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Michael Aquino Pyramidimusings

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posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 12:20 PM

reply to post by Scott Creighton

However storing seeds in a building that a) had water in it and b) bats could negotiate their way into is foolhardy to say the least.

Hi Will,

Given that the early giant pyramids were essentially hermetically sealed, there were no bats. Once opened then that is an entirely different issue.

The vast quantities of seed found in, under and around the Step Pyramid complex at Saqqara did not show any sign of water/flood damage so it seems the pyramid here did its job. Also, the secondary evidence of grain storage in G2 did not seem to be affected by water damage so I am not so sure that any water reached any of the upper chambers of the GP. And if any flood waters had ever reached the lower chamber of the GP then they would also have reached the underground galleries of the Step Pyramid. If there is indeed water damaged in the lower, subterranean chamber of the GP as some researchers maintain, then I don't think it impossible that this damage might have occurred BEFORE the Great Pyramid was constructed at that location. We see water damage in the Sphinx Enclosure but most geologists attribute this damage to runoff from the plateau. I think, given that the location of G1 is lower than G2 that run-off from flash-floods could have affected the location of G1, penetrating the fissures in the rock in the mound below G1, resulting in the water damage that these researchers have observed.

Just my tuppenceworth.


edit on 23/10/2013 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear


That 'afterlife nonsense' (whether there is or is not 'more' is not even the point) has our current world in an armageddon doom script countdown because people believe in it so much they are self-fulfilling prophecying it....that same script has been playing out since nearly day 1 of the human species.. I'd not be so quick to be dismissive with such an ultra-potent a meme.

I do not believe in the Armageddon stories for the simple reason I've no evidence that ppl can predict the future with any accuracy. Of course there will be catastrophic events, but the best way to protect against them is simply to distribute ppl and resources. Ppl use the End of Days prophecy for their own reasons, it inspires and gets ppl to conform.

I dismiss the after life nonsense of the mainstream because once you read it its as silly as some alt theories. Clearly a lot of it was invented by some ignorant superstitious types who had no idea how pyramids worked or why many grand structures were built. the mainstream seems to indulge the tradition with verve.


posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:02 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear


That 'afterlife nonsense' (whether there is or is not 'more' is not even the point) has our current world in an armageddon doom script countdown because people believe in it so much they are self-fulfilling prophecying it....that same script has been playing out since nearly day 1 of the human species.. I'd not be so quick to be dismissive with such an ultra-potent a meme.

I do not believe in the Armageddon stories for the simple reason I've no evidence that ppl can predict the future with any accuracy. Of course there will be catastrophic events, but the best way to protect against them is simply to distribute ppl and resources. Ppl use the End of Days prophecy for their own reasons, it inspires and gets ppl to conform.

I dismiss the after life nonsense of the mainstream because once you read it its as silly as some alt theories. Clearly a lot of it was invented by some ignorant superstitious types who had no idea how pyramids worked or why many grand structures were built. the mainstream seems to indulge the tradition with verve.


Did you miss the phrase "self-fulfilling"?

A good example in modern times is the specialized breeding of red hiefers.


posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Hi Scott

Given that the early giant pyramids were essentially hermetically sealed, there were no bats. Once opened then that is an entirely different issue.

so how do you think the bats arrived in the King's Chamber? only route is through the underground channels formed by water and adjusted by man imo.

The vast quantities of seed found in, under and around the Step Pyramid complex at Saqqara did not show any sign of water/flood damage so it seems the pyramid here did its job. Also, the secondary evidence of grain storage in G2 did not seem to be affected by water damage so I am not so sure that any water reached any of the upper chambers of the GP. And if any flood waters had ever reached the lower chamber of the GP then they would also have reached the underground galleries of the Step Pyramid. If there is indeed water damaged in the lower, subterranean chamber of the GP as some researchers maintain, then I don't think it impossible that this damage might have occurred BEFORE the Great Pyramid was constructed at that location. We see water damage in the Sphinx Enclosure but most geologists attribute this damage to runoff from the plateau. I think, given that the location of G1 is lower than G2 that run-off from flash-floods could have affected the location of G1, penetrating the fissures in the rock in the mound below G1, resulting in the water damage that these researchers have observed.

