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God vs. No God: Here’s your sign

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posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 02:50 PM

Creationist Group Challenges Atheists With 'Thank God You're Wrong' Billboards

An ad in Times Square by the Creationist group Answers in Genesis. The 'digital spectacular' ad runs about 15 seconds and is meant to engage atheists and secularists who may happen to see it.

A major creationist organization has posted billboards in New York City and San Francisco with the purpose of engaging atheists, with more to come this month.

Answers in Genesis announced Monday the posting of three billboards in the San Francisco Bay area and a "digital spectacular" sign at Times Square.

Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, told The Christian Post that the decision to post the billboards came in response to atheist groups in the past erecting billboards.

"The atheists have been pretty aggressive in putting billboards up across the nation and some of the billboards have been very much focused on attacking Christianity," said Ham.

"Not just promoting their atheism, but attacking Christianity. And they put one in Times Square last Christmas that said 'Keep the Merry' with a picture of Santa Clause, 'and dump the myth' with a picture representing Christ."

Ham also told CP that "we as a ministry felt that the Bible tells us in Jude to contend for the faith and we need to be soldiers," as described in Ephesians 6
Christian Post

FFRF’s Times Square atheist ad features Sweeney

"OMG, there is no god!"

That's the lighthearted message the Freedom from Religion Foundation is taking to a Times Square billboard Friday in New York City to counter an anti-atheist billboard by an evangelical group.

FFRF, a state/church watchdog and the nation's largest association of freethinkers (atheists, agnostics), has enlisted "Saturday Night Live" alum Julia Sweeney for its rejoinder. One cube of the billboard features Sweeney's smiling face, the other her quote: "OMG, there is no god!"

FFRF's message will be displayed on the same digital billboard at the corner of 42nd Street and 8th Avenue as the Answers in Genesis Christian message saying, "To all our atheist friends: Thank God you're wrong."

"A fifth of the U.S. population identifies as nonbelievers. We don't thank a nonexistent god, we put faith in each other and human ingenuity," says Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-founder of the Madison, Wis.-based association. "We believe in deeds, not creeds. We believe the only afterlife that ought to concern us is leaving our descendants a secure and pleasant future."


Good Greif!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK so I am no fan of religion but this is ridiculous. I couldn’t care less what signs are promoting faith or non-faith however this is just a waist. The money spent on these things could actually be helping people. For the location they can’t be cheap. I could think of a thousand other great messages that could be up there, if whoever is in charge really thinks they need a billboard fine get your sign but put somthin up there that is inspiring.

Being an agnostic atheist myself I am more pissed at the atheist sign for being stupid but truth be told the entire thing is just idiotic IMHO. I just do not see the purpose in it other than to piss each other off. No one worth a damn is going to be swayed by these things.

I think it would have been far better if the had just let it go.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

To be honest, i think most atheist are Agnostic Atheist as well, i would love to meet a Agnostic Theist.

I was An Agnostic Atheist(i used to call my self Spiritual Atheist) before it was cool, now it seems like religion and atheist are in an elementary school debate.

It was fun when i tell people i was an Atheist, they go "whaaaa!", like i was something unique lol.

I became Atheist after examine what was put forth in front of me, learning gave me information, while "people of god"(includes family, church, books etc) did not.
edit on 10/11/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

As someone who used to be an atheist, I know where the corrupt thoughts come from. My parents never taught me anything spiritual so my whole life was full of sin and misery.

I was guided by what the television was telling me about the bible, religion and God. That it was apparently ignorant to have faith. Purposely making every religious character on an American tv show mentally nuts or plain thick, while sciency types believe in Darwinism. I was lost for a very long time.

The devil is in the detail. Literally. The information I've been getting all throughout my life, the sources of which are run by secret societies(mainly the illuminati) and through the elite Satan has the ability to teach, speak and act out false information.

People that are atheist seem to think what television says about God is true also, no one seems to have read that God flies in a craft that can ascend, descend, hover, and travel interstellar, everyone seems to forget that in all the stories of Satan he will do whatever it takes to deceive people away from God. People also hear random things like Jesus was the son of God, the bible never said that once, Jesus states that he led Moses away from Egypt making HIM God in human form.

Anyways, it's a plot because they want people to fear UFOs and a chance of UFO attack, when the majority of visible crafts are members of the Elohiym!

