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9/11 Conspiracy Author Phillip Marshall & His 2 Kids Found Dead in California

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posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

You can answer all of those questions of why for yourself. I'm not saying I believe in this or any other suspicious death conspiracies, but the reasons why some and not others should be obvious. You can't get them all or it would be obvious, you can get respectes onea and ex military because they are generally considered extremely credible in court. Not saying I think that's what happened juat pointing outthat that iisn't a valid argument. I will say if they did go around getting people Sibel would seem a choice, but maybe not Depends on what the peraon knows, could know, cred, and odds they have an influential audience. She was in government but we don't know what her clearance was.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 07:01 PM
I wonder if the alphabet agencies have gotten around to using "burundanga", the scopolamine based drug from South America. If so, they could easily dose anyone with it and then tell them to go inside and shoot the kids, the dog and themselves and the victim would get right on it.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by EnhancedInterrogator

if that police report is legit...than it is most likely a domestic violence related...and not tied to the 9/11 case. The link between the Bush and the Saudi has been exposed numerous times by many...I doubt Marshall would be singled out and murdered for it.

The only thing I'm worried about these that you can no longer trust anyone to give you the truthful information upon which you can draw your own conclusions. This goes equally for both the MSM and the conspiracy sites...I don't even want to mention politicians...just did

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 09:36 AM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

This case stinks because there are plenty of inconsistencies in the official story.

Mr. Marshall just had too much information on too many sensitive subjects.
edit on 15-10-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

Yes and don't ever think people are NOT assassinated in order to shut them up and/or make an example out of them. Never, never, never.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Logarock

People are ofen assassinated for the most trivial reasons. In fact that is likely more the rule then the exception. God forbid someone has their sensibilities bruised.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

In this case two innocent children were assassinated by their Truther father.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:36 PM

I wonder if the alphabet agencies have gotten around to using "burundanga", the scopolamine based drug from South America. If so, they could easily dose anyone with it and then tell them to go inside and shoot the kids, the dog and themselves and the victim would get right on it.

Its too unpredictable, you could end up with the "patient" in anaphylaxsis and crapping themselves. Surely they would have some synthetic derivative that would be more useful in the field?

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 05:06 PM
I have long been interested in the why or when of the US government killing people. And there have been many cases surrounding other conspiracies where it has happened, although only a few can be directly tied to the government. I can think of two actually, both older occurrences. But then there were all the people who died mysteriously, people who were investigating the Kennedy assassination.

But here is the deal. The CIA or DIA or whoever it is that actually pulls the trigger, just don't go around killing conspiracy theorists. They will kill these people, but ONLY when there is sufficient reason. It is not justifiable of course, but they do this to protect their own crimes and secrets. There was the guy who was thrown out of the window in a NY hotel, a CIA man who was intimately involved with the illegal '___' experiments being performed on unknowing citizens, and foreigners alike, for those who remember what happened. While there may not be direct proof of who did it, we all know who it was. People directly involved know who it was as well, and some have been interviewed.

Dorothy Kilgallen is one of the most interesting cases of a suspected government hit in my opinion. Anyway, if this was a CIA hit on the 9/11 researcher, then he either knew previous secrets that they were afraid he would reveal in the future, or he was investigating a certain lead that was making people uncomfortable, or something along that tack. And also, they are not as apt to do it, imo, when the writings are ambiguous. But when powerful people start having their names dropped, especially if along with that there is evidence to tie them to the case, you can believe that a hit could be performed.

Just because we live in the US does not mean these things are impossible. They HAVE happened before, and even 9/11 witnesses have been murdered, in apparent "suicides." Anyone intimately familiar with the case will know those I am referring to. So many people claim that conspiracy theorists are crazy, and maybe some of them are...But when what you are investigating looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it sure as heck is probably not a chicken.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 05:40 PM

you have no way of knowing this because you were not there, stop spreading lies.

You were not there either, so why are you spreading lies?

posted on Jan, 15 2014 @ 01:17 PM


I've got the feeling this is going to go viral pretty quickly with a massive damage control operation already well under way..

No, it is not going viral - it has been 8 months and nothing has happened, so why will it go viral now?

Whoa, how disgraceful! If it hasn't gone viral, it ought to..

Maybe someone should create a summary and post it on Reddit..

People need to be made aware of these things.

reply to post by Rosinitiate

In this case two innocent children were assassinated by their Truther father.

Even a more disgraceful statement - and they all come from the usual suspects.. aren't you guys ashamed of yourselves?

edit on 15-1-2014 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:49 AM


Even a more disgraceful statement - and they all come from the usual suspects.. aren't you guys ashamed of yourselves?

edit on 15-1-2014 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

Why is that disgraceful? It's a pretty accurate description of what happened.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:30 AM
What work did Phillip Marshall publish or was going to publish that is different from what has already been published online and in print? There must be a reason he was murdered and other authors not. What else was he involved? If he is the nosey type there is the possibility he was murdered over something not related to 9/11.

So if it was about his work on 9/11 do we know why whatever he was working on was so dangerous it got him killed?