As I said there are many merits to the seed/food storage part of your idea. Saqqara is the classic case. Once that dried up I am sure the chambers once flowing with water would make excellent cool chambers to store food in. The odd body too by all accounts.
I am sure you are aware of the water evidence from Cadman, dunn, Kunkel, Petrie etc..Salts seemed to have dissolved out of the water where it was left standing. The Queens Chamber was tainted by the effect and so wa half of the Grand Gallery. Presumably when flowing the water did not have a chance to settle and scale the insides of the structure so much. Maintennance might have also been a factor.

The source is not flooding, but underground water systems. If someone wishes to cap a natural water source, it takes an awful lot of stone to deal with the pressure and the inevitable erosion of the water. Rain will eventually erode a mountain, free flowing rivers/geysers/water will cut through the land.

The damage/deposits caused by water to the Grand Gallery and Queens Chamber certainly did not occur before the building was made.

Presumably a solid step pyramid is not a place where seed can be stored either. This begs the question why the same shape. Whilst I suspect the simple designed pyramids could be argued to be storage chambers, again they look like faucets or wells of sorts to the watery inclined researcher. Even Saqqara was a water center as evidenced by the great wells and conduits within the mastabas.

Whilst I have no doubt the Serapeum and other ground chambers would make great storage places, it is a stretch for the SV theory. A mountain with a hole burrowed into it would have made much much much more sense. It certainly would be easier than lifting millios of tons of stone and the hole could supply quarrystone. A marker could be left indicating where to start digging.


posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:20 PM


How many have seen this video:

It seems that if one engineer has a mind to figure out by himself how to move such huge stones, what requires that someone from the past could not have figured out something else?

The pyramids are indeed a mystery though. The broom cannot say with any certainty what was the inspiration behind their building, just like anyone else. Sometimes I speculate though, that perhaps they indeed had demonic inspiration and knowledge built into them.

Yes, I;m assuming most have seen this.

Regardless, of how impressive this feat is, there is no way 2-1/2 MILLION perfectly carved blocks were put in place every 90 seconds for 20 years, using this method.

Yeah, that's pretty doubtful. Just curious, how do you know it took twenty years to build? That being thousands of years ago, you're pretty sure on how long it took to build.

Even during the middle ages, building Churches was usually a multi-generational project. Just curious.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:26 PM

reply to post by Scott Creighton
A marker could be left indicating where to start digging.

SC: Indeed. And it was. It's called a pyramid. (In Scotland we call them cairns). Anything smaller and less robust would simply have been washed away in the anticipated great Deluge of Thoth. So yes--you could store essential recovery goods in a cave in a mountain and then build a massive pyramid marker on top of the mountain; a pyramid marker big enough that it won't get washed away in the anticipated deluge. But, if you are having to build such a massive artificial marker anyway, why not simply use that structure in which (and around which) to store your recovery items? As an artificial marker (rather than a natural mountain) it will stand out in the landscape much more obviously and thus be found and explored very quickly. Hence why we find the large, robust pyramid markers (cairns) atop the high plateaus of Egypt.

Over and above which--this is what the ancient texts tell us. The AEs, having observed some disturbance in the heavens which caused the stars to depart from their normal course, decided to build pyramids as 'arks'. And, if you read some of the earliest writings that describe 'The Ark', lo and behold, it took the form of a pyramid.


edit on 23/10/2013 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 06:27 PM

Scott Creighton

reply to post by Scott Creighton
A marker could be left indicating where to start digging.

