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posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:15 AM
Honestly, my take on Obama Care is that it is a vehicle of the Bankers........
Do you people understand that
1) Rockefeller brought aleopathic medicine to INDUSTRIAL proportions?
That Rockefeller initiated the American Medical Association?
That Rockefellers own 99% of the drug production corps in America?
Those who refuse to study history are pawns to those who make it.???
The medical industry in America, is simply ripping off the wealth of the people on an industrial scale.
There is no need for any medical system that is for profit only are being conned by big pharma again.....
Meanwhile behind your backs, and out of the limelight,
The federal government is exploiting ALL the data on ALL its citizens which it will collect and manage to its own benefit.....
America beware of these traitors bearing what apears to be the gift of life for is a death sentence for liberty.
You will be enslaved to this has been created for just such purpose.
edit on 9-10-2013 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Night Star

I put off applying for a few years because I kept hearing the horror stories of how hard it was to get. I had gone through cancer, depression and anxiety and just didn't feel up to fighting for it. Well finally I applied and because of all kinds of things going on with my back including spinal stenosis, nerve damage in my leg and no heavy lifting with my right arm, they approved me right away. I have to wait two years for medicare though and don't know what to do in the meantime.

Thanks for advice. I think the thing that makes me not want to apply is that I keep hearing, "Other people are scamming the system, you are actually broken and you had better get yours while there is still money."

I really don't want the money, I just want to be well again. Going from a pretty active guy to the pace of a snail overnight is unsettling to me. I want to be active again and being productive.

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

Well the whole stigma attached with something considered to be socialist does have it's naysayers ...

It is not socialism it is fascism. We at ATS called it Neo-Corportism. In the UK it is called the Third Way.

Realize that the corporate CEO (capitalist) urge is not toward a competitive market. It’s the very LAST thing anyone looking to maximize profit wants.What a CEO wants is a monopoly where they can achieve the profit maximizing price point. They DO Not want competition. They also LOVE a captive market where you are forced to buy.

Internalize that, and a lot of things “fit” better…

For example Monsanto pushing legislation to ban private traditional seeds and seed sharing, and promoting GMO products. The EPA is used to forbid all sorts of things that can be done easily and cheaply, and where the alternative is very expensive. So is the FDA with drugs and soon with food now the ag cartel got the Food"Safety" Modernization Act passed. You didn't think it had anything to do with our healht now did you? That law is about killing competition nothing more.

Once corporations figured out that it is cheaper and easier to get the competition banned and them mandated, than to create new products or compete for business; and that they can make lots of money as the sole provider of a crappy product but not that much making good products in a competitive market; well, lets just say that the political contributions flowed…

You can look at Communism as the “limit case” where there is ONE corporation and it IS the government. At the other extreme is “laissez faire” with huge numbers of competitors.

The USA until about 1970 was a “Mixed Economy” with some “natural monopolies” under government “control” via “regulation”; and with many competitive markets. We’ve moved to more central planning and more central “regulation” since then (Think OSHA, EPA, EQUAL RIGHTS...) so we moved to a Lange Type Socialism.

The result of these last 50 years has been more companies in markets with Oligopolies that are essentially guaranteed by the government. That is what Obamacare is a government guaranteed market not 'Free Healthcare' like it was sold to us as.

Who dominates the Home Mortgage Market? - Fanny & Freddy – Gov’t Corporations.
Who dominates the Student Loan Market? - Sally Mae – a Gov’t Corporation.
Who dominates US Autos? GM – a Gov’t Corporation via Nationalization, but now being sold off.
Who controls ALL the Banks in America? - The Federal Reserve Bank – a Gov’t sponsored corporation. There are a whole lot more of them.

At the next tier down, we have Gov’t dependent Oligopolies. Say you wanted to make airplanes. First off, you need lobbyists to get the ear of the politicians, next you need that dozen lawyers to work the FAA for you. Then you need some friends in the Military to feed you contracts.

When Boeing gets a $B contract to ‘study’ or ‘develop’ and you need to design your new tech from scratch on your own money: Who do you think will win? So the government basically decides how many companies it wants, and who they will be, then funds them “to plan” with contracts.

This is, basically the same way the Fascist “Third Way” worked. FDR and Wilson both had high praise for The Third Way and you can see how they shifted America from a ‘free market’ toward “Third Way” government – corporation “cooperation” …Clinton is also a big fan of “Third Way” and lectures at the London School of Economics whose Director, Anthony Giddens wrote "The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy"

It was this same process / tendency that Ike warned about in the “Military Industrial Complex” speech.

