posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:34 AM
It's like becoming the Hall Monitor, right?
All the sudden some of your old friends are giving you winks and nods, hoping you won't ask for their bathroom pass or call them out for being where
they are not supposed to be (until they realize that you ain't playin' and they still have to follow the rules!), everyone starts looking to you to
answer questions about how to get to class and where the heck the Library is, and "what do you mean by 'off-topic?"'...They start calling you
"Sir" (or Ma'am - as applicable) and speaking in formal, polite tones...Then the bad kids, well, they take one look at your Hall Monitor Uniform
coupled with that friendly smile and steely-eyed gaze, and they turn right around 'cause they know you are not to be trifled with...
peace (and I REALLY mean that...really...nothing to see here....just a good law-abiding peon ATS member...),
- AB