SC: Indeed. And it was. It's called a pyramid. (In Scotland we call them cairns). Anything smaller and less robust would simply have been washed away in the anticipated great Deluge of Thoth. So yes--you could store essential recovery goods in a cave in a mountain and then build a massive pyramid marker on top of the mountain; a pyramid marker big enough that it won't get washed away in the anticipated deluge. But, if you are having to build such a massive artificial marker anyway, why not simply use that structure in which (and around which) to store your recovery items? As an artificial marker (rather than a natural mountain) it will stand out in the landscape much more obviously and thus be found and explored very quickly. Hence why we find the large, robust pyramid markers (cairns) atop the high plateaus of Egypt.

Over and above which--this is what the ancient texts tell us. The AEs, having observed some disturbance in the heavens which caused the stars to depart from their normal course, decided to build pyramids as 'arks'. And, if you read some of the earliest writings that describe 'The Ark', lo and behold, it took the form of a pyramid.


edit on 23/10/2013 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

For a "beginnings scholar" deluge just means a new pole star due to precession. No actual water involved. How does this "established fact" fit into your theory?


posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton


You constantly ignore the large parts of my posts that involve the evidence of water in some of the pyramids. I guess you have no real answer. Here's my points on the parts that you did respond to.

SC: Indeed. And it was. It's called a pyramid. (In Scotland we call them cairns). Anything smaller and less robust would simply have been washed away in the anticipated great Deluge of Thoth.

This is absurd, Cairns are just the remnants of old round buildings.

So yes--you could store essential recovery goods in a cave in a mountain and then build a massive pyramid marker on top of the mountain; a pyramid marker big enough that it won't get washed away in the anticipated deluge. But, if you are having to build such a massive artificial marker anyway, why not simply use that structure in which (and around which) to store your recovery items? As an artificial marker (rather than a natural mountain) it will stand out in the landscape much more obviously and thus be found and explored very quickly. Hence why we find the large, robust pyramid markers (cairns) atop the high plateaus of Egypt.

You are putting words in my mouth, the 'artificial marker' would not need to be the size of Cheops. They could build an adequate sized marker with the stone removed from the vault. I'd like to see you suggest building Cheops to the SV project guys, they'd laugh you out of the room. BTW there is more than one marker on the Giza plateau

Over and above which--this is what the ancient texts tell us. The AEs, having observed some disturbance in the heavens which caused the stars to depart from their normal course, decided to build pyramids as 'arks'. And, if you read some of the earliest writings that describe 'The Ark', lo and behold, it took the form of a pyramid.

The Ark was not a pyramid, it was placed within the sanctuaries that used to sit on the step pyramids.

Do you entertain the Ancient Solar Premise? the industrial seed drying facets fit nicely with your storage facilities.

edit on 24-10-2013 by will2learn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:54 AM

reply to post by Scott Creighton

SC: Indeed. And it was. It's called a pyramid. (In Scotland we call them cairns). Anything smaller and less robust would simply have been washed away in the anticipated great Deluge of Thoth.

This is absurd, Cairns are just the remnants of old round buildings.

not true a cairn is a pile of rocks stacked as a marker !

you can find many of these up and down Scotland in different sizes usually at the top of mountains
pretty much every single mountain in Scotland has a cairn , at least every single one of the Munroes has one
they are not remnants of old buildings

they range in functionality from astronomical markers/ sepulchral or just indication of hunting grounds

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:34 AM

Scott Creighton
"MA: So as I understand you, you are taking the 3 Giza Ps back roughly 10K years before Romer's 6KBCE superflood, which would mean that it wiped out everything except them [and the Sphinx].

SC: Not just the Gizamids but those at Abu Roash, Saqqara, Dahshur and Meidum. In short, the first 16 pyramids the AEs constructed as per Plutarch’s Myth of Isis and Osiris which tells us the body of Osiris was divided into 16 parts (some versions say 14 parts). The AE Pyramid Texts inform us that “...this pyramid... is Osiris... this construction... is Osiris...” On the basis of these fragments or ‘clues’, it seems to me that the first 16 pyramids were (or rather, became) the ‘body of Osiris’. Indeed, if we ‘join the dots’ of these first pyramids we find—somewhat curiously—that they present to us a rudimentary match-stick Osiris.

