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Feel powerless? put upon? ever tried Witchraft?

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posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:17 PM
How can you TEST something when being attacked, you win? All everyone was doing was helping you out and letting you know the truth in what you were asking!

Okay, I'll bite. Spell let's see.............................................First you will need some sage, dry so you can BURN IT. Next you will have to get some Salt; might as well get the big container to make your circle. Now if you know true North, place the sage there and burn it.

Open all the door's in you house/home/crib/tent and pour the salt around the area full circle. Be careful not to break the circle though. Now go back in and drink some herb tea; your choice and relax.

Let me know when your done.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:45 PM
That was a funny story.
I tried witchraft once or twice, out of curiosity, but I didn't seem to have the skills for it, so I decided is not for me. I definitely see the similarity; hours of prayers, or chanting, or mantra repeating, all achieve the same purpose: to put the mind in a trance-like state. Then is when the interesting stuff is happening.

Funny also to see the reactions of the self righteous people to an innocent childhood story; ATS is going down the plug hole, I'm tellin' you. Change your ways, boy, before is too late

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 01:01 AM

That was a funny story.
I tried witchraft once or twice, out of curiosity, but I didn't seem to have the skills for it, so I decided is not for me. I definitely see the similarity; hours of prayers, or chanting, or mantra repeating, all achieve the same purpose: to put the mind in a trance-like state. Then is when the interesting stuff is happening.

Funny also to see the reactions of the self righteous people to an innocent childhood story; ATS is going down the plug hole, I'm tellin' you. Change your ways, boy, before is too late

Thanks there may be hope for me yet. One or two other things we had a go at confirmed that their was something going on. But as you see the control freaks are even worse down in loo loo land, and hate the thought that what i'm talking about is a very simple observable thing, which is focused thoughts can be used.
This could be why that all The Politicians want to be liked, millions of people even briefly thinking nasty thoughts about this one or that one, has an effect. Where the real movers and shakers try to remain below the radar. Its probably a fact that in the old days Shamans kept the Chief honest, then the Church became the Shaman, but instead of heaven on earth, it would be another time and another place for the average joe. Where just thinking about stuff that would question the Dogma would bring the inquisition down on you.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 01:16 AM




I do not suppose it never occurred to you that perhaps you could channel your thoughts and spells to helping people and helping the world to be a better place.

Nope, didn't think so.

We wonder why society is going down the plug hole.


You assume to much, another reason why the society is going down the plug hole. All we wanted was to do was test a hypothesis as far as we were concerned it was proved.

Satan loves it when people ask his demons to harm others, and the curse you did actually summoned that evil against your target.. Satan knows when people do this that his chance of getting you into hell will be so much easier.. You think they will welcome you there with love?

There is no love down there not even among him and his minions, only a hatred of human kind the magnitude that people cannot even imagine..

Reverse course quickly

Uh?? sorry but as far as I'm concerned your talking B&^*% and entwining yourself with more mind f&^%$#dogma. Its already been proven that thoughts can do good or harm.

Hey no problem bro, I don't care what you do.. You are being totally deceived though and you are doing so willingly because you don't want to admit that what you are doing is gaining the temporary use of demons to do those curses..

I have seen these creatures many times IN PERSON, they are alien. they hate humans, They will rip your mind. soul, and life a new @sshole ..

You have been warned.. Don't get angry at me though, because what you choose to believe and do is totally up to you and I respect this.. I am not judging you, nor am I anyone's judge, k?

You think the mind can make someone sick from a distance all by yourself with no help from anything? This is what is actually the bull.
People that use black magic and know what they are really doing, (unlike you being a novice), Those people know they have help from the darkside.. Read more books and find out..
edit on 4-10-2013 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 06:59 AM

alienrealityYou think the mind can make someone sick from a distance all by yourself with no help from anything? This is what is actually the bull.

