posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 02:14 PM
I live in Vancouver and saw the rebuttal posters Sunday on my way home at water front station, and nearly laughed at the BS that is shown on it. All I
can say is there are enough people in this city, to see through the BS, there are enough people who watch the news daily, and see just how untrue the
rebuttal posters are.
When they try to play falsities off as fact, they should understand that simple searches based on reality will pull up actual info pertaining to the
robbery of the people of Gaza and the West Bank, no amount of fake info and posters is going to make, what they have posted there true.
Soon enough all people are going to realize that the real terrorists of the world are the lobby groups (AIPAC) and the politicians who get lobbied
(Senate, Congress) by the lobby groups to usher in continual wars to appease the money brokers dead set on taking over the ME. I know for one all my
friends and the ones I have spoke with concerning the posters, think the shear amount of BS on the pro-Isreal ones is just one big joke, but then
again pretty sure you have enough un-informed that if both posters are not side by side they will never quite get how much BS is spewed forth by the
pro-isreal one.
Regardless a problem never solved till we abolish religion and the ties that bind that come with it....