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The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

I think that the glaring problem is the fact that a private bank has absolute sole control over the US money supply.

We do not have a free market, it is not possible to have a free market, when a handful of people can tweak the economy.

Also, the "debt" that the US incurs is from the interest that the Federal Reserve charges the Federal government for "borrowing" from them. They always talk about Congress borrowing money, well, there you go. They're "borrowing" money from the Federal Reserve.

It's absurd because Congress has the authority to print our money. And if Congress were printing our money it would be interest free. Why would the Federal Government charge themselves interest to "borrow" from themselves?

The most insidious aspect of it, is the fact that the Federal Reserve "sells" our debt to China.

Yeah, they really have our best interests at heart.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:53 AM
These videos do a nice job educating people of the poor financial system we all live in.

I agree that our current monetary system is a legalized ponzi scheme. But as some posters have said silver and gold are not the answer. In fact trusting that silver and gold will help you long term into the coming crisis is a fallacy. Sure it could help at the start, if paper money is badly devalued, but eventually the value of silver or gold will diminish from peoples perspective too, as other issues become more pressing, survival issues.

Although it is a fantasy TV series how much is Gold and Silver worth in the show "The Walking Dead" ?

Now if you can answer that, perhaps you will appreciate the prophetic words about a time coming in our lifetime.

Ezekiel 7:9

They will throw their silver and gold into the streets like garbage. Their silver and gold won't be able to rescue them on the day of the LORD's anger. It will no longer satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs. Their silver and gold caused them to fall into sin.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:29 PM
Excellent post!! Thank you for sharing the video. More and more people need to hear about this. This should be one of the biggest issues on ATS.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:34 PM

As always, I did a search
and did not see this posted yet.

The most powerful and effective lies are always those that are 90% true.

All banking is inherently fraudulent (a fact they themselves skim on in the video), not just central banking.

All banking is legal counterfeiting.

All banking needs to be abolished.

And finally:

If we return to gold or silver money now we'll just be repeating history in a few decades time (we had gold and silver money in the past and that is where we got here from).

Furthermore, basically all physical gold and silver is already owned by those that instituted, control and profit off the current system.

They already have the market cornered before we even reverted to physical gold and currency money.

The people who made these videos have ulterior motives.

They do not care about all the people suffering and being robbed blind under the current system. They do not want to alleviate their suffering.

They just want us(you) to switch to their system.

The answer is in the constitution (article 1, section 8):

The Congress shall have Power

To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Pejeu

If we return to gold or silver money now we'll just be repeating history in a few decades time (we had gold and silver money in the past and that is where we got here from).

That is not necessarily true, though.

It was not a "natural" progression form gold and silver to paper money.

The fractional reserve banking system of the Federal Reserve was forced on the people. With the right policies in place, there is no reason for this to happen again.

Also, the bankers caused the great depression by hyper-inflating the dollar until the stock market crashed. Afterwards they began issuing flyers urging Americans to turn in their gold and silver to "help the economy." Which, of course, was bunk. They simply did not want to compete with any other currency.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 02:00 PM

"The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind"

Second biggest scam, i'm afraid that particular title is currently held by Organised religion!

Which one would that be the Darwin Evolution religion AKA atheism?
Actually you bring up a good point, Evolution and the millions/billions of years age of the earth could also be considered one of the biggest scams of Mankind and continues in full force today brainwashing kids from grade school on up. I would also toss in the 9-11 official story as well.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 02:05 PM

That is not necessarily true, though.

It was not a "natural" progression form gold and silver to paper money.

Why would you assume repeating history (there is no debating this, that's exactly what we would be doing) would somehow result in different, better outcomes?

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 02:13 PM

Ezekiel 7:9

They will throw their silver and gold into the streets like garbage. Their silver and gold won't be able to rescue them on the day of the LORD's anger. It will no longer satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs. Their silver and gold caused them to fall into sin.

Not that I believe what the bible states... Although I quote alot of it to people who say they follow god but thats a different story...

Anyway Did you read what i put on the 1st page, I do not believe it was answered..


I also want to make a point of something.. The makers of this video in the OP has something to do with gold and silver..

My question is wtf is that going to do for you if you have nothing to help you live??

Wouldn't it be better to have food, ammo, guns, and other things? I think if shtf and money was obsolete I think items for trade would be more valuable than gold and silver.. I would more than likely wanna trade some ammo for food, or food for a 5th of JD or something.. I really don't get this buy gold and silver crap..

This has perplexed me before buy gold was popular.. I always thought the best way to get around something was to barter.. This is how they did it back in the day and I'm fairly sure it hasn't died considering there is a site dedicated to a barter system now..

