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50 House Republicans Sign Letter to Cut Social Security Benefits

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posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Hey, thanks for the advice ... I knew there was a reason I needed a new hot young lady in my life

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:59 AM
I think the upcoming mid-term elections are going to be veeeeerrrry interesting. That's all I have to say about that.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:08 AM

The American people and being goaded and poked and pronged into action.
When Lord, When will they raise up and kick arse?

With some exceptions noted, I think there are some really evil people in washington and in many state capitals. I dont say this lightly at all. No rational elected official would say one irrational thing after another. People have grown accostumed to tyranny slowely, much like the boiling frog analogy, to the point they have become wholly insensitive to everything except rape and murder.

It used to be financial fraud was a very serious thing, as well as incompetance from public officials. Today barely anyone is held accountable for anything. That is why they get away with it! White collar crime is seen as normal so to speak.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:18 AM
A republican dirt is actually being discussed on ATS?

Faith in ATS restored.. a bit.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:20 AM


I can see if they cut disability because it's way too easy to get anymore. My wife gets nearly $1700 a month because she's depress about having to retire against her will on top of the $2600 and free insurance she gets every month

It's not that easy.

that has got to be an exaggeration.

i know people who've had cancer with no disability.

get a disability lawyer specialist... i see TV ad's for them all the time....
one ubiquitious specialist shares a name with a "futurama " character,............ the robot Bender

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:28 AM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Their approval rates are sinking like stones ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With the Republican-controlled House of Representatives engaged in a tense, government-shuttering budgetary standoff against a Democratic president and Senate, the Republican Party is now viewed favorably by 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. This is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.


Isnt it intersting that none of these parties are even listed in the gallup poll, or any other major poll for that matter? With the exception of L that is listed on all state ballots, these parties are not listed by name on most state ballots, which means they belong in the "other" category. That in itself is rather insulting I think.

The video I have seen many times goes into great detail about why only two parties ever win. Heck we only have one party in reality with the differences being on social issues predominatly, no one addresses financial issues.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:28 AM
Here's a thought - make age 60 full pay back and no widdle here for age 62 then a widdle more at age 63 then a widdle...on and on to age 70 - 8% a year - cripe - I really don't like the thought of those jokers doling out the candy.

Just send me the my 1+mil and you can dissolve the whole mess.

Trillions for bankers - but...oasd...

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:32 AM
Interesting that the screws would be put mainly to those who had paid in the most during their lifetimes. Of course robbing the poor doesn't pay well.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Besides the whole free trade thing I like the Libertarians,

I have not checked out the other parties in any detail ...

I agree though, something needs to change and we certainly need parties with a different point of view, the two major parties have done nothing but bring this Country to it's knees.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:53 AM
Maybe they are doing us a favor. If they keep bumping the age requirement up to an unreasonable age, it might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. No more SS. No more collection of it either.

The fairest scenario is that what is taken from your paycheck is all you get plus it's accrued interest, in the end. What it is now is a Ponzi scheme, which is never sustainable. Hey, just like the way our govt pays it's bills! Borrow from Peter to pay Paul!

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:54 AM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Besides the whole free trade thing I like the Libertarians,

I have not checked out the other parties in any detail ...

I agree though, something needs to change and we certainly need parties with a different point of view, the two major parties have done nothing but bring this Country to it's knees.

Libertarians are not my first choice either but compared to these two monsters, I would LOVE to have them rule this nation. At least it would be a real changer, rather than more empty promises and lots of other nonsense.

My first choice is constitution party because they believe in mercantilism. In other words go back to the days of tariffs that encourage job protection and growth of the local/national GDPs. With continous trade deficits with china and india, there is zero prospect of balancing the budget, keeping people employed and off welfare, tax collection and eventally paying off as much of the 17 trillion debt as possible.

I have no problem with greens either. I guess they would be my second choice. Its just that on social and issues I am borderline conservative rather than progressive. Not that social issues are terribly important at this junction. They are also heavy on enviromental statism, but its better than welare and military industrial complex statism.
edit on 10/10/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 11:47 AM
Thanks OP for the post. Most revealing that those are just RHINOS and truly NONE of the congress lie on party lines. Truthfully they have their own party - TPTB / Plutocracy / Oligarchy = FACIST! Our democracy has been decimated. If they stop SSI / SSD they will have results akin to stabbing the hive or a hibernating bear!

Is this a litmus test to see how far they can go; to see if the sheople are still working as ant colonies!

