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Urgent, current events are dictating a NWO may only be a few days away.

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posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 07:50 AM

Everyone look at this post and commit it to memory. I can't promise that it won't be changed or deleted.

I don't have much time to post this, so I'll be brief.

The OP is misguided and is playing out his subconscious mental fantasies on a conspiracy website with the lot of you in order to explain life's inadequacies and the complexities of strict morality in an entirely subjective reality.

Nothing out of the normal will happen from now until the end of the year. Read it, memorize it, and re-examine it. Read my words, look inside of yourself, and come out of your psychological bunkers to see the truth. There is no NWO coming now or anytime in the near future. Commit it to memory and cut out the disaster/totalitarian pornography.

Have a good day/evening.



That would be a nice thought though. Life's inadequacies are there, now if you take a look outside; how many people do you notice bearing pain and pass it along to others who pass it down the line?

It is breed into the entire system, and if you can't handle it, we shall gladly give you Pill's to overcome it. I do agree with looking within one's self! There you will find everything down to the hateful part's of yourself calling out to you, pay attention and deal with yourself best you can.

For when the Horn's Blow as they are now, it is a Wake Up Call to all that hear's and feel's something deep down inside to listen to your Heart. It's telling you something NOT RIGHT; It is your Choice if you listen or not.

Everyone else has bunker's don't they? Big phase last year, have't heard of one for sale as of yet.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 07:55 AM

reply to post by WhereIsReality

I don't get all the fuss about RT doing a story about 9/11 and the conspiracy theories about it, Are RT the beacon of common sense and what's right??

Still placing them on the watch list, seem's they have either a ploy in it all or actually going all out. Basted upon what CNN and the like, it's better news sofar.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 07:59 AM

So who will be the president of "new world"?

Who ever offers the biggest Welfare Check!

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 08:11 AM
I agree that this is IT! As my kid's say; "Shhhhhhh-it's around the corner".

Even though I don't think the OP was very well done, I whole heartedly believe it is time for all human beings around the globe to be silent inside themselves for a few minutes and feel! Our intuition can speak volumes if we can silence our brains long enough to listen.

Something wicked this way comes!

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by WhereIsReality

I'm More the "I'll wait unto the fires start" type, believing no amount of prep and worry will even prepare me for what I believe it'll become but, I'm interest. Gerald Celente is talking a good bit about pulling his bank funds if there no resolution by Tuesday and if ithers follow suit there might be bank runs which could quickly snowball and saw this a bit ago coming from Drudge:

"As US politicians of both political parties are still shuffling back and forth between the White House and the Capitol Hill without striking a viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanised world," the editorial said.

It asks why the self-declared protector of the world is sowing mayhem in the financial markets by failing to resolve political differences over key economic policy.

"... the cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising debt ceiling has again left many nations' tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonised," the agency said.

China State News Calls For De-Americanized World

So, I feel that's a spooky step and "writing on the wall". This should be interesting to watch unfold.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 09:14 AM
October is always a stressful month )every single year) as people anticipate/dread the "Holidays" and deal with fiscal budgets in Goverment and business.

Then Janurary comes along and everything, more or less, gets back to "normal".

nothing big NWO-ish will happen in the next short while.

That's my prediction.

If it does I'll deal with it, like I do every "crisis" be it personal, national, whatever.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 09:24 AM
The winds of change are blowing and I'm optimistic about the future. This world needs change and if that includes a world government, world court and a world currency that will enable all of our brothers and sisters on Earth to live as equals in abundance and peace, trading weapons for plowshares, so to speak, by finally utilizing free energy technology along with other suppressed technologies for clean air and water, sustainable agricultural, and perfect health and longevity, then bring it on.

There can only be peace on this planet when the playing field is leveled. Free the slaves.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:07 AM
OP mentioned taking some money out of the bank 'Monday' but it's a bank holiday, three day weekend.

Just to be safe, I'd take a few hundred bucks, at least, out TODAY. Enough for gas, food and emergencies for a few weeks, just in case. Stock up on food if you can, it won't go to waste in any event. The truckers are trying to mount a shutdown and there's no way of telling how that will pan out.

I agree that every October the fear mongering hits fever pitch but it's also the month typically when all hell breaks loose in the financial markets, and that's when things are more or less normal.

This is not normal times. This is 'your government is losing even the pretense of control' times.

There's been reports on other websites (banned here) of banks getting notices Friday to not send their 'extra' money back to the Feds on Tuesday but instead keep them in preparation for 'the event'; and that more money would be forthcoming from the Fed on Thursday, which is Default Day. A bank run in the next few days is a very easy scenario to contemplate, especially with the EBT card debacle yesterday.

It feels like I'm standing next to the Bastille and watching people bringing over the ladders...

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:20 AM
I have a weird feeling about all of this.
*tinfoil hat on*

What if the game is MUCH bigger than we think?

Here's what I'm thinking.

They know something is inbound, our way. Meteor? Aliens? "Natural catastrophe"?

These couple of months the game has been played to distract the public, especially the ones awake and aware. Political theater. Whatever happened to NK threatening to nuke us? Again recently. Syria? I can't help but think the writer of this script is having a major writers block and comes up with whatever to fit the situation and throw a blanket on top of it to keep it cosy. Things don't add up, and I'm clearly seeing the works behind the curtain from this angle of the theater. I recently reviewed the Pet Goat video and managed to connect some dots together. I would highly suggest everyone who has never seen it to watch it, and to review it if you have seen it already.

I told my parents to get their money out of the banks, my mother was considering it until she spoke with the her sheeple zombie coworkers whom told her it's not a serious issue, to just ignore it.

