posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 05:44 PM
I have just seen reports that an impending powerful typhoon is possibly on a direct path with the failed, and volatile reactors within the plants.
This is just the cherry on top of the already horrible global disaster. This is the final deathblow to Japan, unfortunately. This has the potential to
be a horrifically bad global day for EVERYONE ON EARTH. If there ever were a time we need a miracle, this would be it, but then again, that would
distort the balancing act of action, reaction here on earth.
this is a nightmares, nightmare. You can't see, hear, taste, touch, or smell radiation, just the symptoms. Now its spreading, and with the help of
this typhoon, it's going to be unleashed like never before. This could start a chain reaction of nuclear proportions that, when considered, are truly
scary. Pray for us all.
edit on 15-10-2013 by mactheaxe because: (no reason given)