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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Having read the article that was mentioned and the comments by the posters the following can be stated:

What comes to mind after reading the article is something I have heard before: Have you no decency Sir?

This unique phrase is one that we should keep in mind, when looking at what those who are in the federal government are and are not doing. The sad part of the entire shut down, if anything is that it showed the country how much of the government is really not needed to keep running. Everyone who was classified as non-essential was put on furlough. And that in its self should be an indication that something is very wrong with the running of the country. After all if all of those people were classified as being non-essential, do we really need them to run the country properly? Or if they are required, why are they not classified as essential?

The saddest part of what has shown in its petition is that it shows how far the country is when it comes to tolerance of differing points of view. Terms like Traitor and Sedition, at one time which were spoken as if it were murder was being committed are thrown around in an attempt to shock and revile, cow opposing points of view. It is sick and shows that no one really wants to compromise or understand the other side. Political discourse has been around since the founding of the country. Many times it has been used, where one politician calls another a foul name. But never has there been outright accusations of criminal activity without valid proof, or even so much as a trial to where the people can see and make that decision.

These charges that are given, stated, carry the death penalty by their very nature. And while we may look back in history, the question is do we return to the era where speaking ill of the government or its policies is equal to disloyalty? Where dissent is now a capital crime, and one can be punished and publically shamed? Do we bring back the large scarlet letter to mark all those who would dare raise up and say no it is wrong?

Ever since this current president took office, any dissent has been met with accusations, of everything under the sun. It ultimately is wrong, and slanderous. We need to take a step back and think, and before one side or the other makes those kinds of accusations. The sad part is that what this is doing is making it where a person who is a minority may not be able to achieve such a high office for a while again.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:30 AM
The ones who wrote and voted for Obamacare are the ones who should be arrested and shot! Oh what the heck...shoot them all and lets start over!

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:38 AM

Ever since this current president took office, any dissent has been met with accusations, of everything under the sun. It ultimately is wrong, and slanderous. We need to take a step back and think, and before one side or the other makes those kinds of accusations. The sad part is that what this is doing is making it where a person who is a minority may not be able to achieve such a high office for a while again.


Illegally holds office? Born in Kenya? Terrorist? Marxist? Socialist? Hell bent on destroying the Country? Illegitimate? Love Child of Malcom X? Closeted Gay Murderer? Black Agenda? Manchurian candidate? etc. etc.

Yes...let's "take step and think before one side or the other makes those kinds of accusations"

"any dissent has been met with accusations, of everything under the sun. "

Rational dissent has largely been answered with rational responses.

Irrational dissent has been called out for what it is.

Threatening to destroy the economy unless a democratically enacted and upheld law is repealed is irrational.

No...this petition is not valid, it is left-wing rhetoric...but PUHLEESE ......

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

"raged with vitriol " , now we are into another adage the libs like "if I'm a liar then your a bigger liar ".

What I did was make an observation and comment about it, I guess to some people that would be vitriol because I'm not agreeing with them, just like when someone exercises there constitutional rights your branded a seditionist.

The civility of this debate is lacking, you have a nice day.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:52 AM


The civility of this debate is lacking, you have a nice day.


people that can't debate facts and have no respect for the constitution so they use hate , division and more lie's as a way to defend there attempt to destroy the country.

My question is , why does this surprise anyone, something like this appears most every day from the left and there leader Obama, just look at the shills and trolls that have inundated ATS in the past 6 months.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

I was not referring to such, but on how every time one of his policies is questioned; the rhetoric tends to get viscous and outright slanderous. Is being a socialist or a Marxist against the law? Is having a child out of wedlock against the law? Have the laws changed, where a person is no longer considered a natural born citizen if they are born to one parent who is a citizen of the USA out of the country? Would that make the thousands of people who are born of military parents on basis around the world thus ineligible to hold any public office in the USA?
No. All politicians have an agenda, make no mistake on that one and they all do lie and will tell the public what they believe the public wants to hear. The problem is that when the answer is not what we want to hear then comes more rhetoric and accusations, which are often found without basis.