How many times have people exclaimed when watching someone on TV that person makes him or her sick, throw up, puke? It's not exactly the same since the person on TV isn't doing a show on live voodoo but it's stil relevant. Or however about a letter from your one true love in life telling you she cheated with this other guy? It may seem harmless until you meet a man hating woman who enjoys making up stories to get back at men and you just happened to be standing there. As previously posted, it can be used for good or bad.

Now to go a step further and try to make someone like James Randy sick without his knowledge, suppose someone did then in the news one day an article describes him going to the hospital and not making it. There goes your one million. Or try the exact opposite, love the guy. Which some other guy might have already tried since mr Randy came out several years ago. Now how's that for a love spell, what if someone actually did that either it backfired since mr Randy mistook the telepathic male universal love for the other romantic kind or the guy is waiting to meet mr Randy, marry him and get all his money. But then realizing it worked he thought about how it would be even cooler not to tell anyone and went on thinking about the bigger fish and so he decided to target an even richer guy, divorced him and is somewhere in the Bahamas right now.

Just kidding ofcourse, but if it were possible to affect someone over a distance without the others knowledge and reproducable then it would after it's done be either a good or bad feeling, unless you want to marry someone or study existence itself I wouldn't see the point or why people would go running around invoking good or bad feelings in others, people who they are never going to meet.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:04 AM
What you did as a student/adolescent where you're walking through some darker impusles, and shadow, precisely why many natives have what is akin to vision quests for their young, can be forgiven by self and Source, when you start to wake up more, seeking the real purpose you came here into this harder school.
There are two forces in the universe, Love of Power and Power of Love. Cursing someone falls into Love of Power and can put you under their pyramid and rules/laws/codes. We're supposed to be freeing others here and anchoring love and light, and higher frequency into the consciousness grid and earth grid, energy chakra's of earth, amongst other things, like overcoming flaws within us, working through the things that tempt us, our weaknesses, be it temper, reactions, greed, lack of apahty.

We're here for a reason, and the other side throws many obstacles at us, attempts to lure us with our desires or wishes, and really tries to block your passing the grade.

I certainly wouldn't want to stop NWO or the fascists here by using their methods.

The ones running/mismanaging this word are already wide awake, dark sided wizards, they use magic, media is a spell, everything they do is a spell. Money is a spell, and they use their fine print to code and try to entrap spirit/soul in the afterlife. Banks do this, governments do this, its all this fine print stuff. They create astral constructs, mask things in this physcial realm and harvest energy, and attempt to, with their geometry and layout of cities, create multidimensional anchors for banks, gold deposits, everything. The whole principle of their laws and fine print is however completely illegal.

Family of Love does not use laws, all laws and rule of law comes from the dark side. Love is about Virtues, and intelligence, talents being used and developed. So their rule book is distortion, BUT, when you fall into their frequency groups via similar behavior, then you fall temporarily under and even bigger bullies thumb unless you wake up more.

All of it is basically illegal/unlawful but if you walk like a duck, become one of them, then you're being lured into their realms, frequency matches, and they operate under pyramid schemes of power and fake rules.

Instead of rationalizing harming another, do some chakra meditations, heart chakra ones, and just speak to him in your heart, and tell him your sorry, ask for forgiveness, send positive healing thougths to everyone, even yourself. Talk to your Soul and Source/God/Goodness/Higher Power before sleep and ask why you're here, ask to be deprogrammed from the world and to be woken up, to see and hear clearly, and admit all faults and ask for help to overcome this world.
edit on 4-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:33 AM
How about if some of you wicca people put a little jazz into my self-employment situation and send some vibes my way if you could please. Times are rough.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:53 PM

How about if some of you wicca people put a little jazz into my self-employment situation and send some vibes my way if you could please. Times are rough.

Thanks in advance.

