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US adults are dumber than the average human

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posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:07 PM
I'm sure Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland and a few other countries make up most of the world population to suggest Americans are dumber than the average human....

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:28 PM
As a foreigner. I could have tell you.
But then, It takes one to recognise another one...

I don't think dumb ones are guilty. Only lazy ones, in this age of the internets...

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero


So I guess all third world nations who can't afford to send some kids to even grade school are retards to them.....

And MANY parts of asia where education takes a far back seat to working to feed they still have people who never learned to read.....India, Pakistan, Afghanistan .....full of retards....

Thank God we have the shining glory of countries like those in this survey to make up for us retards....

Intelligence is knowing that these sort of studies are RETARDED....regardless of who they say is the actual retard.

That's just the opinion of one of the retards though. I never got a formal education past I guess I am dumb.

Too bad some of us have to work......and live in the real world where an education would be nice...but food is great.

Intelligence ......pfft. I will take common sense any day.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Ditto that. Smartness is relative, generally and in this society also its what and how it operates. All of you each and every one are here because you serve a purpose, if not you would have been eliminated long ago and I am not talking about hitman #. More of the same socio societal engineering simply falling through the cracks, as they call it.

But yes there is a famous line by Alexander the Great about how he is not scared of an army of wolf's lead by a sheep but an army of sheep lead by a wolf. That is how our society operates, everybody is a cog in the greater score whether they know it or not.

So yes dump people are worth much more in the course of things then the so called smart ones, anybody can read something or train themselfs to any degree. Yet for the purpose of cohesion and even the war machine and everything really, the glue that holds our society and any society is the common denominator ie the average person ie the salt of the earth ie dump people. The glue which holds together our society.

If you all want to see who smart all these smart people really are. Well put them to the test! And see how fast that fails when outside there cue cards and zones. There are centuries and countless forces keeping things as they are. Efficiency and simplicity is the model in many ways, when what was efficient becomes no more, then you get rid of it and restart, then rinse and repeat. Its been going on this way long since history was invented. And yes history was invented, it did not just come to be...Duh!

In this world, this existence, this society everything is backwards for a reason. There is a reason why the believers are cannon fodder and why those who are just out for themselfs are the winners and the higer classes. One lifes and thrives off the other, it is how this model is made. It is no different in everything else and no different then the sales pitches you get coming your way every day. Only in the scope of things things such as religion, believes, ideals, principals, even such things as love are all merely just sales pitches to a group of peoples were by another thrives off it.

I mean when was it? some weeks ago you had a guy burn himself in front of the white house all because he thought people would listen or it would prove a point. Now can you imagine that? Not only do people not care they are not capable to care beyond the various constructs made to support such things, for centuries since the dawn of humanity they have been breed to not care all while supplanting there thought process and everything else to give the illusion of it being something else.

And the fact is if your garbage men go on strike you will be knee deep in garbage in a few weeks, if truckers go on strike you will get no foodstuffs or such for a long while. Now if a bunch of politicians go on shutdown...The American populace will not notice unless it is directly and discretely beaten into there brains, however they could go on shut down for years and years and nobody will notice because things still need to get done, and with or without them it will get done. So yes the guy basically burned himself for nothing and as its not useful to move popular thought into any direction we will hear zip about it.

So yes everything you can say is a sales pitch, and those that actually believe it are the cannon fodder. After all go back a few years even on this thread and read what people really thought about things and you will see how fast things changed and how some things will fly out the window at the drop of a hat. Point in case, in any cohesive organism even the human race, there comes a point were the individual does not matter, some few centuries from now, being dumb and sticking outside your niche may be as feasible in thought for them as flying to the moon by flapping your arms is. And yet our tech and everything will be much more advanced, however you will only be required to push the buttons your were bidden and trained to push.

I mean its already pretty much that. It to reach the level of a complete full on one entity out of a whole bunch of parts ie humans that will be necessary. And so dumb people may be worth more then smart people when all is said and done. It all just depends on what your definitions of dumb and smart are, and whatever that is...Well it can be changed on a whim as well. Its not even that hard to change public opinions of any group even and especially of those who think otherwise.

One could even say America and all other powers that came before them such as Rome or Egypt or Babylon got to the place they are because it was done on the back of hundreds of thousands to millions and billions of idiotic drones, in its simplicity of its machinations everybody did what there job was. And what would be more useful one really smart person, or a million sheeple all doing as they are set to do? And so why is it we spend more money and energy on how to control and blow stuff up then we do to find new way to live life comfortably? I mean duh, its been designed like that from the beginning.