Be it that we like the man or not, the reality is that he is and was elected to the office. And ultimately, we have to deal with such until there is a change in the Federal government. And to that end we the people need to stop re-electing the same people into the offices that they hold. That is how you get change, and ultimately hold those in office accountable for their actions and speech.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

We had a law that was passed by congress, both in the HOR and Senate (the Peoples reps)...Legislative Branch Signed into law by the President ...Executive Branch Upheld by the Supreme Court...Judicial Branch

What you have here is a list of the three branches of the federal government that have failed us and the Constitution regarding the ACA.

When they all see no problem with a law that forces American citizens to purchase a commercial product, we are completely powerless under the federal government. They can force us to buy aspirin that is bottled under a certain brand name if they want.

I find this to be very sad.

Some people don't want to break the law.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

I happen to agree with this .. but there is a fault I do not think the charge of sedition will work but the term of of blackmail and extortion might and it is not just GOP but some Dems as well fromthe link

The bottom of the website includes this caveat — that “MoveOn Civic Action does not necessarily endorse the contents of petitions posted on this site” and that “MoveOn Petitions is an open tool that anyone can use to post a petition.” But the “about” section of the site makes clear that the petition forum is a MoveOn program “to provide individuals and organizations with the tools to start and win their own grassroots campaigns.”
Plenty have signed on to the call to prosecute Republicans.
Petitioner number 17280, Elodie Carter, from New Orleans says to “Please arrest David Vitter!” And number 17275 from St. Cloud, Minn., Katie Lietzau, wrote: “Congress representatives are elected as public servants to represent the majority of Americans. … The tea party Republicans have not respected those practices in the worst possible way, by holding the country … its processes … the economy … and its people hostage as leverage for selfish reasons. … The tea party Republicans need to be held responsible, and frankly need to be made an example of.”

Read more:
all involved must pay a price including Obama... seems to be a joke went there and all they want is money up front or joing up with a small donation before ypu can post you voivce...
here is the link also seems to be no such petition

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

I completely agree with this.
What they did wholly undemocratic and actually caused innocent people to lose out, both financially and in terms of access.
What they did was extortion and should be completely illegal and I'd like to see charges brought against anyone lead this action and who instigated it and carried it out.

It was equal to treason.
edit on 18-10-2013 by stargatetravels because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:45 PM
When you start throwing words like "sedition" and "treason" around against politicians who represent the people, there is only one likely outcome in such a scenario.

Nothing will happen to these politicians, and nothing should. Else we should see 1860-61 all over again.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:49 PM
Interesting thread to read. While I agree that is very much a liberal website, I do think that some consideration needs to be made for Boehner's actions in regards to clause 4 of rule XXii. The position of the Speaker of the House was not meant to imply that one person would have total control over the House. Historically, this has happened in the past with Joseph Gurney Cannon.

Cannon took control over the House and wielded unprecedented power including the blocking of legislation. Notably, Cannon was not charged with seditious conspiracy but the House did revolt against Cannon. interestingly enough, when the call to strip Cannon of his power within the House came, Cannon's peers attempted to filibuster the vote. This part of the Cannon affair is key:

When Cannon finally ruled the resolution out of order at noon on March 19, Norris appealed the resolution to the full House, which voted to overrule Cannon, and then to adopt the Norris resolution.

So how Cannon was stripped of his power was through the bringing of a vote against him to the House floor. Now let's look at that change in clause 4 of rule XXII:

Original House Rule:

When the stage of disagreement has been reached on a bill or resolution with House or Senate amendments, a motion to dispose of any amendment shall be privileged.

New House Rule:

Sec. 2. Any motion pursuant to clause 4 of rule XXII relating to House Joint Resolution 59 may be offered only by the Majority Leader or his designee.

Link to HR 368 since, considering how much it's being discussed, it's curiously hard to find:

Essentially, Boehner did what even Cannon dared not do as even Cannon allowed for an appeal and a vote to overrule.

The House was set up to be one of the most democratic portions of our federal government. It's the most representative in that the shorter terms and sheer number representing smaller constituencies worked to assure being beholden to one's constituents and debate. It was not meant to be ruled over by one single man. Our federal government was not established so that one single man could dictate the functionality of the government. The most power to any one single individual would be the President and even his power was limited to that of veto and executive orders on existing legislation. However, even the President's power can be circumvented if it contradicts the will of the people as that vetoed legislation, if passed again through Congress with a 2/3 majority vote, can be overruled.