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by ScottProphhit

People that are atheist seem to think what television says about God is true also, no one seems to have read that God flies in a craft that can ascend, descend, hover, and travel interstellar, everyone seems to forget that in all the stories of Satan he will do whatever it takes to deceive people away from God.

I did not get my atheism from any television set, nor have I ever received anything resembling a message or omen from Satan. And really, I've always made a principle of taking a real good look at whoever is talking the most trash. And in this case, it's the followers of God.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I think what needs to be understood here is, that both sides feel the other is deceived. There are strong emotions tied to this topic, the world over. How long would you listen to a family member, repeatedly tell you and others, our solar system is geocentric?

These two groups feel just as strong about their convictions. It frustrates them both to no end, because both sides are convinced they're right. In my opinion though. The atheists should be willing to take the high ground, because Christians never will. They can't. It goes against their whole belief system.

Even I, as an atheist, have to admit, the possibility of an entity that most people would see as a god, could indeed exist. However, at the same time, I am convinced that entity would have absolutely nothing to do with any religion humans subscribe to.

This isn't going to die anytime soon. We're at a point in time, that atheists can come out of the closet without fear of the inquisition. And I think this is just the beginning of a long fight in America alone.

edit on 10/11/2013 by Klassified because: clarity

edit on 10/11/2013 by Klassified because: grammar

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Klassified

I do agree with what you are saying in fact in my own way I was trying to convey that the atheist group should have just let it be(taken the high road) and I am a bit perturbed they didn't. I know there are fights to be fought on issues but really IMO those should be legal battles. The ones that involve seperation of church and state.

If people want to believe in god that is fine with me it's only when it invades politics and personal freedom that I honestly take issue. On line I probably come off as pretty harsh against religion but this is my venting area in a way and my threads are ment to provoke thought on issues. In my personal dealings with people religion doesn't even come up. Hell my uncle is a pastor and we get along pretty good even though he gets preachy sometimes it is never a sticking point.

But this sign war is absolutely rediculous to me. I read about the Christian one days ago and it didn't make me blink until I read about the atheist reply to it today. I just want to tell them to let it go there are more important things to spend their money on.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 06:17 PM

reply to post by ScottProphhit

I did not get my atheism from any television set, nor have I ever received anything resembling a message or omen from Satan. And really, I've always made a principle of taking a real good look at whoever is talking the most trash. And in this case, it's the followers of God.

Do not lie to me! You got it straight from television, just like how you think you're entitled to a phone call at a jail cell because of movies. You can't even argue about your beliefs without questioning others. Do you think Hollywood is sending out good messages? Christian people are shown as loving a white jesus and a non-physical God, maybe a minority actually do. Muslims are shown as terrorists or child abusers, I doubt there's even a percentage of that in real life. They send out subliminal messaging that UFOs could be dangerous, perhaps a world threat, you know why? Satan controls the television and God flies the UFO

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by ScottProphhit

...I'm going to assume you're trolling. And if that's the case, well done. You made me laugh.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by ScottProphhit

I did my research on Sumerian texts, I know all about "god's" plan to take over the planet with ufo/aliens. By the way, it is you who lies. In BASIC tv (no cable) there are so many Christian program s talking about the "holy" bible and that is just basic tv. Why isn't there any Satanic or Atheistic oreachin easy to find on tv? Its obvious whi "the evil god of this world" truly is, and it isn't Satan

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 11:37 AM

reply to post by ScottProphhit

I did my research on Sumerian texts, I know all about "god's" plan to take over the planet with ufo/aliens. By the way, it is you who lies. In BASIC tv (no cable) there are so many Christian program s talking about the "holy" bible and that is just basic tv. Why isn't there any Satanic or Atheistic oreachin easy to find on tv? Its obvious whi "the evil god of this world" truly is, and it isn't Satan

What? I've never seen any, and even if there is channels like that mainstream American programming produce atheism subtly not in your face, but its everywhere

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 11:55 AM
You know, one day, some of us are going to learn to Agree to Disagree.

I am utterly dumbfounded that there are people who feel they simply must be SO right in their convictions that they have to go so far as to spend money to go out of their way to "spread the word" lest others follow their own thoughts and beliefs.

