posted on Jan, 8 2017 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to:
Good to hear you loud and clear brother,!
Well if you have been following the " tom de longs" UFO disclosure and the podesta email catastrophe that may of contributed to the loss of a Clinton
( god forbid) in the White House well it all seems like this effort of disclosure might of just had to be put back on the back burner, from what I
have read it TDL's books there is NOTHING NEW that we don't all ready know mate, it's all cargo cult stuff and may be a push for a new religion?
Interestingly doc joc v wrote the forward to his sekret machines vol 2 and you can read the ,1 st 42?pages online and I swear you will think " wait a
minute I wrote a thread and posts ont this at ATS" I kid you not it's the same old " the 9" and all the stuff WE know nothing new. Is he setting up a
new religion??!
Kpb our friend Kev has gone into quite some detail on his AI post singularity plasma life forms ( or djinn) to some and i gotta say it does make sense
as a way we would progress post singularity too. Interesting.
Other than that it's the same old same old but you are missed I can honistly tell you that.
You need to come back amongst us to give a heads up cos some are worried and also disilugened.
Oh and the horid piece of work TED ROE threatening to out Isaackoi with his real name and details thus putting his job as a barrister at great risk
it's just dam wrong!
Can't think of much more but your sure too find a heck of a load when you return I hope you do in a more public role like the good days where you were
upsetting the spooks lol SO FUNNY how ya made them show there hand chuckle.
Anyhow that's about it really but your service is wanted/needed just a drop in would put the theory that they got to you too as bull crap. That was a
joke lol just come say hi in a thread you find "interesting" or what have you got?? I know you, bound to have some good stuff in the pipe lines.
On a side note the whole TDL thing I'm sure Christoper " kit" green was also on TDL's research team and that makes you go hmmm really ??!!
All the best get back on that hoarse ok! Whip! Ye ha!!!