Boehner effectively closed the door to the circumvention of his power as Speaker of the House. Could he be charged with sedition? Considering that soon after the rule change went viral, he allowed a vote and an agreement was reached, it's highly unlikely. Should he be smacked down to size through other means? Absolutely. We cannot afford to let any single individual take control over our government's functionality, regardless of party affiliation. We are a representative democracy. If we allow this precedent to occur without fallout, then it could happen again and who knows, perhaps it'll be a Democrat who does it.

edit on 18/10/13 by WhiteAlice because: added link to pertinent HR 368

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:54 PM
MoveOn is heavily funded by George Soros and other affiliates.

Ultra Left Wing all the way.

Soros is a product of Fabian Economics and the London School of Economics.

Very dangerous to individualism.

Very dangerous.

..... Do some research on the above as well as the Frankfurt School and how they have infiltrated U.S. systems.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Somebody posted this on another thread and it's absolutely correct.
It's from a video, in which someone sums up the actions of the Rep's very eloquently

“What you cannot do, what cannot be allowed to stand is the notion that a group of legislators that cannot convince a majority in both Houses and the President to agree with them, would then shut down the government or threaten default until they got their way. That is not democracy, that is extortion.”

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:05 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

We had a law that was passed by congress, both in the HOR and Senate (the Peoples reps)...Legislative Branch Signed into law by the President ...Executive Branch Upheld by the Supreme Court...Judicial Branch

What you have here is a list of the three branches of the federal government that have failed us and the Constitution regarding the ACA.

That is an opinion and one that has been debated and discredited through all three branches of government and the American People through two elections.

What you are proposing is that when a minority faction holds such an opinion, they are entitled to over-rule the democratic process, the people and their elected officials and demand the repeal of laws at threat of economic collapse.

The specifics of ACA or any other law aside...that type of thinking is antithetical to our founding principles and our democracy. What you describe is tyranny.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Agreed. Soros and his MoveOn are rather extreme left and I think that sedition may be a little heavy handed considering that he didn't block that final vote from going through to take us out of shutdown. If he had and allowed the government to default, I would be all over seeing him charged with seditious treason. If the government had gone into default on their securities, it would've essentially laid waste to perhaps millions of Americans' retirement funds. Many brokers have been shifting individual's retirement funds into treasury based securities to avoid market risk at this time. That would've been horrific, criminal and Boehner probably would've considered himself lucky to only be charged with sedition if that had occurred.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:08 PM
And yet another silly petition. If we have learned anything it is that people will sign petions for anything. I myself am sad we will not have a Death Star.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:10 PM


reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Just to put this in context, weren't there 3 times as many signatures for the US government to build the Death Star?

Ahhh...The Death Star!!! Now that is something we can all get behind!!

Unfortuantely, we would be in front of it.

Come to think of it, if our government designed it, it would have 5 unprotected thermal exhaust ports. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near it.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

So you believe that Congress should be able to pass a law that requires you to buy a specific commercial product?

The specifics of ACA or any other law aside...that type of thinking is antithetical to our founding principles and our democracy. What you describe is tyranny.

You better go to the founding fathers with your complaint. Everything that happened was done within the rules of the Legislative branch. (kicking the can down the road has been the solution in the past, and that was the solution again)

edit on 18-10-2013 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-10-2013 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

Good points as usual.

But you realize there's no proof anywhere that a default would have happened ?

Nobody is posting numbers that show anything out of the ordinary.

Just wild opinions and speculations.

The government revenues are very high right now without borrowing.

I think the *debt* is being steered by foreign banking interests, against American interests.

Federal Reserve policies are dictated by the Basel Committee in Switzerland.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 01:16 PM



reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Just to put this in context, weren't there 3 times as many signatures for the US government to build the Death Star?

Ahhh...The Death Star!!! Now that is something we can all get behind!!

Unfortuantely, we would be in front of it.

Come to think of it, if our government designed it, it would have 5 unprotected thermal exhaust ports. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near it.


If the government built the Death Star, it'd run on a Windows 98 platform.


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