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Early Stages of Hyperinflation Next Year, John Williams

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posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 11:45 PM
USA Watchdog has an interview with John Williams which provides some extremely definitive statements regarding the state of the economy and warns of hyperinflation coming next year. This is my personal fear and this is the most credible place I have seen it spelled out in simple and direct terms.

USA Watchdog

They are not going to address the long term solvency problems of the United States. That’s going to trigger a massive decline in the dollar in the not-too-distant future, and that, in turn, will give us the early stages of hyperinflation in this next year.” Williams says, “We’re basically at a point where we can’t kick the can down the road. This is it. . . . Going forward from here, you’re going to generally see a weaker dollar, and it will get much weaker. You’re going to have a dollar panic

The article is quite short and to the point and includes a video:

What to do in the face of hyperinflation? This article says "hard assets" which I usually express as "tangible assets." For example a dollar in my pocket is a non tangible asset whereas my bed, refrigerator, canned foods, and bicycle are tangible.

Followed by another article by Steve Saville who I've read and personally profited from for the past decade. He discusses the insane behavior of the Federal Reserve and their monetary policy finally concluding:

the Fed is currently setting the stage for the mother-of-all economic busts. We don't have an opinion on when the bust will happen and how it will unfold, other than we do not expect it to happen within the next six months and we do expect that it will be very different to the bust of 2007-2009.

321 Gold

Here are a couple of easy resources on hyperinflation:

Wikipedia: Hyperinflation
Germany's Weimar Republic Hyperinflation
Argentine Hyperinflation 1989
Argentine Hyperinflation 1999

I include the link to Weimar Republic Hyperinflation because it is a good example of what actually happened to a country when they experienced this, which is very well known in history by most people. I include the Argentine links because they are much more recent and perhaps more relateable for the younger folks, even though I believe them to be less well known.

Knowledge is power.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Ameilia

I have been saying this for over a 6 months in the next year the lowest wage earners.......Anyone under 12 dollars an hour will be rendered right out of this economy.

What that means is if you make under this amount you will not be able to feed or house yourself. So if you fall under this amount it is time to wake the heck up. And to everyone making over this amount trust me when I say this will touch you also. What happens when people can not afford to live anymore........EPIC.

This is not some prediction it is based in cold hard facts. Look around and you can see them for yourself. If you are not a so called prepper it might be time to start. The dollar is reaching the end game. It can not be stopped at this point.
edit on 17-10-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Ameilia

Yep. I bet a gallon of gas will be $10.00, food, utilities.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Ameilia

The young folks just starting out walk around, will be forced to join the service.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 12:57 AM

reply to post by Ameilia

I have been saying this for over a 6 months in the next year the lowest wage earners.......Anyone under 12 dollars an hour will be rendered right out of this economy.

What that means is if you make under this amount you will not be able to feed or house yourself. So if you fall under this amount it is time to wake the heck up. And to everyone making over this amount trust me when I say this will touch you also. What happens when people can not afford to live anymore........EPIC.

This is not some prediction it is based in cold hard facts. Look around and you can see them for yourself. If you are not a so called prepper it might be time to start. The dollar is reaching the end game. It can not be stopped at this point.
edit on 17-10-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

Care to expand on your opinion of anyone earning less than $12.00 an hour will be unable to support themselves? I am curious because I am currently of the opinion it will affect a greater number of people than that. Of course the lesser amount drastically affected, the greater the chance of recovery for us all.

Regarding being prepared. I went to the local Walmart today. I am not normally preferring to shop there, but for cans and things (anything not meat, dairy, or produce basically) they tend to be cheaper. So I'm there about once a month.

For the first time ever, I saw emergency food kits on the shelves on the canned food aisle. Two different ones, I would say medium sized, family emergency packs which of course claim to have 'everything!' I went and checked them out, they were decent. While checking them out I also noticed other "prepper" items, right on a regular old Walmart aisle like powdered eggs in a #10. Must be a demand for these products huh?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 01:28 PM
This is a very important video and deserves a ........BUMP. Please watch it good readers and members around the world.

