posted on May, 19 2003 @ 01:00 PM
Most of the news reporters who've done any investigation of it say it's nonsense.
Every year, a few conspiracy theorists run around shrieking about the Evil Bilderberg meetings their Evil Plans to take over the world THIS year. To
date, the conspiracy theorists have had NO correct predictions.
I have seen them go back after the fact and edit their words to make their "predictions" come true.
There's one dedicated guy who keeps trying to get the media worked up into a froth over this. Every year, some journalists do investigate the
stories. Every year, these journaists find that the reports on the Evil Machinations of the Bilderbergs are so overblown that it's not worth
reporting on.
I haven't even seen National Enquirer and other tabloids pick up on these stories.
[Edited on 19-5-2003 by Byrd]