reply to post by spartacus699
no drinking
Dubai is full of bars. Foreigners (ie 70+ percent of the population) can drink as long as they're not Muslims. You get a permit to buy booze at
special shops, too, though it's not for sale on every street corner. Most people don't bother, they just drive down to Ajman, a neighbouring emirate,
and stock up, though you have to watch out for the police on the way back. At least that's what people did ten years ago. There are also bootleggers
who home-deliver. They're a phone call away.
no weed
No comment.
no kissing, no holding hands
No kissing outdoors in public, or in a shopping mall or anything like that. It can get pretty steamy in the clubs. Lots of prostitution, much of it
pretty blatant. I haven't heard of people being told not to hold hands — Arab and South Asian men often hold hands, you know.
muslim prayers 5 times a day.
Yes, you'll hear a muezzin's call five times a day. Try not to get an apartment too near a mosque. Unless it's the Jumeirah Mosque, where the
muezzin's call is beautiful music.
Women and camels have equal rights.
Ignorant slander. You obviously think all Arab countries are like Saudi Arabia.
You'd have to speak the language to even be considered to get a job.
lingua franca of Dubai is English. Everybody speaks it. The most commonly spoken languages are English, Malayali and Arabic, probably in
that order though it's hard to tell because there are lots of foreign Arabs — Egyptians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and others —
working there along with Afghans, Americans, Australians, Bangladeshis, Britons, Canadians, East Africans, all kinds of Europeans — Western and
Eastern — Filipinos, Indians, Indonesians, Iranians, Pakistanis, Russians, South Africans and just about everyone else in the world.
I'd go visit though for sure.
Good advice to anyone planning to relocate anywhere, if they can afford it.
reply to post by kangajack
It's a strange place. I hated it. Most people complain they don't like it, but they stay there because the money is good (or because they're in hock
to the banks and can't afford to leave) but in the end they adapt and eventually acquire the local — highly cosmopolitan, money-fixated,
conspicuously-consuming — way of doing things. You don't see very much of the Emaratis (the locals); they keep themselves to themselves. In the end,
everyone else in Dubai is there to serve them, and they don't mix much with the help.
But it has its compensations, including the desert, plenty of nightlife, parties and sex, and the thrill of walking through the
souk or down by
the Creek and hearing a different language being spoken beside you every step you take. It's one of the great meeting-places and marketplaces of the
world. Buzzing with life round the clock. Everything in the world is there for you... at a price.
With Dubai it's the money... always the money.
edit on 4/10/13 by Astyanax because: I thought I'd do both in one post.