Look folks i'm taking a lot of flack for an incident we tried out, to find out if there was any sense to something that caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people. It was a trip into the experimental paranormal. The conclusions that were reached were done with logic. the first thing was with regards to God ,Angels and demons, through the ages this concept has changed to suit the society as and when required.In short they don't exist as a separate entity from yourself. We didn't want any comeback of that kind. The conclusions were that fear of demons trolls etc were your own fears and thought forms of your own making.This has to be got over if you do anything like that. All the dress up and theatre is bull#$%^.It was decided that it would be less intense to do it as a group, because any effects would be observed.
What isn't Bull@#$% is that every shaman in different societies throughout the globe engage in Rythmic Chanting, the longer this is done to an object, or person with an intent that varies from one practisioner to another depends on the efficacy of the spell if you want to call it that. That's why something is called "Enchanted" simply because its been Chanted over. Mental time and effort have been spent for a purpose. The Chants do something to the Matrix of perceived reality in fact they change the existing structure.Some things ie matter respond better than others. Listen to a Pop song, its the same thing, it makes you feel good or bad. Why would this be so is another subject entirely. But ask yourself why would an athlete Psych up for an event, to improve an otherwise average performance.
I'm sure time and location are factors in the efficacy of spells for lack of a better word. Why would two gold witches hats be found with the all the phases of the metanonic cycle embossed on them. Dating back a couple of thousand years.
Some people will Poo Poo it as Bull, others will say the devil will take you to hell. but one lot have never spent an intense half hour chanting, the other lot have been spooked by there own demons. As far as our adolescent experiment went , it might have been a stupid thing to do in retrospect. but the fact that it worked on the headmaster, means that it would work on a cancer growing inside the headmaster. Its the same thing.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by anonentity

We are not trying to tell you that chanting doesn't work, it does work.
As for you calling bull crap to other entity's such as demons, angels, fairys or whatever, they are real, they exist, some act as minions sent out by others.

Out of all the wicked beings I have encountered, humans are by far the most evil.
We are just trying to warn you, none of us want you to get hurt, we love you.

Love and harmony

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:42 PM

reply to post by anonentity

We are not trying to tell you that chanting doesn't work, it does work.
As for you calling bull crap to other entity's such as demons, angels, fairys or whatever, they are real, they exist, some act as minions sent out by others.

Out of all the wicked beings I have encountered, humans are by far the most evil.
We are just trying to warn you, none of us want you to get hurt, we love you.

Love and harmony

They are real because you have created them as a thought form in the matrix, to do a purpose, but don't for a minute think they are anything but a projection of your own mind. Creation is something like a Hologram, where everything is linked where information is held, the energy to maintain it is everywhere, stronger or weaker depending on time and location. Its Super nature not Supernatural.
Your love is returned. Take care.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:21 PM

That was a funny story.
I tried witchraft once or twice, out of curiosity, but I didn't seem to have the skills for it, so I decided is not for me. I definitely see the similarity; hours of prayers, or chanting, or mantra repeating, all achieve the same purpose: to put the mind in a trance-like state. Then is when the interesting stuff is happening.

Funny also to see the reactions of the self righteous people to an innocent childhood story; ATS is going down the plug hole, I'm tellin' you. Change your ways, boy, before is too late

I enjoy the self righteous reactions as much as the OP. Maybe I'll review the thread where super-fundy castigated someone who was looking for their lost friend? That was a real gem. I'd like to believe it was the zepp talking. Nah. probably just the immutable word o God.

Why oh why do I suspect that that thread is gone?
Nonetheless...I was taking screen shots as fast as the mouth was barking.

It was pretty catastrophic~the way the witchcraft trial was proceeding. There was a sort of 'join me in this' fervor to the phrasing, that got a little hotter with each salvo.

Nah. probably just the immutable word o God.

Thee accused ignored the taunts, as I recall, and to little avail. Because each new burst ran a little hotter than the last ignored taunt. And the witch sat there, and quietly ignored all innuendo.

I'm not Snow White, but these attacks were off the line. Somebody was proud of their little Sherlock Holmes cigarette case, that night.

That, friend, is a snapshot of bondage.

