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We are the Aliens!!!!!!!!

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posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 07:45 AM
I personaly think That, in a near futur, we will create the time-travel machine and with the genetic transformation we are experiencing today and the nuclear power plan growing everywhere on the planet, The man,as we know him today,will suffer a great transformation to become weaker(physically) and we will travel back to our origin in order to find our roots and study(from the air) our history to better understanding as to what,when and why this big change happened and how can we reverse it for the better.....!

This is only my point of view on this and i simply tried to give it to you as best as i could in your language!....By the way, this site is too much!

Thank you!

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:00 AM
Nice theory...

And if its true in the end, the irony will probably be that THEY caused what happened to them because they travelled back in time and changed it, lol.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 01:22 PM
Why would extraterrestrials have to be humans from the future? In just a few hundred years of technological advancement, we have already travelled to our own nearby planetoid, the Moon. Its far more plausible that extraterrestrials are simply creatures from other planets across the universe who have been at the game of technological advancement longer than us. All you need to do is look up and you'll see thousands of stars in our own galaxy and who knows how many planets with life may surround them. Time travel with all the problems it poses seems far less likely an answer to this enigma than does extraterrestrial intelligences.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 02:10 PM
I agree with Frith. However, I recall the days when I first began opening up to the possibilities of an extraterrestrial presence here on earth, berlinguet�s theory did cross my mind. Well, a theory that was similar. One must consider that it�s entirely possible that as our consciousness begins to expand there are elementry foundations of thought that occur. Just a thought.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by merka
Nice theory...

And if its true in the end, the irony will probably be that THEY caused what happened to them because they travelled back in time and changed it, lol.

it's impossible to change something you did in the past because if you change it in the past you wont have to change it in the future so it is pointless.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:44 PM
My thoughts are simply this.

Oh nice thread berlinguet. Ats is kinda heavy going so take your time to asorb it all, Im sure most of us aint going nowhere so if you got questions, ASK, and it shall be given.

Good views for the rest of you lot.

Yes back to my views.

I think we are aliens. The universe is so vast and filled up so many planets that it would be mind boggiling to even understand how many there are.

So are we the aliens, u betcha ass we are.

We as a peolple do not understand our own planet yet, to think outside of our own galaxy, dont make me laugh!

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by the_ham_demon

Originally posted by merka
Nice theory...

And if its true in the end, the irony will probably be that THEY caused what happened to them because they travelled back in time and changed it, lol.

it's impossible to change something you did in the past because if you change it in the past you wont have to change it in the future so it is pointless.

It's very...very...very confusing. If there is a way to travel back through time...i can't explain it would be so confusing. The theory of parallel dimensions would prove true. But I really don't see how if you change something in the past that it would affect time when you return to your "present" time, since it would have to change everything in your original world at that moment. The only logical theory is that you would enter another dimension where that change is evident. I am getting all lost in my words now...but like I said...very confusing.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 04:07 PM
So you find it more plausible that what people are encountering and all the sightings arent extra-terrestrials from other planets but actually us from the future? We dont even know if time travel is possible need to jump the gun. Why is it so hard to imagine a species evolving from another planet and visiting other planets? Time travel sounds more plausible than that? Alright....

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 05:15 PM
We, the humans of Earth.......came here to escape the self imposed destruction of our home plant......Mars.
A loooooooong time ago.

We allready ARE the Aliens of this planet.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Amazing that the pwers that KNOW (Governments and NASA) about this small fact, dont actually LEARN from the mistakes of the past. Now we are destroying the air on THIS planet just like we did on the last one.......

I think the strange crafts we see in the sky now, ARE extraterrestial in nature, just observing WTF we are up to now that we allready moved here and took over this planet. Keeping an eye out so that they can learn from our mistakes, since we are to stupid to do so ourselves.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 07:25 PM
River Goddess, are you suggesting that the government is covering up the fact that we came to Earth to escape a dieing Mars?? I don't see that happening. People would know if we had to flee a dieing planet. There would be recorded history of our exodus. It would be impossible to hide that fact from an entire civilization. Also if we did destroy Mars I think that we would definitely be more careful with this planet.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Mxyztos
There would be recorded history of our exodus. It would be impossible to hide that fact from an entire civilization. Also if we did destroy Mars I think that we would definitely be more careful with this planet.

In our so called 'perfect recorded history'
there ARE many referances to mass exodus.

I think there are MANY things being kept form the entire civilization.....of COURSE there are!

Say that.....MAYBE in the past, there was a HUGE war using WOMD.....and ALMOST the entire planet had been layed to waste...the FEW survivors would have to start all over again.....hiding in caves, wearing animal skins, MAYBE even reinventing the wheel. Maybe this new civilization of OUR ancestors then thought themselves to be the first?
Strange UNEXPLAINABLE things are found deeply buried on this planet...(proof of higher civilizations in OUR past)....and you can say FOR SURE that YOU personally know, there was NO PRIOR civilization to the one we currantly are aware of? What IF the older civilization lost all records in war?
The liberary in Egypt had all records destroyed.....maybe a story of HOW we came to be HERE was part of that? MAYBE it claimed we came from elsewhere? can you explain the MISSING link to us all?
great scientists seam not to be able to...............
There are PLENTY of 'stories' on this earth, from the Native American lore to the fundamentalist Christians who make claim we have been given our lives by sky Gods...............MAYBE thats just the twisted remenants of the actuall exodus story.

