Now, let's go a bit deeper. Your selves are Lower Self (Ego), Middle Self (Conscious Self), Christ Self (Holy Spirit, Mediator), and then Higher Self
Look at the chart again.
1. Identity Plane -- The Father -- Fire
2. Mental Plane -- The Son -- Air
3. Emotional Plane -- The Mother -- Water
4. Physical Plane -- The Holy Spirit -- Earth
Notice that The Father is at the top. The Son is right after that. The Mother is 3rd from the top. The Holy Spirit is at the bottom.
When you are on Earth, The Christ Self or Holy Spirit is responsible for teaching you the higher things, right? This is why it represents Earth in
the chart. When you have transcended yourself by gaining great knowledge and wisdom, the Holy Spirit will teach you internally. You will either just
know or will see dreams/visions about certain teachings. They may be enigmatic at first. But it will come to you.
Next, we have the Mother aspect. All creation is the result of the Mother Light. Your body, animals, plants, trees, rocks, and minerals are all from
the Mother aspect. You are the Mother force! Notice how the Mother aspect corresponds to the Emotional Plane? Because female energy is e-motion or
energy in motion. I will explain this shortly.
We now have the Son aspect. The Son means balance. Its energy is to balance the Father Power (expanding) with Mother Power (contracting).
Finally, we have the Father aspect which counteracts with the Mother aspect in order to finalize creation. Do you get it? Do you understand how this
all relates to human marriage of Male and Female, then from there, you get a baby? The human marriage is symbolic of creation. To understand the
relationship between a man and a woman is to understand the symbolism of how all creation is made.
Now comes to the point you all been waiting for...techniques on how to achieve Full Enlightenment. Once again I remind you that the Spiritual Path is
a step-by-step process. You can not make huge leaps and skip steps. You must take it the long way. No shortcuts ever! If you try to make a
shortcut, you will hurt yourself. If you try to take 3 steps ahead through some quantum leap technique from a guru, you will fall 4 steps back.
I know the introduction has been long. But if you don't have patience, then it's not the Spiritual Path.
At the beginning of this thread, I said we all have potential to become Co-Creators. That is a true mission--to become God who help finish creating
the Universe. For our Universe is unfinished. We must finish what was started. The essence of the Spiritual Path is Co-Creation. Of course you
can't create entire planets right away. You must start small, right? Can't bite more than you chew, yes? The more you realize who you are, the more
you know what you can do, and the more higher goals and visions you have, the higher you will go within the Spiritual Road.
Co-Creation works like this. You ARE the Mother aspect, the contracting force. Being the Mother, you already know how to use the Mother Light,
right? You ask, what in the world is Mother Light? Ma-ter or Mother Light is Pure Energy from God. We all live on energy. We get it from food.
But energy from food is not pure. It is energy from dying matter. Energy from God that was left over from plants and animals that they no longer
need. It barely sustains us. That's why if you depend on food, you are going to need more every 4-5 hours.
Besides energy from food, we also get energy from God. This energy is way more powerful and more pure than the stuff from food. Everybody get it
from God. It doesn't matter if you are Spiritual or not. This energy has a combination of both the Mother and Father Light. The energy is channeled
down from the Spiritual Realm (Heaven), then down through the 4 Planes (Material Universe) and then down to your physical body. In order to create
anything, you must use your mind to concentrate and balance YOUR THOUGHTS (The Son) onto the Ma-Ter Light (Mother). Once your thoughts are focused
there, you must use the Father Force to push your thoughts through the Emotional Plane. Once it is there, you transform this e-motion into action
and/or manifestation into physical reality.
People create things all the time without realizing it. They make money by getting a job. They buy food to cook and eat. They go to school and
learn things. They build homes with extensive carpentry. These creations are action-based, you build with your hands, your physical vehicle. You
always start with a thought, bring it into an emotional state, and then push it into creation.
However, this type of creation is limited and of the lower mind. A higher type of creation is changing your circumstances. For example, instead
being scared of a car accident or robbery, you send your thoughts the same way through the 4 planes that you WILL NOT have a car accident nor get
robbed. Then once you pushed it through the Ma-Ter Light and Father Force correctly, it will manifest in the physical using only your higher
Once you are good at that, bring it up higher. Start healing plants, animals, inanimate objects, and then humans from their sickness. It's easier to
start small, remember that. Heal yourself first, then heal others. If you feel a cold coming, immediately send your thoughts through, and then if
you do it correctly, your cold will last 10 minutes. When you have reached Enlightenment, you can even raise the dead, no matter how long they have
been gone.
Bring your creation techniques even higher! Use the same format to control the weather. If it has been a dreary, hot summer with no rain. Focus
your thoughts through and create rain! Depending how your spiritual training is progressing, thereby your if your mind is balanced properly, the pure
energy from God will manifest into the physical within minutes or seconds! You can even stop a Hurricane from hitting Florida! The more energy you
receive from God, more miracles you can perform. You ask, "How do I receive more energy from God?" But before we get into that. I want to say that
there is nothing you can't do as long as you are on the Spiritual Path. And the Path is to balance your psychology, focus on God, and create as much
as possible!!
edit on 10/19/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)