We've still got a problem with the Osiris cult. Many people assume that Egypt had a single pantheon, like the Greek or Northern gods. In actuality Egypt had a number of different cult-centers, which tended to have their own principal triads, with rival neteru borrowed for supporting cast.

So when you go back to predynastic Egypt you find the two original neteru, Horus (HaraXte "the Elder") and Set, representative of the Solar day and the starry night respectively. Much later the Syrian corn god Usire ("Osiris") became the center of a cult at Abydos which appropriated Horus as Osiris' son (Hariesis "the Younger"), Set as his brother, Isis as his wife, etc. Go to another cult-center; all these and others are rearranged; so at Ombos, for instance, you would find the Set/Nepthys/Anubis triad, at Thebes Amon/Mut/Xons, etc. To make it more complicated, such neteru often blended with others, e.g. Amon-Ra. Plutarch just happened to write down a very late version of the Osiris cult, and that's what sticks in modern minds which want these things neatly packaged.

The AEs were most certainly anticipating a great Deluge—the Deluge of Thoth—and this is why (so they tell us) they built these first pyramids, to preserve within them “...all that was of esteem in the kingdom...” (Saurid).

You lost me here. Saurid sounds like just much-later Arabian fable.

This would typically have included all manner of tools, sacred texts, many types of seed, many types of storage/distribution vessels etc. And this is, of course, what has actually been found, or at least some remnants.

Not in any of the 3Ps as far as I know.

I know many theorists suggest all manner of mathematical knowledge having been encoded into the pyramids, pi ratio, phi etc. My own personal view is that these ratios can work their way inadvertently into the proportions of the structure i.e. without the designer ever being aware of them.

From the courses I took in plane- & solid-geometry, I think that almost any architect would need to be fluent in their axioms and postulates. That's how you get stuff to come out right and fit. What bothers me about the GP is the non-Euclidian stuff that only Cthulhu could love.

I agree—the designer’s COULD have designed all their structures more or less the same if they simply wished to construct recovery vaults but there were others aspects to their plan—they wanted to use these self same recovery vaults in such a way (configuration) as to also commemorate or ‘register’ the time in which they were built.

I still don't see anything about the 3Ps that time-dates them. I am curious about what old Abu Zayd purportedly said about an inscription on the GP that it was built "when Lyra was in Cancer". But I haven't tried to chase that back. And how could an Arab in the CE 800s read anything in hieroglyphics, unless the inscription were just a diagram?

A bit like the star map in the forecourt of the Hoover Dam complex that uses the stars to commemorate when the dam was constructed.

They definitely had fun building Boulder Dam, and I daresay a certain pharaonic rip-off tradition was also followed in renaming it for Herbert Hoover.

The pyramid recovery vaults do the same and they do it in a quite ingenious way which requires the size of the Gizamids to be the different sizes that we observe. This is partly explained in my previous book The Giza Prophecy and is explained further with additional evidence in my new, forthcoming book The Secret Chamber of Osiris. I am presently in the process of creating a Flash presentation to more easily demonstrate how this is done. I will post when I have it finished.

I'll do a respectful Pontius Pilate here until I've checked out your books. We're still going to have a bit of trouble with Mr. O if you're trying to use him predynastically.

Certainly there were practical and logistical constraints. The fact is the AEs built all these early pyramids on the high plateaus where there was immediate access to limestone quarries.

Point taken, although even with close-by limestone sources, we've still got big problems with the precision cutting and transportation. Up in the mountains, you wouldn't need to build anything of stone; you'd just bore underground, a la Cheyenne Mountain, or just hunt around for some nice big, deep caves.

This concurs with my own view that only one star (Al Nitak) in Orion’s Belt came to embody the spirit of Osiris (Sah).

