reply to post by britelite1971
Thank you for the words and the character pointing to the solution. I wanted to add this from RUMI, so I'll use it in reply to your post. It
explains it all and gives the solution that is hidden, yet out in the open.
Why freewill is good for man.
God said, "Do thou grant his earnest request,
Enlarge his faculty according to his freewill.
Freewill is as the salt to piety,
Otherwise heaven itself were matter of compulsion.
In its revolutions reward and punishment were needless,
For 'tis freewill that has merit at the great reckoning.
If the whole world were framed to praise God,
There would be no merit in praising God.
Place a sword in his hand and remove his impotence,
To see if he turns out a warrior or a robber.
Because freewill is that wherewith 'we honor Adam,' 1
Half the swarm become bees and half wasps.
The faithful yield honeycombs like bees,
The infidels yield store of poison like wasps.
For the faithful feed on choice herbs,
So that, like bees, their chyle yields life-giving food,
Whilst infidels feed on filth and garbage,
And generate poison according to their food."
Men inspired of God are the fountain of life;
Men of delusions are a synonym for death.
In the world the praise "Well done faithful servant!"
Is given to freewill which is used with prudence.
If all dissolute men were shut up in prison,
They would all be temperate and devout and pious.
When power of choice is absent actions are worthless;
But beware lest death snatch away your capital!
Your power of choice is a capital yielding profit,
Remember well the day of final account!
Free will allows light to reveal what it hits.
When the BELOVED shows not the light of His countenance?
LOVE desires that this secret should be revealed,
For if a mirror reflects not, of what use is it?
Knowest thou why thy mirror reflects not?
Because the rust has not been scoured from its face.
You are the image of God, the mirror of what He reveals. Simply clean the mirror and you have made the only choice that matters. God's will is the
choice. His will is to give and receive by the law of Love. The thief takes. As far as I can see, this is the only choice of free will that is
Where do you find that choice? Christ asked us to take His name. The name is the character we take. Taking the name in vain is taking the name and not
the character. Love is that character.
Quoted from here:
Quoted from Here...edit on 20-10-2013 by EnochWasRight
because: (no reason given)