I wonder if the alphabet agencies have gotten around to using "burundanga", the scopolamine based drug from South America. If so, they could easily dose anyone with it and then tell them to go inside and shoot the kids, the dog and themselves and the victim would get right on it.

I am sure they have plenty of experience with it in regards to interrogation. I am not sure about the side effects, but I guess scopolamine would make you kind of slow. If he had no experience with firearms a whole lot of fidgeting would have to be involved. But then again he is American and who knows what the US or other countries developed scopolamine into nowdays. But seen as how the family dog was shot too an intrusion might have been involved.
edit on 19-1-2014 by Merinda because: (no reason given)

This is suspicious:

(Reposted from

Here is a photo of Phillip Marshal from 1984 in Mena, Arkansas, standing next to a well known Learjet (LN13SN). This is not a reverse negative photo. You'll notice that Mr. Marshall, obviously much younger, is wearing his wristwatch on his left wrist. Doing so usually indicates a right-handed person.

According to Wayne Madsen, in an interview on the Alex Jones channel, Phillip Marshall shot himself on the left side of his head. Doing so usually indicates a left-handed person.

I realize that people do commit suicide and sometimes it can get pretty messy with the collateral victims, but people are going to ask a lot of questions when it comes to a guy like Marshall. It is almost as if the burden of proof goes the other way.
edit on 16-10-2013 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

Was he ambidextrous? I can see a person switching hands to spice things up for another type of activity, but to put a bullet in his head? Pretty unlikely.
edit on 19-1-2014 by Merinda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:01 AM
Also did he have a history of violent behaviour, was he suicidal or severally depressed or would a murder suicide be far off character of him?

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 06:49 PM

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 09:14 PM
Go to 41:52 in the following video, where reporter and investigative journalist Wayne Madsen addresses Philip Marshall's death and the reason he thinks that Marshall was murdered for the things he was investigating for a new book he was working on in relation to 9/11.


So if it was about his work on 9/11 do we know why whatever he was working on was so dangerous it got him killed?

Looks like he was investigating a "spook" airport filled with heavy planes, in Arizona, in connection with 9/11.

edit on 22-1-2014 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:30 PM
From what he said in the video he was a pilot for the CIA involved in Iran Contra and blabbed, even wrote a book about it. I am guessing he was not killed over 911, but for having been on the inside of the CIA involved in illegal operations and telling about it. Guess the murder of him and his family was supposed to send a message to other operatives whom might have more than embarrassing knowledge.

Also he said the kids just happened to be there. Also he suggests the kids were not usually there and were not meant to be killed but happened to be there when the operatives struk, but seen to the degree a target is probably staked out thats debatable.

What about the aftermath? That would give the biggest clue on whether it was one of the agencies or not. Did any of the documents disappeared, with one of the agencies overruling local law enforcement in the handling of the case, or was everything handled by local law enforcements and everything that was left behind handed over to Marshalls relatives?
edit on 24-1-2014 by Merinda because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Merinda

House in a canyon with excellent sound carry, neighbors could hear him whistling in his house, so he was a whistler, which denotes the image of a happy person, who whistle or sing to themselves when busily working away at whatever they're doing.

Time of the shooting, neighbors were there but - HEARD NOTHING.

The family is always part of those threats.. in terms of the message being sent.

Looks obvious to me, looking at it like Sherlock Holmes.

It was an intentional hit.

A silencer was used.

He was poking around a spook airport with potential ties to 9/11 - that's what did him in. He was fine up until that point. He talks about it in the Guns and Butter interview.

He was a good man.

It's on them i think, not him.

I hope he was a sincere Christian man because in that case, they and the entire system of darkness of evil they represent, will be at he and his childrens' feet, in need of their mercy.

If God is anything, He surely has a proclivity for extreme irony at the expense of all human evil, and ignorance.

They will get theirs, as will their bosses and their bosses bosses.

Best Regards,


edit on 26-1-2014 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 05:04 AM
You make good Points but i still think it was because he blabbed about Iran contra. What somebody thinks he found out they can deal with but if people write books about spook activity AND can prove they were there and have all the credentials thats a Problem and thats why he and his children were killed to warn others off whom could write stories that cant be denied.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 05:23 AM
I find this virtual open season of murder for anyone speaking out against various institutions/governments and opening the public's eyes to the real nature of our society shameful.

We seem to have an ever increasing list of people trying to warn the public about various things, who have conveniently either been murdered or it is suggested killed themselves and this is something democracy and free thinking people should not accept. However its only by continually lobbying for investigation and not letting things fade that we can do anything. The situation has been made worse by the lacklustre lot of investigative journalists we have in place today as well as the tv presenters who patently represent the interests of the rear end of the institutions they should be informing the public about.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 12:17 PM
HE was a paranoid man...HIS words.

He was a conspiracy theorist.

HE most likely did kill himself and his poor kids and dog.

IF the government really wanted to kill him, they could do it so much more effectively and cleanly.

The man was quite the theorist and talked a lot of BS.

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