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My name is Michael Aquino, and I think it's kind of fun to do the impossible; Ask Me Anything.

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posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Two more questions, if you please.

How do you respond to Douglas Deitrich's exposure of Satanism and
it's dastardly role and prominence within the U.S. army?
What are your views regarding jimmy savile and systematic covering up
at the highest levels of his heinous crimes and practices?

Thanks again.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by maquino

Thank you for your kind reply sir. However mine was not a "the devil made me do it" type of post. I was referring to the type of vehicle that many people choose to use, rather than the type they could be using. I was referring to the "ka, ba and hemset".

Given the extreme discrimination required for these topics and my desire to speak in an indirect manner I will refrain from further questions and simply observe. Again, thank you.


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by maquino

Not so much a question, but just a personal note:

I also was set back by the AMORC when I went there back in the 90's. They had a very CULT like groupthink feeling to it, rather then the openly philosophic independent personal growth atmosphere they professed to be.

Very disappointing.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by maquino

Having not knowing who you were and reading your intro I was blindsided by the Church of Satan.

Did not see that coming.

I have 3 questions, if that's okay.

Why the Church of Satan? Did you keep this, & your position, a secret from the people you worked with? Did you influence other's you worked with to follow the church?

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:47 PM

I am having a difficult time reconciling the seemingly conflicting messages promoted by the Temple of Set and Mind War. On one hand, the Temple of Set promotes the shedding of lower, base emotions and promotes strengthening of individual will ... On the other hand, Mind War advocates for consiousness-altering strategies that would strip the individual of freedom of thought and the power of individual will ...

No conflict. From the book:


MW controls human external-action thoughts by identifying and adjusting the sensory impressions that the mind uses to assemble, modify, and reinforce them. Humans’ sensory-based thoughts form the basis for their constructed outward personalities, and in groups their mores, biases, beliefs, traditions, habits, and taboos. Thus through a graduated process, MW controls groups of humans.

As the size of the group increases, common features of impressions, attitudes, and expressions emerge and can be identified and analyzed statistically, making possible social forecasting and the control of that future by aggregate, not individual manipulation. This is the basis of Isaac Asimov’s science-fictional “psychohistory”, and of less-ambitious but demonstrably practical Political Science forecasting.9 Such techniques and procedures can be applied regardless of how such groups are styled or named: cultures, tribes, societies, nations.

Humans usually believe that their individual and collective perceptions and opinions are independently, voluntarily developed. This sense of thought-independence is the basis for the general ideal of the desirability of democracy over other group decision-making systems. A consensus of a majority of independent minds, supposedly, will result in the best and fairest policies for the entire group.

Such a rose-tinted image of democracy is of course an illusion. Both governments and private-sector interests devote intense, constant efforts to shaping public perceptions of reality. From peanut butter to PW, these perceptions are guided subtly, pressed directly, and reinforced socially. By the time the masses are permitted to vote, the parameters of their vote have already been predetermined, with only tokenistic variations in the outcome possible.

Like his PSYOP predecessor, the MWarrior sees behind this curtain of illusion, because professionally he is a weaver of such curtains. This perspective, this clarity of sight, also confronts him with the aforementioned ethical responsibility to exercise his craft according to only the highest and most rigorous values of human individuality and dignity. At any threshold below this, MW would raise the spectre of George Orwell’s 1984 Thought Police.

What distinguishes MW from ordinary political/social/cultural perception- and behavior-influencing efforts is its focus, duration, and intensity. Like PW, MW is a situation-specific operation to deal with a problem of immediate urgency.10 During this crisis MW overwhelms any existing mundane behavior-dictating systems, replacing them with a more sophisticated, comprehensive, and effective package.

A MW campaign commences when the original destabilizing, pre-PW situation is refashioned into a clearly defined and articulated problem (MW Phase 1). The participants are transformed from mutual enemies into allies against that problem as the “common enemy”. Phase 1 culminates with a progressively more refined diagnosis of the problem, resulting in formulation of the áristos to stabilize it. The process of conditioning and transforming the participants is initiated remotely by MindWar Branch (MWB), and is continued through Phase 4.

In MW Phase 2 the áristos is reverse-engineered from accomplishment to the present, to establish the most effective, efficient, and economical path to its realization. The necessary organizations, assets, and bases are devised and assembled.

MW Phase 3 consists of the achievement of the áristos under the guidance of MetaForce Branch (MFB) teams, followed by initiation of the permanently corrective moral polis by ParaPolitics Branch (PPB) teams.

