I say a new idea but I don’t know if this has been suggested before but I was struggling for a title for this one so it will have to do. This in
essence is yet another suggestion for a new forum but with quite a interesting twist.
It came up to me when I saw this
Now before I get to my suggestion let me start by saying that I think ATS has a problem and there seems to be quite a significant group of ATS members
who agree with me. That problem is the slipping in posting standards and the quality of threads. Now I know that there are many who will disagree with
me, and I know the owners and mods might not like this but for my money its true.
By quality I mean those “Mega-Threads” the ones were a member has spent months researching the topic, where the reader is met with multiple
sources, pictures, videos and solid analysis from a author who knows his stuff to present a original and in depth thread. These kind of threads are
becoming rarer to find and I think I know the root of the problem and how to fix it so please stay with me here as I explain the problem as I see it.
The problem
As stated above the problem is a slipping in thread standards but what’s caused this, I think there are a number of factors. The first one being
that these “Mega-threads” as I call them tend to take quite a bit of time to read and digest so it can be off putting for members to read through
them all when taking a quick glance at the “recent posts page”. Another problem is that quite often these threads tend to be written by a author
who really knows his/her stuff and the thread may seriously challenge the beliefs that others may hold. So it’s easier for them to basically ignore
the thread and hope it will go away and they won’t ever need to worry about it too much. Thirdly quite often these kind of threads whilst excellent
might not spur much discussion, like say a member posting a prediction or some kind of political thread might encourage debate. All three of these
mean that combined the “Mega-Thread” will just become relegated to the deep dark hole that is “page three, recent posts” with about 15 flags
and a handful of “wow grate thread dude” replies.
This brings me to the last problem is the biggest problem in my view, it is a result of the previous three problems and that is a lack of incentive.
Really what is the point for a member to go away and write a huge “Mega-Thread” when it will just be overshadowed by lesser threads (yes that is
very much a matter of opinion) and fall so far down the recent posts page that nobody bothers with it. What might have taken a member months to write
might only be a topic of discussion on ATS for a matter of hours and after that it is never to be seen again.
I know that I don’t really like wasting that sort of time.
The Solution
Ok the solution to this problem.
We need some kind of separate forum for these “Mega-Threads”, it could be called a “Mods-Pick” or “Mega-Thread” forum essentially it would
be a forum where only threads that meet a high standard are selected by mods and sent to this “Mega-thread” forum if the thread meets a set
criteria. Now what exactly these rules would be for having a thread sent to this “Mega-Thread” forum would be, I really don’t know that would be
for the Mods to decide but I do have some suggestions.
For a thread to qualify for my hypothetical “Mega-Thread” Forum the selected thread must:
• Have multiple sources to back up the author’s claims
• Be at least 7500 characters long or more.
• Be well presented.
• Makes use of videos, pictures, quotes, links and so on
• Clearly demonstrates in depth research from the author
• Does not violate T&C’s (ok a obvious one)
• Perhaps a WATS score requirement
Threads that would automatically not be included.
• Any breaking news event
• Any topic of political argument, such as one party/ candidate is better than another.
• Should not be a “Ask me Anything” thread
Effectively when a Mod sees a thread like this it would be moved to the “Mega-Thread” forum if it is clear it meets the standards of that forum.
Much in the same way a “HOAX” gets moved to the “HOAX” forum and would not really require all that much extra work as there are only really a
hand full of Mega-threads a week just now.
I think it would be also kind of nice that if a member has say 5 threads put into this “Mega-Thread” forum that he/she could have something
similar to the “writer/scholar” status.
Overall though this solution would probably lead to better threads being produced by more people and hopefully overall improve the site.
Problems with the solution.
Ok right away I can think of some problems.
• Accusations of Mod Bias- Well yes but that goes on anyway and if the rules were set in place and were kept flexible yet tight enough to remove
these accusations it would not really matter.
• Members requesting their thread be moved into the “Mega-Thread” forum—Real simple solution, simply make it a rule that if anyone does this,
automatically no matter how good the thread might be it does not get moved into the forum.
Closing thoughts.
The outline of this proposed forum above is just that a outline, the "rules" that i proposed were only to give examples I am sure that my fellow
members can come up with others more suitable.
Also Let me say I know that what is a good thread to some might not be a good thread to others, some might think that threads that just simply have a
line and a info-graphic are the best threads ever. That’s fine, under this system those threads would still exist but I think we have to have
something that rewards good work by members.
Again you might challenge me by saying “well why are you hear if you just want a cookie”, well why should members who post truly amazing threads
not get some kind of recognition as they put in loads of work into their threads. I think it is a very reasonable request that threads that are truly
“Mega-Threads” get popped into a special forum that recognises their contribution to the site.
I would really really appreciate some feedback from my fellow members on this and would also like some consideration and from the site owners.
Finally, here are some examples of what threads I think should be put into this “Mega-Forum” I am sure there are many more
edit on 10-10-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-10-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no
reason given)