But why all the interest in gold and silver, like i said in that quote wouldn't it be better to have things that people actually need? Cause to think of it you really don't need gold silver or any other thing that they say.. You do need food, water, spirits, ammo, guns.. That stuff never goes out of style..

I should actually pose this question in the survival forum because it might get more insight maybe...
edit on 10/18/2013 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by TerraLiga

Fractional reserve banking is a very old system – in Europe it has been in use for centuries. It's not a bad system if it's handled correctly, as it creates a very fluid marketplace for growth and wealth generation.

The problem – the main problem, at least – is charging interest at the point of the generation of currency. If this one factor was cancelled out most of the problems of FRB would be null.

Charging interest on money lent is way older than fractional reserve banking itself. It doesn't create any problems by itself. Nor does interest payment require infinite expansion of the money supply like the idiot who made the video claims. All interest does is transfer part of the value created by the borrower to the lender. Assuming the lender requires goods and services created by others, this money goes back into circulation when the lender uses it pay for them.

The films also do not point out that the extra currency needed to pay interest can be paid with foreign trade.

You don't need foreign trade to pay off principal and interest. All you need is continuing commerce within the society and the lender to be consuming goods and services in excess of any other commercial value generated by him. It could work even in the case of two men trapped on an island.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 02:55 PM
Very good video, very informative.

I wish more people understood that a system like this just creates debt pilled onto debt.

Why do you think there's the old say "The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer?

Usually the poor are the ones who are holding onto the debt, that doesn't even exist in the first place. A huge majority of our money is not actual physical money. It's just a number, or an IOU if you will. There's a crazy amount of debt compared to actual money. And every time a loan is given to someone with interest tacked on, even more debt is thrown into the system and it just grows exponentially. And it won't take rocket science to say that a system that creates a money out of debt to compensate for debt that already exists, will end very, very badly eventually.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 02:57 PM
This maybe the truth but I really wonder what would happen if all the money would become worthless ? And you couldn't buy anything anymore , after a several days chaos will strike the Earth, people would plunder every store for food, and the worse you could think of..

I think that we can't go back anymore and have to except that this is how we live and probably always have.
So the recession we all face now , is maybe a new trick to really fear us down.. And get us on our knees to slowly takeaway all the things we loved in this rich world we once lived.

So that we are going to worship the ones who created it all .. and the ones who don't will probably fall, it's like who's gonna be the Judas right ?
just some weird thinking of mine and I hope I'm wrong about this.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 03:04 PM
Welcome to The $heople Nation. To simply put it, Stupid people are our biggest enemy, and the masters of puppets greatest ally. This is why they have allowed millions and millions of illegal aliens to invade the United States and every other Western Nation during their joke on terra. As long as the herds are diluted with uneducated slaves, the division and stupidity will continue.

That is not to say that all are, or only illegal immigrants are uneducated, or that many Americans or citizens abroad in general are not. Division is their weapon of choice. I bet they can't wait for the millions and millions of extra tax payers they will be able to rape once The lunatic Obama grants them all Amnesty. More money to blow on the nanny state, which brings us full circle. Obama care is the final nail in the coffin by the way. ~$heopleNation

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 03:16 PM
Just finished watching Episode 1 as well. This is really good stuff!

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

Money , Pieces of paper , bytes in a computer ... Nothing more.

Imagine yourself on an island. This island floats in space and is absolutely full of resources , water , food , animals , plant life oceans etc. This island has manpower and knowledge , infrastructure and the tools to build literally the mind can imagine.

Now imagine you had a choice ... The choice to live on an island full of ACTUAL resources, or as I like to call it REALSOURCES , or live on an island floating in space that is nearly devoid of all such things BUT this other island has ALL the money and Digital resources of wealth that the first Island lacks.

So you have two islands , one that has the necessities of life and the other , all the " wealth " the banks can create.

Which island would you choose to live on ?

The earth has everything that we could ever imagine or want or need. But instead of recognizing this , we have allowed our own ignorance and shills working for the banks to CONVINCE us that the so called " ECONOMY " revolves around NYSE and the NASDAQ. The fact of the matter is that unless humans begin to cooperate on our lovely little Island floating in space , we will end up looking like the utter wasteland of the moonscape instead of the lush wonderful life that seeps through every inch of planet earth. Our home , our mother. It gives us life , food , happiness and possibilities.

Stand up for your mother , the creator of your life who gave you life. Put down the silly rhetoric and stand up for what you and your children for generations to come will enjoy ..... ONLY IF YOU STAND UP NOW !!!

