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MSNBC says: _Republicans 'Flubbed' Obamacare Website Launch

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posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 04:54 PM
MSNBC: Republicans 'Flubbed' Obamacare Website Launch

MSNBC never quits.

I'm sure many people actually believe the "Republicans" had everything to do with the ObamaCare failures !!

Just to note:
The PPACA law passed both Chambers of Congress with zero votes from any Republicans.

The Obama Administration and all their supporters are getting very very desperate.

The whole ObamaCare website launch appears to be a big *Boon-Doggle* of epic proportions.

As each day passes and the public finds just how much of a failure the Obamacare website has become, left-wing cabler MSNBC has found the culprit: The Republicans "flubbed" the launch.

Yes, the website the GOP did not support for the law that not one Republican had a hand in, much less voted for, is the fault of the Republicans.

During MSNBC's Morning Joe show helmed by Joe Scarborough on October 19, MSNBC featured a title at the bottom of the screen--what in the TV biz is called a "chyron"--that proclaimed the following: "Missed Messages, GOP Flubs Obamacare Launch."

Later in the segment the chyron was changed to read, "Sick of, GOP's missed opportunity."

Good Story.....Lots of supporting links...
MSNBC: Republicans 'Flubbed' Obamacare Website Launch

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:08 PM
It's getting really hard to believe that even employees of MSNBC take themselves seriously anymore.

Those comments could be the dumbest thing on television right now.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:13 PM
I'm so glad you're here to provide me with Breitbart headlines.

In other news; AP Sources: 476,000 Obamacare Applications Filed

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:16 PM

I'm so glad you're here to provide me with Breitbart headlines.

In other news; AP Sources: 476,000 Obamacare Applications Filed

You seem to have left out this part of the article you quoted unfortunately.

However, the officials continue to refuse to say how many people have actually enrolled in the insurance markets. Without enrollment figures, it's unclear whether the program is on track to reach the 7 million people projecting by the Congressional Budget Office to gain coverage during the six-month sign-up period.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:20 PM
I always knew those republicans were up to no good! *shakes fist*

Though being serious for a moment, how much are these officials being paid to act like children on the playground?

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

The link in the OP has clearly indicated that facts are of no matter in this discussion, thank you though.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:24 PM

I'm so glad you're here to provide me with Breitbart headlines.

In other news; AP Sources: 476,000 Obamacare Applications Filed

I wouldn't believe that malarkey for all the "Tea" in China !!

I mean "Tea" in Watchington.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:26 PM

It's getting really hard to believe that even employees of MSNBC take themselves seriously anymore.

Those comments could be the dumbest thing on television right now.

They would be, if it weren't for the guys on Fox and Talk Radio. Don't forget they let Hannity on Fox. Just sayin.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Maybe you misread it? According to the quote you posted:

During MSNBC's Morning Joe show helmed by Joe Scarborough on October 19, MSNBC featured a title at the bottom of the screen--what in the TV biz is called a "chyron"--that proclaimed the following: "Missed Messages, GOP Flubs Obamacare Launch."

The "chyron" doesn't say they flubbed the Obamacare Website Launch - just that they flubbed the Obamacare launch which could refer to their actions (re: shutdown, etc) related to the launch.

Personally, I think there were members on both sides acting criminally idiotic during this debacle...

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Riffrafter


So maybe the big plan was to shut down the government and thus stop the website launch ?

If that is a consensus, then why did MSNBC wait more than two weeks to reveal this gem ?

IMO, the purpose of MSNBC's broadcast was to enhance false perception.

edit on Oct-20-2013 by xuenchen because:

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by links234

I'm so glad you're here to provide me with Breitbart headlines.

In other news; AP Sources: 476,000 Obamacare Applications Filed

They may be filed...but I wonder if they have been received.
Unless the "insured" got confirmation emails.....I doubt it is true.

My experience is quite the opposite.
Experian verified me, the Marketplace didn't receive it.
I tried to upload a document.....the website first appeared to receive it.
Days later, a retry showed the file was too big.
I've gotten blank screens and Java errors.
Sometimes links work, other times , not.