Notice in all of this it is the government and corporations hand in glove and the workers and consumers are the sheep fleeced by both sides while they pat us on our heads and tell us it is 'Socialism' and for our own good.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

After living off my savings for a few years, I didn't have a choice. I miss being able to do all the things I used to do but there is no getting better for me. I hope you are able to get back to work like you want. Yes, there are always scammers who ruin things for others and it is a damned shame.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Now just wait a minute here, I have heard a lot of derogatory names thrown around here in my day, but I draw the line when you start attacking the mouth breathers. I can't help it if I have a deviated septum!

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Going from a pretty active guy to the pace of a snail overnight is unsettling to me. I want to be active again and being productive.

It can be a real shock. The best way to deal with it is determine what you CAN do and for how long. Get creative. I found with a back injury that while I could not walk without pain I could cross country ski. I and friends with back problems found trail riding on a quite horse actually loosened up the muscles and help strengthen them. I haven't tried biking but that is another option since it allows exercise without the concussion. Stay on grass as much as possible. Concrete is the absolute worse.

That is just an example of what I did after injuring my back thirty years ago. I never had it operated on (I refused) but I can lift fifty pounds and walk all day even though I still can not run.

Good Luck

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 02:28 PM
Gotta love the distractions you all rant about, bipartisan colour affiliated votes keep you all active without seeing the real problem. Good luck with it folks, my sympathy you do not have. Politics has been corrupted since a long time. The sooner you see and realise that, the sooner it will be over. Unfortunately I think it will take a few thousand years before we realise it collectively. If at all...

ETA: Yes, cynical mood tonight, as so often...
edit on 9/10/13 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 04:10 PM

reply to post by beezzer

PTSD and Bob's your uncle!

Except that they will deem you unfit to own firearms. Sam's your new uncle now, boy.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 05:57 PM


I have half a mind to just go full on disabled just so you mouth-breathers can enjoy paying for MY healthcare!

I've had friends and family recommend the same to me. My body is pretty broke and I'm limited in what I can and cannot do. But some days are better than others, so I accomplish what I can do on those days (Often I'm flat on my back the entire next day)

I've been putting it off because it just doesn't feel right though and the optimist in me says I'll get better and return to work. Almost a year now not being able to work.

How does the ACA work for those 100% disabled?

If you are disabled you are eligible for SS disability. If you get disability you are eligible for Medicare and maybe Medicaid depending on the amount of your disability and what state you live in. In other words the ACA would not apply to you.

If you have not applied for the benefits that you paid for during your working life then now is the time.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:34 PM
ACA will finally make a third party relevant.

That to me is the best thing that will come from it.

It might be worth $562.00 more a month.

If it gets rid of both parties....I submit it's the best money I ever spent.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by beezzer

The reason US healthcare costs so much is partly because of the ridiculous amounts the drug companies are able to charge, which, was aided by Bush, who signed laws in right before leaving office.

That being said, he wasn't the only one to give the drug companies unbelievable advantages.

They also take public research and turn it into private profit, among other things.

The healthcare in the states is abysmal, and it should be a fundamental right for people. Why should someone ever have to choose debt/vs. reattaching a finger, or getting life saving surgery, medicine is beyond me.

That is something that should be provided and many nations around the world have been able to do this without going bankrupt.... so.

I wouldn't go as far as to praise Obamacare, as I don't think there are credible facts out about it on either side. I will say there is a problem with healthcare in that country though.


Sideline: If you consider how much is spent on defence, or ___ fill in the blank ___ useless spending, simply cutting pointless spending projects or allocating money towards health that is instead wasted on military pork projects, it's entirely possible to have a thriving, community paid health care system. Which, gets paid back to doctors, nurses, etc.
edit on 9-10-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by violet

...and hats off to Canada & Australia!

cheers mate, eh?

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 10:44 PM
I hope this does lead to an awakening of a third party that doesn't get hijacked by either of the two existing parties. If that is where this leads, than it is worth it. Not that I intend to comply.

I never trusted the health-care industry prior to all of this nonsense, and I sure as hell won't trust them now.

I will not submit anything to the IRS that is related to my health. They can have my financials, but that is it.

Non-compliance on a massive scale is absolutely called for.

I somehow doubt I will ever get a chance to exhibit my defiance, as it seems the entire system is imploding as I type. Good on it. If it implodes and takes the economy with it all the better.

