, etc. But it's a thought. Don't know how the mosque- and other such public building-owners might react; and in any case Egypt is in a particularly jumpy state right now.

Another idea is to take the various physical features of the GP: smooth/sloped passage of such dimension/length/steepness, entrance partway up a smooth side, empty stone box, room sizes and locations, architectural features such as the corbels and holes in the GGallery, tiny exterior ducts, no lights, massive "insulation", etc., put them into a computer and have it try to model a collective purpose for the whole mix. Again, we might just get a virtual middle-finger back. But maybe not.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

That's the problem, there are working ram pumps all around, but they are made with modern materials and on a small scale. I don't know if Egyptians had the ability to form large tanks that could withstand high pressure with materials other than limestone, wood, granite, etc. I would like to see some links to debunking this theory though, so I know what makes it fall apart. As far as I can see, there seems to be a few millennia that would allow for parts to go missing. I need evidence to deny my ignorance.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:09 AM
Landing pads for Goa´uld motherships...
Follow the white bunny...

Occams razor...

Its not that the most ludicrus explination
is the fawlty one..Right



TV has made that impossible....

"Its been on tv, cant be true"

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I don't understand why anyone believes that one has to have some super skills to build the pyramids. Have you given any thought to the fact that they didn't have the VMAs, Fox News, gluten laden coco puffs, and honey boo boo around? Maybe, just maybe, your average Egyptian took pride in their intelligence because it was revered as 'cool', perhaps intelligence and craftsmanship was the goal of your average person. Call me crazy, but we are still in a phase of learning, and maybe what we learn now could have been common knowledge to ancient cultures. Maybe placing a 3 ton stone, precisely in its place took the same skill as your average person being able to draw a decent bugs bunny illustration.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:17 AM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

That's the problem, there are working ram pumps all around, but they are made with modern materials and on a small scale. I don't know if Egyptians had the ability to form large tanks that could withstand high pressure with materials other than limestone, wood, granite, etc. I would like to see some links to debunking this theory though, so I know what makes it fall apart. As far as I can see, there seems to be a few millennia that would allow for parts to go missing. I need evidence to deny my ignorance.

I hear you!

I suppose another of my various faults, is to refuse to take the rational
mind as the last limit and just give up. Humans have a creative mind,
an unconscious machinery, and are in fact probably, In almost anyone's
estimate, some kind of electromagnetic receiver (due to the electro
chemical nature of the brain and nervous systems). Heck the distances
and charges are right, that perhaps even quantum fluctuations in the
zero point field may be interacting with human body structures.

Am I an admitted 'nut job'? Sure. I'm an explorer, and my body is
my laboratory. So long as I don't hurt anyone, including myself,
and can keep the 'dual map' of 'reality' and possible 'deeper
reality' as two separate maps, then I am defacto sane.

For millennia humans attempted to use their bodies and minds
in this fashion, and yes, much of it was pseudo-science or
worse. But I'd like to think that some were actually genetically
brilliant in this sort of thing, and that this kind of inquiry
is worth some people's times.

Well, that's my proviso.

I would dearly LOVE for you to solve the riddle of the GP.
I don't care if it was a giant porta-potty designed to shoot
human fecal material into the sun for safe disposal.

Nothing is too mundane, if it is actually true.

Likewise nothing is too crazy, if it is in fact true.

Yes, I know that 'extraordinary claims' require "extraordinary
evidence'. That's why I spend DECADES doing things carefully,
that other say 'mystics' or 'occultists' (self-styled ones) think
that they can do in days, without study or significant effort.


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:34 AM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I don't understand why anyone believes that one has to have some super skills to build the pyramids. Have you given any thought to the fact that they didn't have the VMAs, Fox News, gluten laden coco puffs, and honey boo boo around? Maybe, just maybe, your average Egyptian took pride in their intelligence because it was revered as 'cool', perhaps intelligence and craftsmanship was the goal of your average person. Call me crazy, but we are still in a phase of learning, and maybe what we learn now could have been common knowledge to ancient cultures. Maybe placing a 3 ton stone, precisely in its place took the same skill as your average person being able to draw a decent bugs bunny illustration.

I know this makes me an 'outcast' with 80% of the fringe
community, but I don't believe in vimanas (sp?) or hardly
any (or any) of the ancient astronaut material.

As a matter of fact, I do not 'believe in' something like
90% of the accepted new age / alternative history 'BS'.
I have my OWN BS, gained through 52 years of very
hard work and an autistic brain with a savant ability.

Now as to the super skills required to build the pyramids..
'conventional minds' far far greater than mine, PHD's
with backgrounds in civil engineering are still scratching
their heads.

Another admission here -- frankly I could give 2 tiddly
winks whether I ever 'solve' or 'know' the 'mystery' of
the GP.

I'm just making conversation and being mildly stimulated
by various views.


I really appreciate the 'leavening factor' you are contributing
to a site composed mostly of nut jobs.


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I'm currently taking alpha brain and I enjoy exploring crazy mumbo jumbo far more than your average person. I love all fields of science and I am in fact amazed by the first images of the wave function of a hydrogen atom being imaged for the first time, its part of my member picture. I can talk all day about the time-space fabric unraveling from a fourth dimensional space, cold fusion possibilities, sharing the mind's, eye's images with people via DymethylTryptomine, comparing the marvel of the golden ratio in all its glory from tree branches, roots, veins, arteries, changing velocities of mass in space, the branching of species and consciousness over time.

All of everything is of interest to me, and I close no doors. Which brings me to my question I have been asking.... Why isn't the pyramid a ram pump?
edit on 22-10-2013 by Rychwebo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:42 AM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I'm currently taking alpha brain and I enjoy exploring crazy mumbo jumbo far more than your average person. I love all fields of science and I am in fact amazed by the first images of the wave function of a hydrogen atom being imaged for the first time, its part of my member picture. I can talk all day about our the time-space fabric unraveling from a fourth dimensional space, cold fusion possibilities, sharing the mind's, eye's images with people via '___', comparing the marvel of the golden ratio in all its glory from tree branches, roots, veins, arteries, changing velocities of mass in space, the branching of species and consciousness over time.

All of everything is of interest to me, and I close no doors. Which brings me to my question I have been asking.... Why isn't the pyramid a ram pump?

Maybe it is.


Now go prove that, when nearly nobody accepts that as the solution.

BTW, physical reality is based upon a 5 dimensional matrix, not the
so-called 11 dimensional matrix of M theory. There IS another
5 dimensional matrix (the so-called anti-matter supersymmetric
partner), and both of those can mathematically be symmetry-
unbroken to just 1 dimension.. which leads to the illusion of
an 11 dimensional M theory model.

And yes, I see that clairvoyantly. and stagger under the raw
beauty of it. I wish some slug ass physicists would get off
their posteriors and prove what I see.. so I can stop being
a loon.

Just saying, I love science every bit as much as you do..


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