Hmm.. If you think about it, there would be poeple who would benefit from having public opinion pushed in a certain way. I mean, that is common sense.
If the flock follow the leader, they'll go where it goes. that's just common sense. So if the herd appear to be going one way, it would be silly for
the individual sheep to run the other way. He'll be eaten by da wolluf.
How do you suppose that works. You'd have to put loud people in many places. they'd have to ay what sounds right, but take it in a specific
Of chouarse governments employ this tactic. They would be ignorant to not. It works.
Here though? Well.. we tend to know when someone rushing to post 20 posts is disingenuous. We tend to know when someone new with big ideas leads a
political thread awry.
And we tend to know when a cigar is just a cigar.
Here? Elenin, Nibiru, ISON, HAARP, LHC, etc.. not that important to the governments.
Syria? Guns? Obamacare? WOT, WOD, etc... noobs won't be teaching old dogs new tricks, here.
It would only work on opinion based comments on things like blogs, social media that has no registration process to contribute in a meaningful manner
(facebook, no LIKING a page is not registering with it) twitter, media outles comment sections.. they are where you'll get random bob and his array
of strange ideas that seem plausible, yet oddly follow an agenda.
I chuckle when people claim there are shills and disinfos on ATS. That's a lot of wasted effort to change very little. A very long con to engage a
random person who may or may not ever see a post.
And by GOD if they are getting Scarlett Johannson at their piss ups, I'm seriously going to join. She makes me do things to myself that I can't talk
about in public. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh boy oh boy oh boy..
/sudo su apt-get install finalize_account_ATS012.tar.gz -ztfx /etc/init.d close.send.eof()