Phase 4 formalizes MW victory in the completion of the polis and departure of PPB. MWB terminates conditioning. The MW campaign structure is then completely dismantled.


a. MW is not “mind control”. The urban-myth image of “government mind-control” is of an insidious, malicious, individuality-destroying technological conspiracy: a sort of “collective lobotomy” to turn the helpless masses into stupefied slaves. [Actually a good case could be made that this is what PW attempts to do, which is why it can get people to slaughter one another en masse for no reason.]

The conditioning of MWB has one and only one purpose: to change existing, animalistic prejudices and antagonisms into intelligent, amicable cooperation. MWB does not dictate nor even suggest where this cooperation should lead. Once all problem-participants are working together, they will go through the steps to identify and establish the áristos.

b. MW is not a political ideology. Old, crude agendæ of “regime change”, “democratization”, or “anti-[current-bugbearism]” are not part of the MW process. What is important is the achievement of the áristos, then a conscientious interest in kalokagathia, no matter under what symbolic banner. Some social cultures are accustomed to hierarchical authority since tribal antiquity; others are more comfortable with egalitarianism and diversified political power. MW’s interest is simply to remove violence from the equation.

c. MW is not a religion. Human religions are a consequence of the mystery of the individual soul, which MW PSYCONs cannot reach [and would have no purpose in reaching if they could]. As discussed in Chapter 3.E.2.b, the soul is a manifestation of conceptual consciousness, above and beyond both psychology and psychophysiology. The “morality” of kalokagathia is not that of any sectarian religious code or practice, but that of enlightened humanitarianism embracing any natural or supernatural theology.

d. MW is not zombification. Besides not controlling minds, MW does not destroy them either. Sensationalist media exposés of “government-sponsored brain experimentation”, whether true or fanciful, have no connection whatever with MW, which is completely and without exception non-physically or -medically invasive. Indeed the entire MW campaign process requires that all participants be able and willing to function at their highest level and focus of intelligence, and after Phase 4 the future of the moral polis depends upon their self-determined, independent resolve to perpetuate this.

* * * * *

Remember too that Setian initiation is an extended, personally-tailored curriculum of individual initiation. MW is a short, fixed term international crisis-resolving device. That said, they both demand rigorous ethics to succeed.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:55 PM

maquino change existing, animalistic prejudices and antagonisms into intelligent, amicable cooperation. MWB does not dictate nor even suggest where this cooperation should lead. Once all problem-participants are working together, they will go through the steps to identify and establish the áristos.

Who is the final arbiter of the upper and lower parameters if/when agreement of the áristos is unreachable in said group? Does the program have to stall and the group be divided? Or does a majority dictate for the minority?
edit on 14-10-2013 by BardingTheBard because: ...

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:04 PM

Ophiuchus 13

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Why do you write earth that way? What is the significance of the * between ea and rth.?

In respects to EA or LORD ENKI who came here from the STARS* AutumnWitch657


I See you Ophijchus 13. Peace.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:06 PM


Anyway I don't have a beef against Scientology; if people enjoy it, more power to them. That's pretty much my attitude towards conventional religions generally: As long as it's between consenting adults and doesn't scare the cats, go ahead. Recently I thought it would be pleasant to join the AMORC as a fluffybunny respite from all the Miskatonic University stuff of the Temple of Set, but it turned out to be terrified of me, and I had the honor to be personally blackballed by Grand Master Julie Scott herself. Shucks.
Any Rosicrucians here, please tell Julie I promise not to scare anybody or invoke any scary gods in the San Jose Temple ... well, maybe once in awhile if things get too stuffy.

Maybe there's hope after all.....

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:07 PM
Hello Michael Aquino,

I am not familiar with Setian philosophy but it sounds Egyptian rooted.

My question: What is your opinion of the Great pyramid? Was it a tomb or did it have a greater purpose?

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:17 PM
I'd like to join the Temple of Set or the Rosicrucians.
Any suggestions, or necessary qualifications?
Things that would bar membership?

Thank you for visiting us, Mr. Aquino!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

No offended . I just wanted to add my bit as I like Jesus so much , but not in the programmed way of the religion that took over from Him . I hope he replied to you

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by maquino

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us! You have some rather insightful ideas.