And, I can't see how Republicans are to blame.....
edit on Sun Oct 20 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: fixed link

edit on Sun Oct 20 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: yikes

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 05:57 PM

I'm so glad you're here to provide me with Breitbart headlines.

In other news; AP Sources: 476,000 Obamacare Applications Filed

The story also points out:

Of the 476,000 applications that have been started, just over half have been from the 36 states where the federal government is taking the lead in running the markets. The rest of the applications have come from the 14 states running their own markets, along with Washington, D.C.

The word *started* is suspicious indeed.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:36 PM
Well, "Blame Bush" was wearing thin.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:19 PM
The references to GOP start around 1:50 through the show.

Definitely a psy-ops.....

"MSNBC: "GOP Flubs ObamaCare Launch""

Published on Oct 18, 2013

A segment on MSNBC's Morning Joe featured a Chyron which read "GOP Flubs ObamaCare Launch." ObamaCare became law without a single GOP vote.

Guess the cable network: Chyron announces, ‘GOP flubs Obamacare launch’

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

It has also been reported that one state has spent $12,000 for each applicant that has successfully signed up. The amount that the country spends per person on healthcare is only around $8,000 annually, so this state is spending more just to sign people up than the average costs per person of the actual care received.


posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Politics are always a blame game. One reason why there's never any honest politicians out there. For once, just once I'd like to have someone in power that admits, "We screwed up but we're working hard to fix it" instead of, "They screwed it up for us. Blame them!".

This goes for every politician on every platform.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:46 PM
Seems like a common theme is rising lately....blame the Republicans or the Tea Party.

I know that is the usual modus operandi for both parties, but it has delved into the depths of utter stupidity.

Obama: This is your legacy. At least claim it for your own.....including both the good and bad.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

sorry, but this is the stupidest theory i've seen on this website to date. as someone who writes software for obamacare, i can tell you for a fact that the reason the applications aren't working is because the specification for the electronic application and interaces aren't yet complete. that's right, the system is supposed to be "running" and yet the software isn't anywhere NEAR ready. once the applications start working, we will then move to eligibility, then verification, and so on obamacare will not be ready/working for years!

it should be noted that applications CAN be "started", as some states only require a name and telephone number to begin the application process. whether or not the applications will be processed within 45-90 days is another matter entirely.
edit on 20-10-2013 by GEmersonBiggins because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:46 AM
I admit to seriously lacking when it comes to understanding politics.
I was under the impression that the Affordable Care Act was for all of the people in the good ol' USA that didn't have, and couldn't afford, healthcare.
They couldn't afford insurance, because they don't make enough money to purchase it!
Now, by law, they have to buy it anyway...and the insurance industry has raised premiums in expectation of the law taking effect! They'll all be buying new cars, while the working class will be deciding on which necessity to cut from the family budget!
WHAT is affordable about the ACA ??!!!!!
After paying outrageous premiums, nobody will have any money to pay the exorbitant deductibles, let alone co-pay! There's even LESS chance of seeking medical help when you really need it!
Seems like well planned genocide to me.
Georgia Guide Stones being implemented....

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:52 AM

reply to post by xuenchen

sorry, but this is the stupidest theory i've seen on this website to date. as someone who writes software for obamacare, i can tell you for a fact that the reason the applications aren't working is because the specification for the electronic application and interaces aren't yet complete. that's right, the system is supposed to be "running" and yet the software isn't anywhere NEAR ready. once the applications start working, we will then move to eligibility, then verification, and so on obamacare will not be ready/working for years!

it should be noted that applications CAN be "started", as some states only require a name and telephone number to begin the application process. whether or not the applications will be processed within 45-90 days is another matter entirely.
edit on 20-10-2013 by GEmersonBiggins because: (no reason given)

Does this mean, since nobody can complete the application process, that we will all have to pay the fine for not signing up?
Sooner or later, the pendulum has got to start swinging the other way....doesn't it?
edit on 10000001212America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: Correct spelling

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