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The Voynich Manuscript Solved!

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posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:24 AM
I usually don't pat myself on the back but I came across the Voynich Manuscript in the Debate forum and it reminded me of something, where I came across this manuscript a while ago, I realized something.

The first thing I noticed as that the letters had an orientation which was from the right to the left, and the words were all constructed as if they were a Semitic language (3 consonants, with or without prefix and suffix). What struck me even more was how many of the symbols looked to be Arabic. Sure enough, curiosity leading to discovery, I searched for "Voynich Manuscript Arabic" and someone else has already been on the case! As is so often the case. Pardon the pun.

And I am thoroughly convinced they have cracked the code...the manuscript as it turns out is an Arabic and the text having nothing to do with the plants in it directly is a treatise on Sufism. More or less.

Check out their work!
edit on 12-10-2013 by FreeMason because: Better title

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by FreeMason

The plants are so interesting, almost like a person was making a Fantasy Dictionary.

The way the women all had names and were pictured bathing in the plumbing system.

It even has some fractal and cosmological art.

I got a strong Nordic or Viking feel from the Document, so Arabic or Aramaic lineage, and maybe plants were sketches of East Asian Jungle vegetation.

Idk, its a strange book...

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:34 AM

reply to post by FreeMason

The plants are so interesting, almost like a person was making a Fantasy Dictionary.

The way the women all had names and were pictured bathing in the plumbing system.

It even has some fractal and cosmological art.

I got a strong Nordic or Viking feel from the Document, so Arabic or Aramaic lineage, and maybe plants were sketches of East Asian Jungle vegetation.

Idk, its a strange book...

I'm not sure, I heard the plants were no known plants? But for some reason I remember the plants being from Spain?

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by FreeMason

Spain? Like in stain glass or sculpture plant carvings?

The Vikings had travels and trade into East Asia based on artifacts found. Maybe a mix or Old Nord, Druid Saxon mixed with Aramaic...

A scholar who wrote with this style about the Goat Heidrun that supplies the Milk for the hall of Valhalla:


Might have adapted Aramaic sandscripts to the Nordic Calligraphy style.

There is a different feel to calligraphy styles across the world.

edit on 12-10-2013 by AbleEndangered because: tweaks and fixes.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:38 AM
The Voynich Manuscript Solved!
Misleading title - (even using an exclamation point for false emphasis) !!!..........Its false,therefore misleading, because nothing has been solved regarding the mystery that is the Voynich Manuscript .

The bathing women are reminiscent of alchemical drawings seen especially in the writings on the subject by CJ Jung, famous for his work in the field of alchemical studies, which has led me to suspect that the book is an alchemical treatise - in code - as were so many other secret works of this genre.

edit on 12-10-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by FreeMason


If this method proves to garner true fruits, I will research the Voynich Manuscript with eyes that see!

Just imagining the potentials of this deciphering method (Arabic key) in collaboration with the illustrations,..... beyond just the Sufis,... there are/were several highly secretive Islamic esoteric schools of Islamic thought at that time,... with profound links to metaphysics, psychology, alchemy, enlightenment,... and even knowledge passed on from the mystery schools of Greco-Rome, Chaldea, Babylonia, Akkadia, Sumeria, Egypt, the Levant, Germania, India, and Eastern Asia.

With such potential links as theorized in the op,.... it may be possible that the Voynich Manuscript is a metaphysical/spiritual guidebook, not equalled since the 'Tao Te Ching' or the 'Corpus Hermetica'.

Very exciting if Arabic does indeed prove to be the deciphering key!

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by YodHeVauHe

There are/were several Islamically veiled societies with true roots of alchemy, metaphysics, psychology, science, esoterica, and mystery schools. They are more similar to Alchemists and Hermeticists of Europe,... to the Priesthood of the Near and Mid East,... to the enlightened ones of Inida and Asia,.... rather than falling in line with traditional Islam.

