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Obama Demands $1.1 Trillion Ransom--or He Will Crash Global Economy

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posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:41 AM

And Mr Stompy Feet keeps on pulling BS moves out of his pocket while he throws his hissy fits.

Seriously. How much more ridiculous can this situation get?

All that he is hurting is the people, and he's going to start finding there are those that WILL take matters in hand.
edit on 15-10-2013 by Jomina because: (no reason given)

And what will happen to the Republicans that started all of this crap? Remember this shutdown started in the house by some TP members who made a list of demands.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:49 AM

reply to post by elouina

It is sad to say but at this point, I say we should not raise the debt ceiling. We need to let it all crash to the ground because our politicians can't handle any form of responsibility. It's time to start over and let the chips fall where they may. This is beyond ridiculous at this point.

Maybe next time we will have more sense.

Yes. If the only way to solve the problem is by raising the debt ceiling, borrowing more money, we are indeed screwed. Living on barrowed time.

We thought we were just buying Chines Junk years ago. Doing the fledgling industrial power a favor and saving at the checkout counter. Now they are loaning that money back to us with interest. Looks like the capitalists were out capitalized by the New Communists. Read'em and weep boys and girls, read and weep.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:17 AM

reply to post by Jomina

I wouldn't be quite surprised if he is trying to get people to act out of line and actually stand up for themselves so he can test out his new homeland security or just start a war within his own country.

Could be. It sort of reminds me of one of those old "inventor" movies where a guy builds some fantastic new contraption he has all confidence in, but as it starts rolling down the hill, it begins to disassemble itself on the way, arriving at the bottom in a trash heap of parts. That would be DHS if they roll out a full-scale "test" of this nature.

There are a LOT more people here than there are DHS jackboots, and when people get real good and riled up, they have a nasty habit of acting in the most unpredictable of ways.

It is so messed up, I myself live in Australia and don't know what exactly is going on in your country at the moment but no one does really, from what I have read on ATS and other sources I would not really like to be living in America myself but I send my wishes and care to anyone caught up in any of this # the government has caused.

America is becoming the "Zimbabwe" of the 21st century. As the Rhodesians have done, so will Americans survive it. I can't say with any confidence that America will, though. I have a Zimbabwe 50 cent piece that I've carried since 1981 or so, dated 1980 - the first year of Mugabe's reign. I carried it to remind me of what happens when a country undergoes a "fundamental transformation", but sadly, living in America, I no longer need it to remind me. I'm watching it all over again in real time.

If you check into the economic history of Zimbabwe, you'll find that the 1980 50 cent piece is now worth something less than a molecule of the zinc contained within it.

edit on 2013/10/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:27 AM

reply to post by elouina

Once again, this just shows how small, weak, petty and pathetic the president is.

Obama is a small little bully.

The problem here is that O DOES know how to use threats and intimidation, he knows how to play hardball. I predict that the legislature will back down at the 11th hour, cave in, and give him what he wants to soothe his little tantrums. Instead, they ought to be preparing to push it to the firewall, call his bluff, and burn it to the ground if that's what he insists upon.

I bet Obama is the only one in the bunch who has ever won a simple game of "chicken". His strategy is to zig when they zag, change course, definitions, and tactics when they don't expect it. All they would really have to do is stand firm, right up to the end, and O would veer off at the last minute to avoid destroying himself rather than having the entire country roll over the cliff, which is what he is after, and will likely get.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:41 AM


And what will happen to the Republicans that started all of this crap? Remember this shutdown started in the house by some TP members who made a list of demands.

See? That right there is one of the problems.

First, the republicans, just like the Democrats, are politicians first. They ought to be worrying more about the country and the course it is on than themselves and their reelection chances.

Second, they didn't start anything. it's all a ruckus over that infernal Obamacare. The Republicans didn't start that - they all voted against it. Their "demands" were all reactions against it, not the start of anything at all.

Third, if one insists on playing partisan politics, and blindly following his own team, he should be prepared to push it to the firewall. Obama and company are - the Republicans aren't. They're weak. They're on the ropes, and the party is in all probability long past it's "sell by" date. Give it a few years, Buster... not many years at all.... and the Republican party will, like the Whigs, be nothing more than an entry in history books, and you will have to find a new boogie man to rail against and try to scare the masses with in you partisan rants.