Now, this being said, I also cannot help but feel that there is SO much frakking dogma and BS floated in this toilet of a world we live in that cannot be separated from religion. Or more particularly Christ, or God, or Mohammed, or any two bit person who got up on a soap box and decided their view needed to be heard.

Perhaps, the first shot over the bow was the signs merely trying to let people know that they might not be alone in feeling, believing, or even knowing that there is no God. Perhaps thought, religion for that matter, is so pervasive of a virus that it has to be attacked full force. Perhaps this is no better than the return shots that have been fired.

Agree to Disagree.

Those three words are powerful, and can win you friends, which in my book are more important than any one *thing* in this world.

edit on 12-10-2013 by SadistNocturne because: Because I disagree

edit on 12-10-2013 by SadistNocturne because: Dammit, their / they're / and their are NOT the same! I must be PERFECT!

Oh, and I almost COMPLETELY forgot...the OP's article quoted Ephesians 6.

Ephesians 6 says many things. Almost comically so.

5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7

I cannot help but find this horribly curious. Sad. Scary. Intriguing. Thought Provoking.

Give yourself over.

But to quote Peart, I will choose Free Will.

And I Agree to Disagree.
edit on 12-10-2013 by SadistNocturne because: Because I felt that whereas the Christians can quote the bible, so can I, to my own purpose and intent. Have an awesome day

edit on 12-10-2013 by SadistNocturne because: Dang nabbit, wascally wabbit, I misspelled something!1! PERFECT I AM! Hey, at least I spotcheck without the use of a spell checker

edit on 12-10-2013 by SadistNocturne because: Christ, I even managed to mangle Peart's pearl of perfect wisdom. I am not worthy. I AM NOT WORTHY!!!

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Maybe after watching this video this question will come into a new perspective that will open up something entirely new in understanding. I posted a thread on it but felt the need to share it on here because it very much pertains to the question posed.

The video is 40 minutes in length but worth every second of it. For all seekers it is worth listening to this man's perspective. Even if you have doubted if there is a God perhaps this will open your eyes to a way of looking at it all which may even open up the road to for a leap into faith.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Even if you have doubted if there is a God perhaps this will open your eyes to a way of looking at it all which may even open up the road to for a leap into faith.

Why would we need faith when we have science? There are explanations for everything in that video. So by "open your eyes", you mean "reject the scientific story".
edit on 12-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

On the argument of Science and God:

Science is only at the beginning of trying to understand the most dynamic force in existence - our Creator. Sadly the purpose of science for the most part has been to thwart mankind from the innate knowledge of the Creator. The Age of Enlightenment was in fact a different form of darkness because it served to hide or replace The Creator of the Universe. The problem lies in what science uses to prove or disprove anything. This form of deductive/inductive reasoning is problematic because it is in denial of the 'omni' or the 'meta' - that is the 'supernatural' is not included in deduction.

Therefore through exclusion it is in denial already.

Science is a means of exploring that which is mostly unexplained and misunderstood yet one cannot use the physical to explain the supernatural/metaphysical. So in essence science really cannot explain anything that is outside their 'natural laws' even through deduction or induction by forming hypothesis and theories.

To put it simply one cannot explain the 5th dimension using only 3 dimensional technology and knowledge. Nor can science explain a moral principle. Science is trapped in a small 3 dimensional prism that can only break open a minor part of these mysteries by the Will of God and only upon HIS timing.

Science is catching up to the fact that our Creator's Fingerprint is on everything and if anything science will encounter the impossibility of denying this fact as it is written and recorded in The Word. Science by its very nature, is never capable of proving the non-existence of anything.

They more they use the deductive or any scientific method the more science will discover that proof of God's Existence is undeniable. You will see this unfold as time progresses.

Science has been trying to take the place of God on planet earth but it will all serve to confirm the reality of HIS Glory. Just look for HIS Fingerprint because even with the science that is available to us at this point in time HIS Fingerprint is in everything, the Fibonacci Sequence is just the beginning.

Science uses scientific law/natural law to explain everything and neither accepts the reality of the supernatural whether in existent forces that operate in our universe or in a being therefore by virtue of denying a part of reality they have cancelled out their own argument. Science cannot even in principle disprove the existence of anything but it is clear that a large part of the propaganda has been to focus 'their science' on trying to disprove the existence of God.