In regards to interstellar travel, this is one place I have to disagree with you. It's my view (and that of many astrophysicists) that the cosmos is essentially geometry, not particles. The particles in fact are reference points within a larger framework. That framework has it's own set of rules (such as gravitation for one). This framework can be dealt with on a level where the speed of light has no bearing either in the input or output of the solution. Space not only can warp, but has been proven to do so. (first proven through the Einstein bending starlight experiment). Wormholes may or may not be theoretical to mathematics, but warping of space is a proven reality, and it very much gives the opportunity for a different kind of non-particle based propulsion.

Question: How much cross-over is there between different government branches, like say DoD intelligence and the CIA, e.g. ? Or are all these intelligence agencies and departments essentially their own beasts with varying agendas?

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:28 PM
Pleasure having you on the website.Do you know anything about the tr3b aircraft that is supposed to be made from reverse engineered ufos? Thanks!
edit on pmq000000pmMon, 14 Oct 2013 18:30:38 -0500300000003814000000 by Aquariusdude because: spelling error

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by maquino

So since all this remote viewing stuff is bunk how come research was officially funded for 20 years? Oh yeah it is because it was repeatedly proven to work. Just look at this example: Pat price has accurate remote viewing sessionI must say I am not impressed with your dismissal of the subject and your recommendation of James Randi as a source for information makes me suspect everything you have to say, I am not a reductionist materialist. Just because you cannot explain how a phenomena works does not mean that the phenomena does not exist. Randi is an ass clown debunking the "debunkers" or think like us or else! I do not accept the notion that laser physicist Russell Targ is "jerked around." "As a senior staff scientist at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Targ developed airborne laser systems for the detection of windshear and air turbulence. Targ has a bachelor's degree in physics from Queens College and did graduate work in physics at Columbia University. He has received two National Aeronautics and Space- Administration awards for inventions and contributions to lasers and laser communications. In 1983 and 1984 he accepted invitations to present remote-viewing demonstrations and to address the USSR Academy of Science on this research. " Russell Targ You sir are the one doing the jerking around.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by maquino

It's ah honor...perhaps I am late to the forum, but please...expound on what your experiences are, if any, with Edgar Mitchell and the Institute for Noetic Sciences...aka: the REAL dreamland.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:39 PM

I'd like to join the Temple of Set or the Rosicrucians.
Any suggestions, or necessary qualifications?
Things that would bar membership?

Thank you for visiting us, Mr. Aquino!

Wait wait! You have to read the link Mr Aquino posted re: his experience with joining Rosicrucians first, It may provide enlightenment as to which path you chose. Or even read between the lines too.

*****Mr Aquino,

A personal note. Because you strike me as the type of person who would actually entertain this idea, i will suggest it.

I saw a few years back how Philanthropist Warren Buffet offered some type of contest or donation to a cause to have diner with him. With any luck the donation could net you a solid investment opportunity to make it worth it....who knows. I'd suggest the same for you! However please no donations, though i love to contribute to a good cause i fear I can be easily out spent.

But for someone with the accomplishments under your belt as you have is worth 2 Warren Buffets in my opinion. Regardless of what I think I do or don't know about you, one things for sure, you know how to command attention.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:46 PM

What’s your take on 911?

I was sitting in a dentist's chair getting my teeth whitened while the whole 9/11 thing was happening on the little television over my head. The moment I saw the two towers drop neatly into their footprints, one right after the other, I thought, "OK, demolition," and that was that as far as I was concerned. [Found out later that Building 7 did the same thing just for the hell of it.]

All of the tortured official explanations and Popular Science & Discovery Channel slickjobs didn't impress me any more than the Warren Commission soft-shoe a few decades earlier. State-of-the-art skyscrapers just don't do that because a plane hits the top, period.

What we're dealing with here is the phenomenon of popular belief systems. Every society has its own fetishes and taboos, and the USA is no different. Within a given society, a F or T is never defined as such; rather it's a reality which everyone takes for granted. It can be something like "only women wear dresses" [although here in San Francisco don't be too sure]. Indeed some taboos are so essential to the national consciousness that it's heresy to even acknowledge their existence or call them "taboos".

The big one here is of course: "The United States never kills or allows to be killed its own people." It's taken for granted that lots of other countries do this, for instance in Latin America, but never here!

So the problem with 9/11 is that unless you swallow the official story, you're stuck running up against this supertaboo, and people simply can't/won't go there.

If you visit the various "9/11 truth" websites, they're very good at poking holes in the official story, but they all stub their toes when the problem of alternative implications raises its supertaboo head. Technologically the USA is the most advanced country in the world. Emotionally it's firmly entrenched in Norman Rockwell.