We've still got Mr. O as a Syrian corn-god import, originally possibly confused with Andjeti, then only ca. VD morphing into the death-neter of the famous Abydos cult. You have inscriptions and statues of elder, native neteru like Set and HaraXte going well back into predynastic times, but nowhere Mr. O. You can take a shot at Mr. A, but then you lose the death/resurrection link. Not trying to paint you into a corner here; just suggesting that I don't think you want to tie the intended symbolism of predynastic GPs to a very-much-later Mr. O. Your ball, certainly.

"While there is every likelihood that the Osirian material in the Pyramid Texts derives in part from a much earlier date, so far it has not proved possible to track down the god or his symbols tangibly to the First or Second dynasty." (Emphasis mine). - John G. Griffiths, The Origins of Osiris and His Cult, p.44

Now note the part of that sentence which you didn't emphasize. And while we all love old Budge, he did tend to take some speculative liberties, as it were.

None of the above should be interpreted as "sharpshooting". I find your careful, methodical style of analysis very gruntling; you certainly nailed the "tomb" nonsense to the wall. So far we've got a strong inductive case for predynastic for the Giza Ps; I'll take a pass on all the others sprinkled around, which I tend to regard as later imitations [explaining among other things why they're all falling apart]. I honestly don't see "repository". I still think that, like the Keep, we're looking at them but not seeing them.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:59 AM

Scott Creighton

reply to post by Scott Creighton

Hmmm ... I have issues with the GP Timevault theory.

If A Data dump existed ... where is it ??

If you're going to build a structure to store all the worlds knowledge ....

SC: ???? Where have I said this? Over and above which - this is not "...the GP Timevault theory". It is not JUST about the GP but a theory that explains ALL the early, giant pyramids. The other pyramids do have to be explained you know.

I was referring to general Timevault theories ... it was not directed at you ... and yes of course the other Pyramids have to be explained.

That aside .. I think there could be a vault beneath the Sphinx .... The Sphinx was an Anubis/Jackal/Dog in the prone position ... these are only seen perched on a box in statuettes and on cartouches ... so I'm pretty sure the Sphinx is sitting on an underground vault.

Would be nice if the Egyptian Gov/Hawass let us have a look.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:36 AM


reply to post by Scott Creighton

SC: Indeed. And it was. It's called a pyramid. (In Scotland we call them cairns). Anything smaller and less robust would simply have been washed away in the anticipated great Deluge of Thoth.

This is absurd, Cairns are just the remnants of old round buildings.

not true a cairn is a pile of rocks stacked as a marker !

you can find many of these up and down Scotland in different sizes usually at the top of mountains
pretty much every single mountain in Scotland has a cairn , at least every single one of the Munroes has one
they are not remnants of old buildings

they range in functionality from astronomical markers/ sepulchral or just indication of hunting grounds


What Cairns were is a matter of opinion any circular building made of rubble walls will eventually turn to a circular pile of rubble.



posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:40 AM

reply to post by Scott Creighton

That aside .. I think there could be a vault beneath the Sphinx .... The Sphinx was an Anubis/Jackal/Dog in the prone position ... these are only seen perched on a box in statuettes and on cartouches ... so I'm pretty sure the Sphinx is sitting on an underground vault.

Would be nice if the Egyptian Gov/Hawass let us have a look.


Hi C4L,

You might find this thread of some interest.


edit on 24/10/2013 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

edit on 24/10/2013 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:46 AM

reply to post by Scott Creighton

Hey Scott you doing any lectures on your most recent findings in Glasgow soon ?
I remember reading a few of your posts a while back on various pyramid threads !

Hi Sapien82,

I don't have any talks planned in Glasgow until next year (probably around May/June as part of the South Side Festival). I will post here when I have further details.


edit on 24/10/2013 by Scott Creighton because: Fix typo.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:36 AM




Hi Will,

I generally leave it to the geologists to argue these questions. You ask three geolgists how the erosion formed on the Sphinx and you'll get (at least) four different answers.



posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 10:51 AM
I was reading some Egyptian religious material last night as my knowledge re: egypt is lacking. I came across a statement about how isis rebuilt osiris.

I guess I never paid attention to that before.

