Hello everybody,
The last time I came here I said that I wouldn't log in again...
to provide proofs.
Here I come to provide proofs (after having been warned by a reader) about
the real character of Marie-Thérèse de Brosses,
journalist for a French 'people' magazine (Paris Match) and author of the main French article accusing me of a lot of things, including plagiarism,
from which the website
ironskeptic.com, and many other debunkers here and there,
based its/their own articles/comments, like
a simple and brief copy of
her original article.
It happens that
Marie-Thérèse de Brosses has been condemned for plagiarism (Title: Asunrath), and
her plagiriazed book copies
destroyed, by a decision of justice in France!
Here are the proofs among dozens:
Brosses M-T, de, Asunrath, Eric Losfeld, 1967. Cette journaliste s'était déclarée l'auteur de ce texte illustré par Claude Serre, un procès
s'ensuivit, Brosses condamnée et le livre pilonné.
Les collections Eric Losfeld: Arcanes – Le Terrain Vague
- Marie-Thérèse de Brosses. Asunrath (1967) – isbn:_ illust. Claude Serre (retiré de la vente suite à procès en plagiat).
You can google her name (Marie-Thérèse de Brosses) with the words
'Le Terrain Vague'
and many other words to make your own idea.
The point is that
the accusatory original article, from which so many people based their attacks on me, was the product of a
plagiarist, who, indeed, repeated rumors and gossips without proofs of anything, for which I responded in different articles in
my blog already mentionned many times in this thread and
the other one.
In other words,
the very source of the libel and bashing world campaign against me was a fraud and an imposter, in the legal sense of them!
It's quite current in psychology to see people accusing others of their own misdeeds.
EDIT: we must remember that the director of Radio
Ici et Maintenant, Didier de Plaige, the radio which lied about my departure / disappearance
of March 2004 along with de Brosses, having twisted the email I sent to Eve, my girlfriend, is a very close friend, to say the least, of Marie-Therese
de Brosses! He invited her many times on air. You can now understand that all these people, with all the French UFOs guests of de Plaige, are like a
ufological mafia.
Now, regarding the prediction of this thread – UFOs sightings to come over London in October 2013 related to the coming of the new young royals
(William, Catherine and George) as the Two Witnesses and the Christ Returned –
I earlier mentioned that, for security reasons, I used the
Julian calendar on purpose, meaning that the time window goes until November 14th 2013 of our Gregorian calendar, until this date is no more,
whatever the location on Earth this date is considered.
The benevolent ETs often wait until the very last moment to make the events coming true.
It means that this prediction is still valid and the date is near. News could come as soon as next Friday night.
Proofs of this prediction, whatever the moment they will be provided, will be showed, even if it's in the few days after the deadline.
When these proofs will pop up, I hope that the moderators will move this thread from the actual irrelevant forum (hoax: VERY useful to cover and cloud
the intels for the security reasons mentioned above) to the proper one, and that the readers will regard my works differently.
Cheers everyone. Take care.
edit on 13-11-2013 by Olivet because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-11-2013 by Olivet because: (no
reason given)