This ain't about the political parties. Neither one has the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. This is about the country, and it's ultimate destruction. You are merely quibbling about the means of it's destruction, and who gets to drive it over the cliff.

edit on 2013/10/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:46 AM
If this is true, and it's breitbart so the political slant needs to be considered, it is ludicrous.

Obama is in dreamland if he thinks increasing spending is going to somehow get us out of this mess.

As devastating as it will be, a default seems to be the only real solution.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Crakeur

A couple of years ago, when the debt ceiling was capped at an arbitrarily ridiculous level, prognosticators were saying that Obama would outspend it, and demand another raise.

It all appears to be going according to plan, with the end of America as a viable economic power the desired result, and looming on the horizon now.

Don't spend what you don't have in your pocket, and these problems can be avoided. It seems there is an entire body of people in DC who have never internalized that lesson. I'm glad the aren't the ones balancing my own personal checkbook, but then I don't have a checkbook to begin with, and if I did, they'd be in the process of wrecking even that, along with the rest of the nation.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:15 AM

reply to post by Jomina

I wouldn't be quite surprised if he is trying to get people to act out of line and actually stand up for themselves so he can test out his new homeland security or just start a war within his own country.

It is so messed up, I myself live in Australia and don't know what exactly is going on in your country at the moment but no one does really, from what I have read on ATS and other sources I would not really like to be living in America myself but I send my wishes and care to anyone caught up in any of this # the government has caused.


We may have a winner. Except its not him...Its the Order that rules over him and the players involved.
edit on 15-10-2013 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:23 AM

A country is only as rich as its poorest citizen.

Indeed Comrade....A very collective sentiment for a growing collective movement in our nation.

Da.. Comrade...Da.. We must make every citizen comfortable so none has one penny more than another, except for those special sorts who run it all, of course. TPTB float to the top of any big turds in a septic tank.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by elouina

That's the effective offer on the table from the president and Senate Democrats. They have now refused to pass a "clean" short-term debt ceiling hike unless Republicans agree to reverse the "sequester" spending cuts in the 2011 Budget Control Act that were enacted--at Obama's suggestion--to end the last debt ceiling crisis.

No, that is not what the "effective offer" is on the table.

The Republicans wanted to negotiate...and the Dems are negotiating (HINT: Negotiation doesn't mean give in to their demands).

So the Democrats gave the Republicans a 2 year delay on the medical device tax and removal of employer contributions to the Executive office and Cabinet and Congressmen. The NEGOTIATION part of this was that they gave them this in return for the sequester deal.

Republicans, and their supporters, don't seem to understand what "negotiation" means. It is a give AND take...not simply a take. What Republicans really wanted was blackmail, not a negotiation. They wanted to get everything they wanted and not give anything in return...sorry, doesn't work like that.

You can't ask for negotiations and then cry and spread misinformation when the other side starts to negotiate.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:59 AM


Republicans, and their supporters, don't seem to understand what "negotiation" means. It is a give AND take...not simply a take. What Republicans really wanted was blackmail, not a negotiation. They wanted to get everything they wanted and not give anything in return...sorry, doesn't work like that.

You can't ask for negotiations and then cry and spread misinformation when the other side starts to negotiate.

"Negotiation" is saying "ok, you can spike me in the leg and maim me, so long as you don't spike me in the eye and blind me".

As you can probably tell, I don't negotiate much, if ever. It's a losing game, either way you go - eye or leg.

There's right, and there's wrong, and I don't see the benefits of giving in to wrong and calling it right simply because you "negotiated" the calamity that befalls you.

I'd much rather make them work, and work hard, to maim me. I'm not much for caving in and handing them the spike to maim me with.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 11:08 AM
Looks like the inner muslum is coming out. Trying to shut down the world, it's time for him to go

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 11:12 AM
i wish i were at that protest in washington and was given a microphone. lots of people talked, but no one said what needed to be said. the system is broken, politicians no longer serve the public, and the government needs to be reset.