There are limitations to the certainties of scientific explanations due to the limitations imposed upon the scientific laws themselves. We will never be able to explain our most fundamental scientific principles using natural laws, instead we should acknowledge that if anything we can only ascertain simple universal laws of nature, laws that we cannot even explain if we are to maintain the limitations that science imposes in deduction.

Perhaps we should be open to discovering a deeper set of laws by which we can actually begin true scientific exploration and deduction, one that is not relegated to such a limited view of the science it proposes in deriving at any true conclusions.

Science hasn't proven that God doesn't exist because it cannot. What science has given the controlled veiled world is merely an unjustified opinion littered with false opinions.

Colossians 1:15-20 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

15 He is the visible image of the invisible God. He is supreme over all creation, 16 because in connection with him were created all things - in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, lordships, rulers or authorities - they have all been created through him and for him.

17 He existed before all things, and he holds everything together.

18 Also he is head of the Body, the Messianic Community - he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might hold first place in everything. 19 For it pleased God to have his full being live in his Son 20 and through his Son to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace through him, through having his Son shed his blood by being executed on a stake.

Dr. B. G. Ranganathan said, “…the probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop” (Origins?, p. 15). And this only speaks to the likelihood of any life at all, rather than the most highly complex forms such as large animals or human beings—let alone all the different kinds of life that exist today.

edit on 12-10-2013 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Science is only at the beginning of trying to understand the most dynamic force in existence - our Creator. Sadly the purpose of science for the most part has been to thwart mankind from the innate knowledge of the Creator. The Age of Enlightenment was in fact a different form of darkness because it served to hide or replace The Creator of the Universe. The problem lies in what science uses to prove or disprove anything. This form of deductive/inductive reasoning is problematic because it is in denial of the 'omni' or the 'meta' - that is the 'supernatural' is not included in deduction.

So you are insisting there is this "supernatural" element which defies science at every step. If such is the case, it simply cannot exist or function in this universe, as it would come down to two things: either the universe breaks, or this element does.

Ergo, your argument is ridiculous.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

I am sorry but I have no idea what that video has to do with my OP.

The OP isn't endorsing either side it is critical of both.

Me thinks not many people are reading the OP.........sigh....I tried.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

And now this thread is critical of both.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

The video I posted was in hopes that a perspective would be shared that would blow these arguments out of the water, planting some good seeds within people for the purposes of fruitful thought.

The video serves to take us outside of ourselves because if all you see are the arguments posted above then it is a response that is coming from an origin of defense and offense. We serve satan's purposes through offense and what I wanted to accomplish by adding that video is to offer a perspective that would bring things into a deeper comprehension.

Perhaps through a video such as that one, people will respond outside their own defenses and allow the seeds to germinate and grow into clearer thoughts that are neither rooted in defense or offense but rather in the Light of Truth.
edit on 12-10-2013 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 10:51 PM

reply to post by Klassified

If people want to believe in god that is fine with me it's only when it invades politics and personal freedom that I honestly take issue. On line I probably come off as pretty harsh against religion but this is my venting area in a way and my threads are ment to provoke thought on issues. In my personal dealings with people religion doesn't even come up. Hell my uncle is a pastor and we get along pretty good even though he gets preachy sometimes it is never a sticking point.

I just thought I should stop by and thank you for mentioning that you rarely bring up religion in your every day dealings with people.

I am back at the university finishing up an engineering degree and MY GOD, sooo many arrogant atheists run their mouths non stop . . . . non-freaking-stop. I don't mind most of the time as I believe everyone is free to believe what they believe.

Every day I hear comments about how stupid anyone who believes in anything "supernatural" is and then go to class and listen to them praise Newton (the mother f'ing alchemist!!!!!), Quantum physics (stop people you are making kittens cry), and DNA, yet they fail to acknowledge the world view of the people who invented/discovered these things. Not to mention the assumption that consciousness is a perfectly understood physical phenomena . . . . ugh. Lee Felsenstein has talked openly about levitating a damn concrete table with his mind!!!!

I wish I was more humble but I usually wait until exams are passed back, as I am somehow (no one knows, not even myself, exams are pure insanity) at the top of most my classes, to drop some knowledge of history on them while flashing my test in their face to prove a point. People here only acknowledge performance sadly.

Pride comes before the fall they say.

Anyways, went off on a tangent there and should reiterate my thanks for tolerance.


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