Sometimes the vehicle has to completely break down before we can stop long enough to fix it.

I don't really care anymore about it. I have friends, family, and community. I intend to help where help is needed, and everything outside the immediate area is moot.

Best wishes to all of us. We will need it.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by jaguarsky

If you are disabled you are eligible for SS disability. If you get disability you are eligible for Medicare and maybe Medicaid depending on the amount of your disability and what state you live in

The only thing is, they make us wait two years to get it.

To save on prescriptions, I just switched to the Walmart pharmacy as many generic drugs are only 4.oo. I also got a free card from my neices boyfriend who got it from a doctors office. Anyone can use it and I saved half price on a very expensive med.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:44 AM
Some great replies and personal rants!

The feeling around my circle of friends is that many (who are disabled) are finding work because, "The full faith and trust in the US government" isn't there anymore.

Which is actually a good thing since trying your boat to the US government for support is akin to hooking a line to a boulder about to go off a cliff!

I hope what emerges from the ashes is a better 3rd party than the ones currently available and co-opted.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:50 AM

I hope each and every one of you that voted in this crook/whine-baby/moron end up paying thousands more.
reply to post by beezzer

BEST RANT EVER. But, I agree with this the most out of that truther moment. ^

I wanted Ron Paul, but alas, we got the choice between two clowns instead. JMO.


posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Wow ...thank you for that . Politics and business can, and is a very complicated bunch of confusion for the average Joe like me . One thing that that we can sense and see is that it has little benefit to our societies .They have much stuff and need to convince us we somehow need it and are very good at it ,or so it would seem by the amount of cars at the mall's and big box stores . There was a recent type of shared coop designed to gather together small home type hobby business to set up a shared store . I thought at the time of hearing about it that it would be a great idea for small local business .But like you say ,it's the big corporations making the Govt. create laws to stifle the little man .

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 01:24 PM

The "rest of the world"?

Do you really think that we care about the costs of your so-called obamacare?

We DO care about your petty little fights resulting in shutdowns, or even worse, governmental balance-keeping!

Stop that nonsense!

About 6.700.000.000 people are more or less dependant on this! Not just your own some 380.000.000 people!

I am sorry for my fellow American not knowing that rest of the world does not care about US work force not having insurance being on our backs once they injured/having to pay loans for rest of life...

It is small (among other) blonder on his size, because, you know, his blinders made by fox news and his political party are making his vision a bit short - for a reason.

As for voting 2 times for 'wrong' president, let's all hope that time of dark, I mean Bush-like office run are over. We had 8 years to learn that person who can't form simple sentence, listens to voice in his head and believes all religious nonsense is BAD choice, no matter who or what is other choice.

So, sorry again for a friend that most likely is unable to name and position more then 10 countries in the world...

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:51 PM

reply to post by beezzer

The "rest of the world"?

Do you really think that we care about the costs of your so-called obamacare?

We DO care about your petty little fights resulting in shutdowns, or even worse, governmental balance-keeping!

Stop that nonsense!

About 6.700.000.000 people are more or less dependant on this! Not just your own some 380.000.000 people!

When our house of cards falls so will many others around the world, so maybe it's not a bad idea to straighten up our affairs by whatever means necessary.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:24 PM
I looked into coverage and figured "good" coverage should be affordable right? Well they'd want over $800 a month for my wife and I if we got the Gold or Platinum level of care. Right now my wife pays a lot for an HMO out of pocket and it is near 'platinum' levels of care. I have CRAPPY ARSE insurance from my employer and it's almost identical to the silver level ACA...$2000 deductible, only pays 40% or so before the deductible; every time I see the doc it's $120 out of pocket, if something bad ever happens it's going to be that $2000 deductible plus whatever out of pocket expenses (plan pays 80% after deductible). It basically means I never use my insurance.
The cheapest level of ACA care is the bronze level, with a $5000 on Earth could anyone afford that if you ever had to go into the hospital for something major?

I thought ok, maybe I can get the ACA gold or platinum care and pay a little more, until I see their shiesty arse rule....if your employer offers healthcare (deemed suitable to be at bronze level or better) you do not qualify for ACA care plans unless you forfeit your employer based plan, forfeit what your employer pays into your plan, and forfeit any government assistance for ACA care plans...

Soooo basically I'm stuck with my crappy employer based care when I really just wanted better care lol
edit on 10/10/2013 by AnonymousMoose because: moose don't spell good

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