posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 09:18 AM
I didn't like this latest government shutdown. It seemed poorly planned and executed. Next time, we need to be sure to also furlough the guys with
the Barrycades and Obamatape.
But seriously, the way they ended the shutdown and avoided the debt ceiling was even worse.
1. The bill to end the shutdown included pork barrel spending.
2. The federal workers will receive back pay...for making the shutdown as painful for us as possible.
3. The debt ceiling was not raised. It was suspended. This means that right now, the government has UNLIMITED borrowing capability. They wouldn't
abuse that now, would they?
I propose a few things to fix our government and economy:
1. End all political campaign contributions for elected offices.
2. Abolish the federal reserve. Cancel the illegal debts they claim. Return to the use of money, rather than fiat currency. And by this I mean the
Constitutional definition of money, that is, gold and silver.
3. Without the federal reserve, there is no need for an income tax, and the internal revenue service can be closed.
4. Close the department of education, department of labor, FDA, USDA, and health and human services. Probably much more than what I just listed, but
that's a good start. These responsibilities belong to the States. Remind the federal government that the States created the federal government, not
the other way around.
5. Put the district of Columbia under the authority of a Constitutional sheriff, elected by the local population.