Indeed this is much like religious conviction. A few years ago an Army captain on my staff set out to save my soul and convert me to Christianity. While I appreciated his good intentions, I had taught Western Philosophy at the university level for many years, and knew much more about the subject than he did. Noticed that John Romer's superb history of the Holy Bible Testament was running on PBS. Told him that like me he'd find it utterly fascinating. A week or so later I asked him how he was enjoying it. He said he'd stopped watching it after a few minutes. What had happened, I realized, was that archæologist Romer was explaining and touring all of the concepts and places from earlier & contemporary antiquity that had fed into what would become the J/C Bible, and this blew all the fuses in the captain's head. For him it started and stopped as the literal Word of God that sprang exclusively and spontaneously from that entity. Anything else was Orwellian Crimethink.

Do I know who really did 9/11? No. Do I know why it was done? The prima facie induction is that it gave the Bush Administration a blank check to do everything that came next: wars, Patriot Act, etc.

In the field of PSYOP such things are not analyzed or judged morally, just cause-and-effectly. Once of the consequences of being a PSYOP officer is that you wind up seeing the whole damn world this way, with all of the moral, patriotic, religious, etc. overlays (fetishes, sacred cows, taboos) as "just part of the show". It doesn't even make you cynical, because cynicism requires something to be outraged against. Instead you become numb. That's the real, the serious danger, because the thing that is divine in the human soul is the ability to apprehend, and to desire, and to affirm, the Good. If we lose this, we are nothing.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:49 PM

reply to post by maquino

Dear Michael,

Is it conceivable, and thus possible, that behind door number one (the last gate), that the OU and the SU have already combined in the form of a universal personhood, who steps through the door with an outstretched hand if not loving arms, for a big hug, and to greet you and with nothing but loving intent?

And what, if anything in terms of a reason or logic structure, could defend against such a thing (if concievable and thus possible) as a type of double-bind once fully inquired into?

Maybe the line between the OU and SU (which, as distinguished from the OU or the truth of life, must be at some level, self-deluded) and between the truth of life and our own isolate consciousness is blurred, at first, until it becomes clear that the very distinction itself is absurd since we cannot pinpoint with absolute precision just who and what we really are and what's really going on except within the larger context of the whole of the OU, placing us directly into the predicament or dilemma of absolute uncertainty as the foundation and basis of all self knowledge and self realization, ... unless, unless the principal has already been personified and has already stepped through door number one as our friend and brother within the context of the brotherhood of man where it may be said that context and framing is everything.

And how could any such thing, as a type of possibility proposition, not occur to us, when it does, in the form of immense HUMOR at the expense of all our prior absurdity and abject ignorance beginning with everything that we thought or presumed to already know, with certainty, in isolate consciousness, even though the domain of all true knowledge resided in the domain of an unknown unknown or what we didn't even know we didn't know, until we did?

Could it be there was a joke at our own expense that we failed to get, maklng of an otherwise humorous and fun-loving disposition, a much more serious one who will be at a loss for such humor when it arrives unexpectedly and unbidden?

Thanks again.

Best Regards,

NAM aka Bob

oh well whether it warrants a reply or not, it was rather a funny question to pose, and an open and honest inquiry, to make, at the very least. : D

(what's with these avatars, they look absurd)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:53 PM


What’s your take on 911?

I was sitting in a dentist's chair getting my teeth whitened while the whole 9/11 thing was happening on the little television over my head. The moment I saw the two towers drop neatly into their footprints, one right after the other, I thought, "OK, demolition," and that was that as far as I was concerned. [Found out later that Building 7 did the same thing just for the hell of it.]

All of the tortured official explanations and Popular Science & Discovery Channel slickjobs didn't impress me any more than the Warren Commission soft-shoe a few decades earlier. State-of-the-art skyscrapers just don't do that because a plane hits the top, period.

What we're dealing with here is the phenomenon of popular belief systems. Every society has its own fetishes and taboos, and the USA is no different. Within a given society, a F or T is never defined as such; rather it's a reality which everyone takes for granted. It can be something like "only women wear dresses" [although here in San Francisco don't be too sure]. Indeed some taboos are so essential to the national consciousness that it's heresy to even acknowledge their existence or call them "taboos".


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by maquino

I think you describe the conflict regarding (the unlikely scenario of the official 911 story) and the taboo of (they don’t kill their own) paradigm aptly.

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