ETA: i don't care what your political affiliation, we can discuss and debate economic policy and such later after all these greedy SOBs are out for good. they literally want to crash the economy.
edit on 15-10-2013 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 11:22 AM
Seems to me recently that a lot of conversation went on chastising the hot air and foot stomping coming from your man in North Korea. He was and is labelled a spoilt little so and so, who makes a noise when he wants something so as he will be given a little of what he wants to shut up and get back into his box for a bit.
Not saying this is a true mirror reflection of the Big O per say, but you have to admit, there are similarities.
The hope is though that whereas the vast majority of NK are totally indoctrinated to believe the rhetoric, you would hope that in America, the land of the free, the land that fought off the evil British financial opressors to gain that freedom, there would be a majority of citizens who can remove the wool from their eyes?
I hope so.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:12 PM


And Mr Stompy Feet keeps on pulling BS moves out of his pocket while he throws his hissy fits.

Seriously. How much more ridiculous can this situation get?

All that he is hurting is the people, and he's going to start finding there are those that WILL take matters in hand.
edit on 15-10-2013 by Jomina because: (no reason given)

And what will happen to the Republicans that started all of this crap? Remember this shutdown started in the house by some TP members who made a list of demands.

Nah uh, he started it, no she did...

The first step to maturity is admitting that Obamacare has issues in the first place. We wouldn't be in this present mess if the Dems and Obama would admit to themselves and the public that it needs a bit of work. The next step is sitting down together and fixing them. But unfortunately, they still can't even reach the first step.

We elected ALL of our representatives to look out for our best interests, so I expect nothing less just because Obama refuses to negotiate on Obamacare. It may be law, but it is a seriously flawed law, and our system was built to prevent one person from destroying our country. Until they have a plan that reduces prices for everyone, and doesn't destroy peoples livelihoods, the republicans need to stand strong.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:42 PM

reply to post by elouina

Once again, this just shows how small, weak, petty and pathetic the president is.

Obama is a small little bully.

Unfortunately, this little pathetic moral midget is given power to destroy the world. His voters must be very proud...

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:02 PM


A country is only as rich as its poorest citizen.

Indeed Comrade....A very collective sentiment for a growing collective movement in our nation.

Da.. Comrade...Da.. We must make every citizen comfortable so none has one penny more than another, except for those special sorts who run it all, of course. TPTB float to the top of any big turds in a septic tank.

Yea well. I'm far from comfortable and I'll work for what I own. I always have, always will. I haven't asked anyone for anything nor do I receive any assistance aside from college loans. (which are going to skyrocket probably) since .gub wouldn't lock the damn rate instead of leaving it to market based V.I.R. and those are going to get paid back either way.
Cant help you with any of that comrade mess. I don't know any but Reagan said this...

The full consequences of a default or even the serious prospect of default by the United States are impossible to predict and awesome to contemplate. Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and on the value of the dollar in exchange markets. The Nation can ill afford to allow such a result. The risks, the cost, the disruptions, and the incalculable damage lead me to but one conclusion: the Senate must pass this legislation before the Congress adjourns.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 04:13 AM
Few realise the consequences of a debt default.


In short, LEGALLY, the USA is NOT a corporation.

LEGALLY, each and every citizen and US Corporation owes jointly and severally all US debt.

So, if the US defaults, foreign Governments can foreclose upon the assets of US citizens and corporations in lieu.

The last time this occurred was in 1919. At that time, all German ships owned privately by German citizens and corporations were seized by the victorious Allied powers in part payment for German Government war debt.

So, if the US default, the following COULD be seized:-

- US commercial ships and aircraft.
- Bank accounts and stockholdings of Americans.
- Safe deposit holdings.
- US Citizen luggage and even the contents of their wallets.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by elouina

The sequester is law Obama wrote and he was certain Republicans would avoid during the 2012 budget battle. It is not time-limited.
It caused almost no pain to Americans...only the rate of growth was trimmed .5%.
Republicans will never let it be altered.

In 2008, Obama promised to change the tone in DC...
edit on 16-10-2013 by Granite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 09:44 PM
How many faces and sides to his mouth does this man have?

I have never seen a president contradict himself more.. That's saying a lot, we've had some doozies..

Unfortunately it's not just him.. Both parties are just ridiculous..

Pray for America people.. These are crazy times.

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