Now in saivite shauvism lore, isis is "the goddess kundalini" which is in fact a biological process, which indeed does 'rebuild osiris' though they use different words for osiris.

Osiris is indeed the dead and corrupted body of 'god' using exoteric language.


posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 04:55 PM
Further on the "looking but not seeing" notion ...

As previously, I continue to have the feeling that:

(1) The three Giza Ps are the originals, and other Ps sprinkled around Egypt later imitations.

(2) The 3GPs are assumed to be Egyptian for the obvious and understandable reason that they happen to be located there. However they are significantly at odds with Egyptian religious & monumental architecture & art:

-- (a) They are devoid of decoration, inside and out. The Es never built a wall they didn't engrave or paint.

-- (b) They are unnecessarily massive, and most of their mass is nonfunctional. When the Es built temples, including very big ones such as Karnak, every inch was æsthetic and functional.

-- (c) They shut out the sky, day and night. To the Es the sky, both daytime & nighttime, was extremely important: the abode of the neteru.

-- (d) Their passages are not designed for human bodies. They're too cramped, angled, and with awkward rooms and accessories.

I will also say this in my capacity as a Priest of Set since 1975 CE: An initiate of the neteru lives in a universe in which they are constant, essential, and enthralling presences. They are not mere fairytales or cartoon characters. As She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, herself a Priestess of Isis, observed:

H. Rider Haggard, She and Allan
[Allan Quatermain] “I have heard of Isis of the Egyptians, Lady of the Moon, Mother of Mysteries, spouse of Osiris whose child was Horus the Avenger.”

[Ayesha] “Aye, and I think will hear more of her before you have done, Allan, for now something comes back to me concerning you and her and another. I am not the only one who has broken the oaths of Isis and received her curse, Allan, as you may find out in the days to come. But what of these heavenly queens?”

“Only this, Ayesha: I have been taught that they were but phantasms fabled by men with many another false divinity, and could have sworn that this was true. And yet you talk of them as real and living, which perplexes me.”

“Being dull of understanding doubtless it perplexes you, Allan. Yet if you had imagination, you might understand that these goddesses are great principles of nature: Isis of throned Wisdom and strait virtue, and Aphrodite of Love as it is known to men and women who, being human, have it laid upon them that they must hand on the torch of life in their little hour. Also you would know that such principles can seem to take shape and form and at certain ages of he world appear to their servants visible in majesty, though perchance today others with changed names wield their sceptres and work their will. Now you are answered on this matter.”

Hence even in their present ruined and defaced state, the temples of Egypt are devices for apprehension of and interaction with the neteru. Not understanding this would be like going to a Ferrari showroom, admiring the cars, but never driving one of them to actually experience and understand the mystique.

So for ordinary tourists, scholars, and archæologists, a trip to Egypt is like a visit to an art gallery or museum. There is no distinction between this or that object other than its visual registration.

What I am coming to is that the 3GPs are dead, not alive. There are no neteru within them. What makes this even more unsettling is that, as above, the neteru are normally everywhere. This makes me wonder whether this is deliberate, and whether it has something to do with their original design and purpose.

For the Egyptians, interaction with the neteru was not simply a function of the conscious physical senses. As detailed in my MindWar book, the human body is an electromagnetic machine of extraordinary sophistication and complexity, most of which functions subconsciously. Removing the sensations and reinforcements of the conscious senses can quickly provoke startling and powerful psychoses, as illustrated in the book and film Altered States. However even in a conscious-sensory deprivation environment, such as an isolation tank, most interactions with the universe of the natural neteru (what the Temple of Set calls the Objective Universe) continue.

To block out the OU completely is impossible, as there are forces such as gravity which are omnipresent. Where the electromagnetic spectrum is concerned, however, physical science has gotten quite close with the "Faraday cage". And what is it that turns out to be an extreme, perhaps the most potent ever built, Faraday cage? You guessed it.

What also dovetails into this concept is the very shape of the Ps. There has been a lot of research into disrupting and nullifying the human sensory-intensive audio frequency band of the EMS, and guess what shape works best?