Seems most of the POTUS as well as the house are just taking a leading roles in the fantasy politics they we live to serve.

ETA: Could you give the source to your post pls? I would like to share elsewhere.
edit on 10-10-2013 by mcsandy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 12:02 PM
There are many places to start looking for cost saving beside the SS system. Is it too much work or is Congress too ignorant to be able to find that waste. More likely no politician wants to give up his cut of the pork so they will only agree on a larger base.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Tazkven

Not for nothin' but.

Can somebody get a link that shows where this letter is actually at ?

We all know that Ribble has been harping on SS for a long time.

But in today's times, the *Trust but Verify* light is flashing.

I would hate to think it's been *adjusted* or anything.

I can't find it anywhere.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I agree with this question. A link would be nice. The solution I see, is if the government wants to shutdown, then why don't we shut down as well? Stop working opt out of economic slavery. What's the point of working when your federal reserve notes dwindles in value even though that value is imaginary?

What does our government do when it has a problem with another sovereign nation for example... Iran? Economic sanctions.
edit on 10-10-2013 by qwerty12345 because: Death to Saturn

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 01:02 PM

I think the upcoming mid-term elections are going to be veeeeerrrry interesting. That's all I have to say about that.

It's almost as if the GOP wants to lose elections. This is just the campaign meme the Democrats have been looking to paint the Republicans with. "Taking the food out of senior citizens mouths"

They will paint every conservative looking to be elected with this and the old folks will respond. They vote entirely on self interest. The GOP has lost the women's and minority vote and now it looks like all they have left is Christian middle age white men.

Who is on the steering committees of the GOP? They must be complete morons to let this type of thing even reach the media.

edit on 10-10-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 02:09 PM

I can see if they cut disability because it's way too easy to get anymore. My wife gets nearly $1700 a month because she's depress about having to retire against her will on top of the $2600 and free insurance she gets every month

20 years ago when I got Social Security Disability I had to fight tooth and nail for it. So your wife gets nearly a $1000 a month more than me and would have never qualified for it at the time I did for depression.

Yes, I am reading about how the program is bloated with people on it who really shouldn't have qualified. So please don't recommend that you throw the baby out with the bath water. There are people like me who need every penny of it. Fix what is broken and don't deprive people who desparately need this income because of the graft going on.

Maybe you should get your wife to decline it if she is abusing the system.
Enjoy your gravy train at the expense of others and complain about it at the same time.

This is where I will be if I lose my disability:

By Alain Sherter / MoneyWatch/ April 4, 2013, 5:58 PM As economy flails, debtors' prisons thrive

edit on 10/10/2013 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Here ya go ...
edit on 10-10-2013 by Tazkven because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

I'm in the same boat there, Lady, and I am wondering how much veracity is in the info he gave about his wife. Far as I know, SSI and SDI are limited in the amounts they pay per month, and the amounts you receive are directly tied to the amount of money you made while you worked.

I'm 42, have been out of work for about 8 years and tried for all 8 of those years to get on Disability because of blindness. I was finally able to get it and started getting it this month. My amount? $550 per month.

Told my wife it would be my freaking luck to finally catch a freaking break and have it all fall apart a month later.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:55 PM

reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

I'm in the same boat there, Lady, and I am wondering how much veracity is in the info he gave about his wife. Far as I know, SSI and SDI are limited in the amounts they pay per month, and the amounts you receive are directly tied to the amount of money you made while you worked.

I'm 42, have been out of work for about 8 years and tried for all 8 of those years to get on Disability because of blindness. I was finally able to get it and started getting it this month. My amount? $550 per month.

Told my wife it would be my freaking luck to finally catch a freaking break and have it all fall apart a month later.

If you have been going through this for 8 years, You should be entitled for 8 years social security benefits (back pay- lump sum) and if you have dependent children they should get back pay as well. Good luck getting it. My Congressman's case worker, picked up a baseball bat and accomplished in a half day what I had been trying for 2 years after being awarded it. Social Security put me on neverending hold whenever I inquired about it. Unless they changed the law, you have money coming to you. If you had a lawyer for this and this is news to you talk to him/her about it. I should have been listed in your award letter. Wish you the best.

If the poster's claim is exaggerated, I couldn't say. If she worked to, let's say, age 57 she would have accrued a higher rate depending on her earnings and it is possible.

Monthly Statistical Snapshot, August 2013

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