posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 09:49 AM
I love this site. I've been a lurker for a good while, and I partially know my own reasons for being here. Some mixture between paranoid distrust of
any and all authority, and the belief that Watergate, Abu Ghraib, and etcetera are the tip of the iceberg.
The pursuit of truth. Or perhaps the unconscious motivation that drives people to rubberneck at car accidents. To be perfectly honest though, I shy
away from the lunatic fringe, though I know they're out there. Honestly though, there are less of them, I believe, than the reasonable "conspiracy
We're not all crazy. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not up to anything. But that's not the only motivation to be here, I'm
All the time we talk about conspiracy, about how politicians are puppets and the animals, trees, water and animals are being polluted and defiled by
the corporate machine.
But can we ponder the nature of why we discuss those things? My reasoning is that it's better to discuss them than leave the subject unspoken, a lie
of omission. That smog, Johnny? It's cumulonimbus. That huge triangular black diamond blotting out the stars you saw at 3 A.M.? The Government burnt
down the Waco compound, they set fire to Dorner's cabin, and they told us that it was those under siege who decided to start the fire. I found out in
investigation that CS gas grenades cause fires all the time. They get real hot.
Politics, Republicans, and Democrats, allowed themselves to be bought and sold a hundred dozen times, and I'M irrational when I don't believe the
party line?
Can't talk about it to your family, they'd call you crazy. That's why I come here. To discuss the things that others would call me a lunatic for
What it is it that embodies us, not just as ATS goers, but conspiracy theorists? Do you consider yourself to be a "conspiracy theorist"? I find that
word to be loaded language, really.
Why are we here?