You REALLY think we MIGHT BE carefull with the planet IF we knew we had destroyed it in the past??? tisk dont seam to be very aware of how humans tend to behave. Some of us still smoke even knowing it will kill us.......and yet you THINK that we would do better if given yet another chance? Please................

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:00 PM
Mars has been dead for years...years...and then even some more years. If we were ferried to Earth, someone else had to be our doesn't make sense. And then to start out with primitive technology. I really don't think aliens would have much respect for primitives to ferry them across shore only to have them chopping people's arms and legs off. Mars has been dead for far too long in order for us to live there. And as stated would have been documented since it would've been a major turn in human history. NASA wouldn't be spending billions of dollars trying to study if Mars is inhabitable if it happened. So logically, it doesn't make sense.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:25 PM

it would have been documented since it would've been a major turn in human history. NASA wouldn't be spending billions of dollars trying to study if Mars is inhabitable if it happened. So logically, it doesn't make sense.

I agree NASA would not be spending millions of dollars exploring Mars if they knew we came from there originally. I'm assuming you mean a world wide conspiracy about some people knowing we came from Mars originally and the majority not knowing, unless I'm misinterpreting what you are saying River "Goddess". It's just too large a secret to keep from everyone in the world.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 01:41 AM
Native lure tells of a man name Jesus who came to North America claiming he was a time-traveler ....

As for what goddess speaks,,, Mars was not the planet Lucifer and his people destroyed.. It was Rahab, better known today as the asteroid belt ...

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 02:54 AM

...and we will travel back to our origin in order to find our roots and study(from the air) our history to better understanding as to what,when and why this big change happened and how can we reverse it for the better.....!

Even if time travel is possible, it seems as though it could only happen as the mutli-dimensional theory suggests (because that theory is the only one that makes even the slightest bit of sense IMHO). So, if time travel were possible, it would also be impossible for the "traveler" to get home. That would make pointless any trip into the past for anything that might have an impact on their futures.

As for the whole idea of humans being from Mars. As others have stated, Mars has simply been dead for far too long. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that we're from anywhere but earth and there is an entire planet full of evidence that suggests that we are absolutely native to this rock. I'd be willing to believe that ancient civilizations were more advanced than we've given them credit for, but the idea that "higher" civilizations existed prior to the rise of Sumeria and Egypt is totally unfounded as well. The best and simplest arguement I've heard against this idea was posed in the form of a question. If there were advanced civs in our ancient past, then why have we found no ancient glass? Glass survives for very long periods of time. If there were superiorly advanced humans in ancient times, then we'd be digging up fragmentss of 10,000+ year old coke bottles and windows... unless of course these ancient people decided to skip that invention (which has been crucial in the social and technological developement of modern man). Sorry, there's too much about the theories of mankind's ET origins that just doesn't hold any water. Same goes for the theories of time travel.

As for the UFO sightings and ET encounters... I'd say that most are the product of the human imagination (and possibly the "god module" within the brain), some are military aircraft and maybe a few are actually ETs.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 05:08 AM
they are spending money going there cause they found things and new technology. and i think it is possible. and that is a good theory

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 11:26 AM

We, the humans of Earth.......came here to escape the self imposed destruction of our home plant......Mars.
A loooooooong time ago.

Where did you get that from?

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 11:33 AM

We, the humans of Earth.......came here to escape the self imposed destruction of our home plant......Mars.
A loooooooong time ago.

And then we "devolved" into Cromags and Neanderthals, and went back to using stone tools after we walked away from the spaceships?

I highly doubt it...

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 12:06 PM
Ok you guys......
Ill leave the Martian idea alone......Ive read that theory in a few differant books and Im not convinced anyway.
This is just a 'WE ARE THE ALIENS' thread so I thought I would toss it in for good measure.

I think I believe the Martian theory as much as I believe the time traveling theory.........

The older I get the dumber I was....and the more I learn I come to realise the less I really know.
Im open to ALL ideas, anyone of them COULD be right.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 02:43 PM

If there were advanced civs in our ancient past, then why have we found no ancient glass? Glass survives for very long periods of time. If there were superiorly advanced humans in ancient times, then we'd be digging up fragmentss of 10,000+ year old coke bottles and windows... unless of course these ancient people decided to skip that invention (which has been crucial in the social and technological developement of modern man).

Some like Drunvalo suggest that perhaps we are digging on the �wrong vibration� or �overtone�. If you believe that sort of thing. He suggests that dimensions are like notes on a piano. From what I�ve read. I am skeptical of the whole metaphysical, multidimensional, drivel, but it has it�s interesting arguments. At any rate, if it does happen to be the real Atlantis they found this week, we�ll all find out just how advanced we were soon enough.

[edit on 16-11-2004 by TheDarkHorse]

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