Therefore, an Arabic deciphering key may very well prove to be a metaphysical book from one of these esoteric Islamic societies.


posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 05:03 AM
This site Voynich MS says that the left to right and top to bottom orientation of the script is obvious.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by FreeMason

How long have you been researching VMS? Sorry if I'm sceptical but every second year there is a new claimant to have cracked the code and most of the time they know very little about the book.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 05:20 AM

The Voynich Manuscript Solved!
Misleading title - (even using an exclamation point for false emphasis) !!!..........Its false,therefore misleading, because nothing has been solved regarding the mystery that is the Voynich Manuscript .

The bathing women are reminiscent of alchemical drawings seen especially in the writings on the subject by CJ Jung, famous for his work in the field of alchemical studies, which has led me to suspect that the book is an alchemical treatise - in code - as were so many other secret works of this genre.

edit on 12-10-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

You're my new favourite person on ATS! I have my theories on the women bathing, do you follow the mailing list discussion on Just asking because I suspect from your username that your interest in VMS might be more than casual.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by cartenz

A star and a smile for that one

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 02:54 PM

This site Voynich MS says that the left to right and top to bottom orientation of the script is obvious.

My ideas led me to there work, those ideas do not have to be compatible because my ideas were at a glance and cursory.

I think their work has seemed thorough, what do you say about them?

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 07:42 PM

In a published paper, Greg Kondrack of the University of Alberta says he’s used powerful artificial intelligence to open a sliver of daylight in the murk.

He says the text is written in medieval Hebrew, with the letters of each word scrambled in a precise way and all the vowels dropped.

He says the first sentence begins “She made recommendations to the priest … “

Maybe this will pan out. We'll see.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: ipsedixit

Interesting, hard to believe it has gone unsolved for so long, and equally hard to believe there isn't something there to solve.

posted on Jan, 24 2018 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: AbleEndangered

The way the women all had names and were pictured bathing in the plumbing system.

According to Debra song (subject of an ancient thread herself) the water temperature in the tub was a little too cool.
Debbie made all the connections so I've no doubt there may have been something written in ancient Hebrew without AE IOU.

posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: Cauliflower

Ancient Hebrew has no written vowels.

posted on Jan, 27 2018 @ 06:44 AM
The Voynich manuscript was created in the 1400's based on carbon dating the velum.
There were other period works which *might* have been prior art.

posted on Jan, 27 2018 @ 09:39 AM
I am quite satisfied that the VM is not in the Christian or any modern Organized Religions' power...

the material in the manuscript does not need to be about the plants that the Earth propagates...

perhaps the text-script is in the long lost language of Atlantis or else the higher level Language-of-the-Birds which requires a connection to a spirit realm far above that of mortals

posted on Jan, 30 2018 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: FreeMason

My initial idea was also that the text had right to left writing, and Arabic came to mind, but since I am unfamiliar with Arabic, I left it with that, but I think you are most likely correct, the text seems to be written right-left. The Sufis were closely connected with all the other mystery schools at the time this manuscript has been dated to, including the alchemists who drew on ancient Egyptian mystics and science. The very word Alchemy is of Arabic/Sufi origin, as in Al-Khemet -- «From Egypt». Thanks for good news. Something for usr:Sahabi who is well versed in Arabic?

posted on Apr, 17 2018 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: FreeMason

Greetings ATS

A few preliminary facts to consider about the Voynich MS (or, 'VMS) which is currently being housed safely in a vault at the Rare Books Division of the Beinicke Library at Yale University--

I wish to clear-up some commonly-held misunderstandings of the history of this MS lest anybody should leap to premature conclusions about the 'solving' of this long-standing enigmatic puzzle.

Wilfred Vojnic (a private Lithuanian book-collector who was heavily involved in Lithuanian politics, including espionage) first came across this 'little ugly duckling' MS in 1912 at a Jesuit Monastery called La Villa Mondragone in the little town of Frascati just outside of Rome in a trunk full of mediaeval MSS belonging to the estate of an old antiquarian Jesuit Abbe Petrus Beeckx, who had died c. 1888 - the Jesuits in 1912 needed to raise some ready-cash to repair their roof and apparently had to resort to selling-off part of their extensive collection of old MSS...