I told her when she realized it's too late to get her money out I'm going to say " told you so"


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink comes to mind.
edit on 13-10-2013 by PurpleVortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:07 AM

In a lengthy polemic against American hegemony since World War two, it added: "Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated. "A new world order should be put in place, according to which all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing."

yahoo news

edit on 13-10-2013 by haven123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:41 AM

Everyone look at this post and commit it to memory. I can't promise that it won't be changed or deleted.

I don't have much time to post this, so I'll be brief.

The OP is misguided and is playing out his subconscious mental fantasies on a conspiracy website with the lot of you in order to explain life's inadequacies and the complexities of strict morality in an entirely subjective reality.

Nothing out of the normal will happen from now until the end of the year. Read it, memorize it, and re-examine it. Read my words, look inside of yourself, and come out of your psychological bunkers to see the truth. There is no NWO coming now or anytime in the near future. Commit it to memory and cut out the disaster/totalitarian pornography.

Have a good day/evening.


Do people like you get your kicks off on looking down on other people? Ironically enough, you're on a conspiracy website taking cheap and baseless over-generalized potshots at people you know nothing about. And now you've got me playing your same childish game!

Oh, and thanks for sharing your SUBJECTIVE opinion. You know what that means, right?

You saying there 'will never be any NWO' has as much credence as me saying 'Jesus was an eight foot robot crocodile.

How's the weather up there?

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by RomeByFire

Slightly Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:17 PM
Well, well... things certainly are getting interesting aren't they?
Definitely in a scary way. I don't even know what will happen next, as I used to be able to at least guess, things are just so up in arms now that I can't even keep track. Interesting times we live in --


posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by WhereIsReality

I should take my money out of the bank?
Well, sure let me go get that 31 bucks...

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 02:33 PM

reply to post by cheesy

Satan will rule the new world order. He already is. People make fun of us born-believers in Yeshua but that's ok. There will be a third temple built in Jerusalem. A man will stand in the temple and proclaim himself 'god' or king of the world ... abomination of desolation.

Calm down there is no third temple ... yet.

The temple referred to in these scriptures is not physical. It is the spiritual temple of God; The Church of God, the Body of Christ, the Temple of God.

A man given power over God's church did stand in the Temple (place of God's dwelling) and proclaimed himself "God" as he determined to destroy the laws of God and create his own laws; a peragative which belongs only to God as eternal rule maker. The Temple was destroyed (church scattered) and no stone (individual member of the Church/Body/Temple) was left upon the foundation (law of God).

This is the first seal, and it was opened in December of 1994, when the head of God's church on Earth destroyed the law of God over His people. This man died EXACTLY 40 sabbaths after his sin was made known (to the hour) thus revealing who the man of sin was.

Do not be so sure the physical interpretations you have received from others or come to accept yourself through research are the true manifestations of the prophecies. For if you do you will think we are yet to begin (pre-1st seal) what we are about to finish (all seals have already opened, and only the trumpets remain to sound).

God Bless,

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 04:32 PM

The winds of change are blowing and I'm optimistic about the future. This world needs change and if that includes a world government, world court and a world currency that will enable all of our brothers and sisters on Earth to live as equals in abundance and peace, trading weapons for plowshares, so to speak, by finally utilizing free energy technology along with other suppressed technologies for clean air and water, sustainable agricultural, and perfect health and longevity, then bring it on.

There can only be peace on this planet when the playing field is leveled. Free the slaves.

Haha. Never. There is no such thing as equality, individuality will always trump conformity. I do like how you've constructed the vision of collectivists intent on "control of humans, for the greater good, as WE see it" and then painted it with the camouflaging paint of "peace and harmony". It's a thin veneer but what you're espousing is control. World governments will not succeed in their plans. Chaos will find a way and have it's day, and fates willing, soon.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 04:36 PM

reply to post by WhereIsReality

I should take my money out of the bank?
Well, sure let me go get that 31 bucks...

True enough, most of you don't need to sweat it, but a bank run will be an amusing thing to watch. I suspect when the "government shutdown" begins to affect all the thousands of EBT card users, and they're suddenly unable to eat, then.. We shall have some proper riots. It's going to be a beautiful disaster.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by cheesy

The AntiChrist

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:56 PM


reply to post by WhereIsReality

I should take my money out of the bank?
Well, sure let me go get that 31 bucks...

True enough, most of you don't need to sweat it, but a bank run will be an amusing thing to watch. I suspect when the "government shutdown" begins to affect all the thousands of EBT card users, and they're suddenly unable to eat, then.. We shall have some proper riots. It's going to be a beautiful disaster.

Discribe beautiful disaster? Are you talking about the need for people to wake up, or are we talking about the madness that is to follow?

Now the bank run would be okay at first, I shall be doing it tomorrow anyway. Just in case! Cause of us doing this would make things even worst in the long run.

The other is just plain Cold! Riot's only cause more damage and more anger and after it all, nothing is left. Now you have a bigger problem, mess to clean up.

For once, it would be nice if people could understand that Tearing Down The House does not mean Trashing It All. Just more work to do later!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

I feel chaos is beautiful, I watch and avoid getting swept up in the madness but, it's got a pattern to it and I can't help but appreciate that.

Well, it's just an opinion of mine that the continual band-aids on the cancer isn't going to make things better, just prolong the pain. You are right, it's going to be a painful transition but, it can't happen without pain. Expecting anything else is self-delusion or wishful thinking.

edit on 14-10-2013 by aptrgangr because: clarification

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