See what I mean.
Look at history and you will see that is so, with the individual and the real genius only making a appearance here and there every few thousand years.

edit on 9-10-2013 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-10-2013 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

This reminds me of what George Carlin said...

"Think about how stupid the average person is. Half the people are more stupid than that!"

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 04:34 AM


reply to post by TDawgRex

Think about this logically. The UK isn't full of dumb people either. You don't get the standing the UK has by being full of dumb people.

edit on 10 8 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

edit on 10 8 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

edit on 10 8 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

I challenge you to come to Essex and then make that statement. In fact, if you want to save yourself a journey, watch 'The Only Way is Essex'. Your opinion will soon change.

Article 1 for the prosecution:
edit on 8-10-2013 by Scorchio because: (no reason given)

As a fellow UK, I completely agree, in fact it seems to be trendy to be dumb at the moment.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 04:49 AM
I have a theory....

It goes something like this...I might have to create a thread of it's own about this...

Basically the old 3 class system is still in play from way back in the middle ages. What happens is is everyone is documented as to what class there in based on there bloodlines. If anyone starts to gain ranking, like say you're born low class and you work super hard and start to reach middle class. if you do that then you get flagged and put on a watch list. Then if you still are showing signs of "climbing the ladder of success" you're really screwtinized. Like they really check into what you're doing. And or immediately audit you and try and purposefully bankrupt you. Then you end up basically getting pushed back down to low class. That way they maintain the class structure. If people were actually freely allowed to go from low to middle to upper class without any checks and balances what would happen is a top heavy effect. Too many people would end up at the top. They would then give birth to kids who start off with an upper hand. And the trend would continue generation after generation, eventually replacing many of TPTB, Elitists, Royals, etc etc. So instead they use g=v as a means to keep people within there classes that they were born into using a gazillion devices they have at their disposal to steal the wealth you start to build up. (ie: audits) That way they keep you down and keep themselves up by stealing your money, which essencially is your energy, because it takes hard work to make money often times. I honestly think that this is an underlying structure of developed nations. The class structure likely still is in full effect. What you're born into you stay in, if you climb out, they'll throw you back.

Correct me if you think I'm wrong??

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

a good education is worthless if the student doesn't want to learn. just turn off those damn TVs.

on second thought, scrap that. remove all the safety stickers and let those idiots kill themselves.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:36 AM

I'm sure Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland and a few other countries make up most of the world population to suggest Americans are dumber than the average human....

some time ago i saw a youtube video, showing random americans on the streets, answering random questions.

random question:
- how many angles does a triangle have?
random woman's answer:
- ummm... 4?

seriously, how STUPID one can be?

there's more than enough stupidity everywhere in this world, but thanks to TVs, McDonalds and US government, the USA is the land of the most retarded nation on this planet.

and personally i think that americans may blame themselves for that, because breaking that circle is as easy as turning off your TV, eating more or less healthy food and - most importantly - thinking on your own. the last thing is sadly the last thing that most of humanity likes to do. there are exceptions though, there are many brilliant people in the USA, just like everywhere else. they're just a very tiny minority.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by tadaman

there's intelligence, there's wisdom and there's a thing common to both of those - a will to think on your own. so, you're clearly not dumb.

imho, many of those poor little chinese kids without any education whatsoever, are way smarter than the average american (or european for that matter) adult. they can think and they're willing to think. some basic knowledge comes from nothing else than thinking on your own, and it's that basic knowledge level at which most american (and european) adults fail, and that's so retarded that facepalm is the only answer.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:56 AM

reply to post by TDawgRex

This reminds me of what George Carlin said...

"Think about how stupid the average person is. Half the people are more stupid than that!"

average doesn't mean that half of the people will be more stupid, and half of the people less. for example, imagine 5 people. 4 of them have an IQ=100, one has IQ=140. the average? (100+100+100+100+140)/5=108. half the people are more stupid than that? or 80% in this example?

that proves that that quote is, well. stupid

it's like the average salary in your country that your government proudly reports, not mentioning all those bankers earning many times more than that, so in result most of the society earns less than the average.
there are lies, damn lies and statistics.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:22 AM
There is no such thing as a dumb person.
Just dumb statistics.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:37 AM


average doesn't mean that half of the people will be more stupid, and half of the people less. for example, imagine 5 people. 4 of them have an IQ=100, one has IQ=140. the average? (100+100+100+100+140)/5=108. half the people are more stupid than that? or 80% in this example?

that proves that that quote is, well. stupid

it's like the average salary in your country that your government proudly reports, not mentioning all those bankers earning many times more than that, so in result most of the society earns less than the average.
there are lies, damn lies and statistics.