The book measures c. 7 inches x 9 inches (the vellum used was recently dated to c. 1415 CE) and contains c. 240 or so surviving pages (at least 12 sheets have been deliberately torn out- probably by code-breaker & polyglot Athanasius Kircher c. 1650 and are now missing) of a mediaeval coded (ostensibly) gynecological cipher-text Herbal Manual with drawings arranged loosely by subject falling into 6 definitive sections (e.g. 'Herbal', 'Cosmological', 'Astrological', 'Balneological', 'Pharmacological' & 'Recipe' sections respectively, although some recurring pages from the initial 'Herbal' section suddenly reappear in the Pharmacological section which shows that the book was incorrectly re-assembled and sewn together at some later date) the majority of the drawings being of medicinal plants ('Herbal' Section, which include a number of poisonous ones, and many are still to this day unidentified).

in the Balneological Section (from Lat. 'balneus' meaning 'bath-tub') there are depictions of (evidently) pregnant nude young caucasian (mainly blonde) females often seen up to their pregnant knees in a soupy green liquid.

As at least one poster noted on this thread, the coded cipherbet is clearly oriented LEFT TO RIGHT and TOP TO BOTTOM the way most Semitic languages are written out, so it is clearly NOT Arabic (or Hebrew/Nabatean &tc) but represents a western language, which recent computer studies have concluded is a 'real language' and not mere 'gibberish', although it would indicate many of the words exist as abbreviations (e.g. de-vowelled) in many places and the Herbal section may contain two distinct dialects of the same base-language, known as Herbal A and Herbal B). One thing is certain: the Voynich MS has NOT been totally 'solved' yet at least as of 2018; if the VMS does indeed represent a known language, the 'base-language' represented by the ciphers seems cognate with certain dialects spoken by what are known as Gypsies (the Romani language) with a decidedly Turkic grammatical underpinning, although several 'labels' in the 'Astrological' section seem at times to employ Arabic & Persian names for some star groups (e.g. The Plieides).

The author/compiler of the Voynich MS seems to have been somewhat eclectic in his choice of source material; the opening page of folio one for example show two mediaeval Chinese ideograms in red ink (one stands for 'Spring' the other for 'Sky') which throws yet another wrench into the works terms of nailing down the base-language(s) being used throughout the book. The drawings of mediaeval castles in the 'Cosmological' section resemble the turrets found around Brescia/Milan in northern Italy, yet the women appear as Scandinavian blondes with only a few brunettes in the bunch. There also seems, upon closer-inspection, to be at least SIX different copyist-hands involved, making the book a literary-collaboration of sorts. Moreover there are serious doubts being raised that the more mature & experienced person who produced the fastidious inked-line-drawings of the (sometimes weird-looking, sometimes symbolic) plants & pregnant females is the same individual who (somewhat childishly) coloured the images with a very limited palette of primitive pigments.

Now in terms of the specific use if this gynocological medicine journal, linking the plants with known mediaeval concoctions for pregnancy-related issues may be instructive especially when linked to the naked pregnant 'nymphs' soaking their swollen ankles in their bath-tubs full of green-goo; there are some 'Herbal' plants that are known oxytoctics (birth-delivery easers), poisonous plants that induce spontaneous abortion, plants that were used to reduce swollen ankles, plants used in antiquity as aphrodisiacs, fever reducers, tranquilizers, to reduce morning-sickness, to eliminate skin-eruptions & blemishes, plants used as cosmetics, emetics and opium-based plants used to dull the pain of menstral cramps and childbirth.

Just my $.02 (for what it is worth) off the top of my head this afternoon...
edit on 17-4-2018 by Sigismundus because: (no reason given)

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