You have to ask yourself who is more honest? The progressive filth running both political parties or men like the one in the video?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 01:33 PM
well I've long intuited that the doom-porn orgy didn't really get started until the end of 2015 earliest... and this seems to match up quite well.

2014 we'll see noticeable inflation.

2015 and it becomes well known as hyperinflation

2016ish and China will challenge our roll for highest global GDP

post-2016 is when we'll lose our reserve currency status, yet ... I don't know we'll allow this without a fight = WW3.

any which way you look at it, it's going to be exciting

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 02:08 PM
Good time to learn to barter.
I say bring it the eff on already. We need to get this crash underway and over with before my kids are old enough to bear the responsibility.
The sooner it happens, the sooner the complacent idiots of this country will wake the hell up, hold the gov accountable, and begin to fix this mess.

In the meantime I feel sorry for those out there who consider themselves 'wealthy'. The playing field will soon be levelled.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Regarding being prepared. I went to the local Walmart today. I am not normally preferring to shop there, but for cans and things (anything not meat, dairy, or produce basically) they tend to be cheaper.

Please learn how to can your own food. Buy a canning pot, a case of jars, and whatever you wish to can in bulk. You'll spend maybe 50-100 bucks on the front end buying the canner cooker and jars are around $10 a dozen for quart sized, but the cost balances out fairly quick PLUS you can avoid the BPA and rancid chemical crap that they use to commercially can foods. You'll also have a great excuse to go hunting if you've got a canner. You can't buy delicious canned venison off a store shelf.

To the OP topic, if you look closely you can find evidence of inflation already in just the past week. I'm seeing a much larger jump in seasonal produce prices than in years past. I think they're being careful right now, bringing the temperature up slowly by only bumping up prices that can be blamed on factors other than outright inflation, but its there. I also have noticed that gas prices have curiously dropped a few cents, which is probably a manipulation itself.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

I agree sooner would actually be better. The longer this goes the bigger the crash will be in the end. When it does crash I believe we will see a mass migration of people back into Mexico. Many of the these so called Americans have no plans on retiring in the US they head back home.

We will also see long lines at the gas stations and problems in the food chain. Banks will try very hard to collect what little money is left in in peoples bank accounts. It will get ugly and fast.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Ameilia

Sorry, I did not have time to watch the video, although that is something I would lso predict for the near future.

I believe there one major argument to add, which also plays a large role in the inflation rates - consumer behaviour. The constant economical meltdown talk in the media leads to insecurities among consumers, which leads to lower consumption, people think more before buying something

When some of you have visited European nations, you probably have noticed that the prices are significantly, often even times higher. Of course certain part of it comes from VAT, although majority of it comes from the lower number of clients. The populations are smaller, while people also tend to make smarter decisions when it comes to purchases limiting the consumption. This leads to companies having to raise their prices in order to survive, due to smaller population the bulks of products ordered are smaller, which also sets the bulk price higher than for example what Walmart gets their products for. For example, here were the average salary is 3rd of what it is in US, the prices are significantly higher and to be honest, most people do not have much financial issues.

US markets on the other hand are the opposite. The companies are able to order extremely large bulks, which is cheaper than smaller bulks, while thanks to the extreme demand (consumption) they are able to sell at nearly the price it costs them to get the product. Walmart for example gains roughly 3 cents of net profit per every dollar worth of items sold and this can earn them billions due to the large amounts sold. Here for example, companies often have to add up to 200% to the value what the product is actually worth in order to survive=not bankrupt. As the taxes are already incredibly low and different companies are already selling their products at near to their own price, there is not much playing ground left to increase the consumption. If the consumption drops significantly, the companies might have to start raising their prices in order to not work at loss, which leads to inflation. Add in the dollar losing its value and hyperinflation might happen.

Although at the end I believe something like that happening in US sooner or later. The salaries compared to prices are simply too high compared to the rest of the world. US keeps and keeps importing and importing stuff and consuming it while creating much less wealth themselves. There needs to be at least some balance. The current system is not sustainable either economically or financially - current American lifestyle is not sustainable in the long run.
edit on 24-10-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

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