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 03:44 PM
This could be the strangest thing that's ever happened to me my whole life. This all started when I was trying to open my third eye a few years ago. but nothing scared me more then when I realized the truth. All things are made up of tiny particles. And that all things massive and enormously gigantic are also made of tiny things. We are even more huge compared to an atom. What im trying to say is that I saw this vision of tiny robots. Super killer nanobots. robots. tiny robots. with futuristic technology trying to start a world takeover. and the humans were unaware that they were being controlled. The public would never see the disaster till it was over and everyone was under control. It was there own fault and had become the plot of a nightmare where they were planning to take over the world. Its even John Oliver,
Johnath Stewart, Comedian Steven Colbert More people Who are in the media than you know about.
Judges antonin scalia, Alito, Samuel A., Jr., Roberts, John G., Jr., The rest of the supreme court might be dealing with this too.
our whole system is going down, Putin shapeshifter is comanding his armies.
More terrifying that the Obama's are Lizard people and have no intention of helping us or saving us.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

I'm glad I watched this. If anything, my eyes weren't fully open and now they are. I will definitely share this and spread the word.


posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 04:30 PM

The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind

My vote for the biggest scam in the history of mankind goes to the folklore of Old Testament Abraham. Three major religions (half the world) consider him a major, if not central, player. And yet he may not have even existed.

Did Abraham Exist - ATS Thread

The OPs 'biggest scam' is indeed big and could give the Abraham scam a run for it's money.

Both need attention, IMHO
edit on 10/18/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by UpEndedWorld

Interesting read thanks for the link.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 05:44 PM
The actual problem is not that we don't use gold or silver for money.

The real problem is that for every dollar printed, there is another dollar (part of a dollar actually) that must be invented somehow to pay for the printed one.

Money represents value, and so when printed, it shall not have interest. By requiring an interest on a printed dollar, the value for which the dollar was printed is never enough.

Imagine your boss wanting you to work more each time he hands you your paycheck. Would that be possible? no, it would be not. But that is exactly what is happening: each and every day more value shall be created to pay the debt created in the previous day.

Since our ability to create value has limitations coming from physical constraints, we can never fully repay the debt. So, for the system to work, instead of growing the existing value, we make the existing value cheaper, i.e. you get paid less and less for the same amount of work. This is equal to getting paid the same for more work.

And that's the reason that one paycheck cannot sustain a family any more. Not even two paychecks are enough in some cases.

If for every dollar created there wasn't any interest, then for a specific amount of work you would get the same paycheck each day, because money wouldn't lose its value each day that passes.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

Bitcoin is now hitting new sustained highs. It's reputation as a safe and anonymous form of money remains intact and may even be enhanced in the wake of the Silk Road bust. So the question is, if the shutting down of a significant source of bitcoin demand isn’t bad for the currency, what would cause its demise?

Let's take a second look at Bitcoin... the Silk Road case could set bitcoin legal precedent against self-incrimination and whether the Silk Road assets can ever be confiscated by the government. While this may be an important legal precedent, it is not the only one. The other one is obvious, bitcoin works... and it can't be hacked by the government. The FBI has a public address for 600,000 bitcoins currently worth $80 million which they can't get their hand on.

Jeffrey Tucker asks:

“But what’s the message here? That bitcoin is a hugely valuable property, that it is hard for the government to rob, that it is the real thing and an authentic store of wealth, that it is a viable replacement for the dollar. These are the messages that are being sent by the government’s actions. The supreme irony: the Silk Road shutdown and looting might go down in history as the greatest boost to private currency ever. We could look back and see this as the event that finally unraveled the government

The most interesting aspect of the Silk Road case will most likely be the sweeping legal precedent set for compulsory key disclosure and the Fifth Amendment. If your online wealth cannot be robbed by common bandits or government officials, then the world truly has a digital money worth paying attention to.

In other words, one of bitcoin's main attraction – that it is untraceable like cash and cannot be 'stolen' in the conventional sense by outsiders – remains in perfectly fine fettle. The FBI's inability to seize the Dread Pirate's bitcoin stash is a great PR victory for bitcoin.

I'm not convinced the NSA can crack "any" codes. The NSA always uses backdoor access (or courts) to get keys. 256 encryption can't be hacked in the cryptography sense. Lavabit being just the most recent case, it's pretty clear the NSA relies on technical means to intercept communications, but legal means to compel the disclosure of encryption keys. That certainly makes their supposed code-breaking cajones look rather small. Characters for a Bitcoin private key? 32 (or, 256 bits). Enough to keep all the computers on the planet busy until long after the sun burns out. And then for a few trillion years after that as well. And that's just to spend the funds for a single Bitcoin address. Silk Road controlled a ton of addresses.

edit on 18-10-2013 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

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