Add to this the distortional influence of the non-Euclidian interior geometry, concerning which see PSYCONs "#5 Proxemics" and "#8 Shapes" in MindWar.

What's starting to emerge here is the unpleasant picture of the 3GPs, and the GP in particular, as a mechanism to disrupt the psyche of any self-conscious sentient entity (SCSE) spending any amount of time therein. The Egyptians knew each SCSE to comprise eight "souls", some more vulnerable than others to injury or destruction. As recounted to Sauron in the Morlindalë:

When again the gates of Mandos opened for me, I hardly knew myself still to be. Within Mandos there is no light, no sound, no motion, no other thing at all. Imprisoned there, I slowly began to unform, until I was but a mere thought that clung only to itself. It was this fragile wisp that the Valar found when finally they chose to release me, and they laughed as they sent it drifting back to Máhanaxar.

In the GP we may be looking at such a soul-destructive device, or almost as ominously, one for destroying only the higher faculties of conscious existence, reducing an SCSE to a purely-eikasiac creature. This might result in a phenomenon very much like the infamous id-monster of Forbidden Planet:

If this dark hypothesis has anything to it, it may be just as well that popular Egyptology dismisses the GP as Khufu's tomb and just gives tours and sells T-shirts accordingly.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by maquino

I've never visited Egypt. I had to tend the nuclear reactor
when my ship went there. I've never been able to enter
inside those pyramids by other means.

I still stand with my god-making observation.. but perhaps
the god-making was related to harvesting a little god for

I know this sounds gruesome in the extreme.. and I'm really
surprised that you either don't know this or haven't said it..
but you know there is another way to obtain that black
flame of yours.. by processing "black sludge"; the
aftermath of the forced decomposition of certain classes
of beings.

The GP could certainly be a black-sludge to black-flame
harvesting machine. I'm quite certain that all those
blocked exits would be quite required, to keep the
poor victim inside.

Then the black flame can be used to further animate
or enhance another being.

I know that I present as very 'my little pony', but as
I've stated in various posts, there is an initiation
which requires that the 'problem with evil' be solved,
and once that initiation is taken, then one has full
access to ALL of the sacred neteru as a normal part
of consciousness.

I'm also not sure you know this Michael.. but human
beings are a conversion machine too.. that's the
grandest secret of grandest secrets.

I suppose you won't respond to me Michael..and that's
ok with me.. you are already with me as well.. but
I must say I'm very impressed with your scholarship
and your candor.


posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by maquino

Awesome post Colonel,

I haven't much to add at the moment but wanted to say hi. Hi.

So, She Who Must Be Obeyed must be obeyed because she is gravity herself. I think.

Sorry for the delay on The Moon thread; it's on its way. I don't believe the ancient Egyptians built them either. The 3GPs, that is.

What's starting to emerge here is the unpleasant picture of the 3GPs, and the GP in particular, as a mechanism to disrupt the psyche of any self-conscious sentient entity (SCSE) spending any amount of time therein.

Within Mandos there is no light, no sound, no motion, no other thing at all. Imprisoned there, I slowly began to unform, until I was but a mere thought that clung only to itself.


Sounds like an Eleusis-Macine: run 'em all through in a big line once a year and upload updates and patches from the main server?

edit on 26-10-2013 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by maquino

Hello Michael,

I asked the question in the AMA thread on your opinion of the Great pyramids purpose and you gave a very good response with the stargate post. I found it very interesting and did not get the chance to thank you.
This thread was very interesting as well and I appreciate your input on the subject. Well done and thank you.

It's people like you that make ATS a great place to visit and I look forward to reading more.

I think the great pyramids main purpose was to give thousands of Egyptians something to do. It was work for a growing population and gave people a purpose to build the largest structure in the world.

I think all the chambers and shafts in the GP were used for the construction of the Kings chamber. The air shafts were a U-tube leveling system to get the large granite stones perfect.

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