I´m sorry but your post is very ignorant when it comes to statistics and it is clearly visible you don´t know much about the field.

Statistics would mean nothing if only average was taken into account. Many more statistical terms need to be taken into account and calculated in order to determine how well the stats reflect real life situation - standard deviation, standard error, t-value, p-value are some of most commonly used, although in technical fields much more needs to be taken into account.

If you took a look at this study itself, it is a thorough and takes a lot of factors into account . Unless data was falsified which is very unlikely, this study reflects the situation in OECD countries quite well, at least when it comes to skills analysed.

You can take a look at the 460-page study.

Tables of results begin from page 250, so over 200 pages of different graphs and tables.
edit on 9-10-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

I didn't read the article above but I just wanted to throw in this gem I found in a local online newspaper comment section. A commenter said that if you are "for" getting an education than that means you are "pro" big education. He was a conservative, of course.

Just saying

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Cabin

the last sentence of my previous post was a saying, rather well known, and you just choose to stick to that single word, while my point was that judging the situation only by looking at the average value, is pure nonsense.

i'm not saying the study is wrong. all i'm saying is that quote that i was refering to, is wrong.

i know how it works, and i also know how it gets manipulated, simply by omitting those important details, to fool the society. expecting those that don't know how many angles a triangle has, to know that statistics are more than just an average value, is naive. that, and the fact that statistics are more often than not manipulated to fool people, is the reason of that saying.

it is clearly visible though that you were unfamiliar with it.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 07:56 AM

reply to post by tadaman

there's intelligence, there's wisdom and there's a thing common to both of those - a will to think on your own. so, you're clearly not dumb.

imho, many of those poor little chinese kids without any education whatsoever, are way smarter than the average american (or european for that matter) adult. they can think and they're willing to think. some basic knowledge comes from nothing else than thinking on your own, and it's that basic knowledge level at which most american (and european) adults fail, and that's so retarded that facepalm is the only answer.

indeed but telling them is useless, of course, they'll just laugh it off while insulting you, the really sad thing is once the american empire crumbles, the barely concealed contempt felt worldwide will become full blown, americans will be left to rot, being considered under qualified even for planting rice and thus worthless even as slaves.

those of us that do think for ourselves will have to work even harder, and still be seen as the odd exceptional freaks.

let's see them laugh that off, when the joke is really on them.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by jedi_hamster

Sorry, if I was a bit rough. I´ve just gotten a bit pissed at seeing so many posts in ATS and this thread not denying, but spreading ignorance.

I agree too aften statistics is twisted and cherry-picked, often even manipulated for one´s agenda,whether it is gaining votes, clicks or something else, although I still believe statistics overally to be very respectful field. It is simply important to think on your own, I always to find out the actual studies to look at the actual data rather than simply believing what is told by the newspiece. Often the people writing such news are not very familiar with the field also, so some information is often misinterpreted whether consciously or not.

Of course, you always have to keep an open mind that the data might have been falsified, although at least when it comes to OECD studies, so far I have not been disappointed in these. Same goes for most scientific papers I have come across in my field.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 02:56 PM


reply to post by TDawgRex

This reminds me of what George Carlin said...

"Think about how stupid the average person is. Half the people are more stupid than that!"

average doesn't mean that half of the people will be more stupid, and half of the people less. for example, imagine 5 people. 4 of them have an IQ=100, one has IQ=140. the average? (100+100+100+100+140)/5=108. half the people are more stupid than that? or 80% in this example?

that proves that that quote is, well. stupid

it's like the average salary in your country that your government proudly reports, not mentioning all those bankers earning many times more than that, so in result most of the society earns less than the average.
there are lies, damn lies and statistics.

I see your point, but in a larger set of data I don't think those outliers (extra high and extra low scores) would skew the results as significantly as in this example. You need more than 5 people.

That's why you can't flip a coin just 2 times, have it land on heads both times, and declare that the chance of landing on heads is 100%. The more you flip it the closer your data will come to reflecting a 50% chance, even without adding more detailed statistical analysis.

Because there are so many people when you talk about the whole country, even including the high salaries of the bankers won't notably change the overall average, because they are such a small number of people relative to the total. Plus, you have the unemployed to balance it out by pulling just as hard in the other direction. They don't have to hide anything to give us these numbers.
edit on 9-10-2013 by AlliumIslelily because: (no reason given)

(post by Onslaught2996 removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

We are getting dumber, there is no doubt. Why do we even need to think anymore when a smart phone will do it for you? People would also rather play angry birds than read, I am sure that is contributing to it.

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