# 60
edit on 4-10-2013 by TheWhiteKnight because: grammar

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by anonentity

Its Super nature not Supernatural.

Its actually both. And negatives do exist. The leaders and world mismanagers are under what some call archons, anyway counsel of negatives, working for others, and up that ladder, (or rather down the snake in the game of snakes and ladders), they are cut off from source, though still have a spark of ligth and consciousness within, and they harvest us, with light matrix still and spirit/soul energies.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:14 PM

reply to post by anonentity

Its Super nature not Supernatural.

Its actually both. And negatives do exist. The leaders and world mismanagers are under what some call archons, anyway counsel of negatives, working for others, and up that ladder, (or rather down the snake in the game of snakes and ladders), they are cut off from source, though still have a spark of ligth and consciousness within, and they harvest us, with light matrix still and spirit/soul energies.

Semantics and definitions, are different from culture to culture. Supernatural practice varies very slightly, with cultural practice. The bottom line its an aid, whether your lost in the jungle and have to take a plant aid, to disconnect from your body to see your way from above the canopy. Or just plain pissed with the way things are and want to change them. Its there for a reason or we wouldn't have access to it. I can also see why some of the posters have there Dogmas, as comfort blankets, in reality it can be scary, and if used without any discipline could get out of hand. But we still haven't had any spell stories?

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:29 PM
It works for me.

When it works, it seems so natural that I don't think you'd enjoy the stories much. I doubt it could be proven because of this - it's uncanny enough only to make you wonder IF you are inclined to anyway.
If I did have stories and think you'd enjoy them, I probably wouldn't write them out here for free.

It works well enough for me, that the people closest to me often say "you get everything you want, why don't you want xyz for me?" Usually I think, because you don't really need that anyway.

The problem is...and this is something only witches might understand...when you get about anything you want, you quit wanting much. At this point I can see myself living in a rundown hovel as long as I have a pot to cook soup in, and my animals, as long as I get to see my loved ones. Maybe it's a form of magic in itself to feel rich in the midst of poverty, glad at being able to leave something on the table for others more needy.

I've found the strongest magic comes from feeling deep compassion towards the world. I imagine that deep resentment and destructive feelings can be the same, personally I don't have a lot of those sorts of emotions and don't like it when I have experienced them.

Well anyways...that's all I have to say. I don't believe in the law of 3. Wicca works as a system because it puts one in deep reverence for nature, and in tune with cycles, and more apt to start to feel the deep compassion I speak of.

Sympathy itself is like a big loophole in nature for humans.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:30 PM


That was a funny story.
I tried witchraft once or twice, out of curiosity, but I didn't seem to have the skills for it, so I decided is not for me. I definitely see the similarity; hours of prayers, or chanting, or mantra repeating, all achieve the same purpose: to put the mind in a trance-like state. Then is when the interesting stuff is happening.

Funny also to see the reactions of the self righteous people to an innocent childhood story; ATS is going down the plug hole, I'm tellin' you. Change your ways, boy, before is too late

I enjoy the self righteous reactions as much as the OP. Maybe I'll review the thread where super-fundy castigated someone who was looking for their lost friend? That was a real gem. I'd like to believe it was the zepp talking. Nah. probably just the immutable word o God.

Why oh why do I suspect that thread is gone? Nonetheless...I was taking screen shots as fast as the mouth was barking.

It was pretty catastrophic~the way the witchcraft trial was proceeding. There was a sort of 'join me in this' fervor to the phrasing, that got a little hotter with each salvo.

Nah. probably just the immutable word o God.

Thee accused ignored the taunts, as I recall, and to little avail. Because each new burst ran a little hotter than the last ignored taunt. And the witch sat there, and quietly ignored all innuendo.

I'm not Snow White, but these attacks were off the line. Somebody was proud of their little Sherlock Holmes cigarette case, that night.

That, friend, is a snapshot of bondage.

# 60
edit on 4-10-2013 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

lol.... "I did blow smoke up the witches fundament my lord, and a daemon by name Bealzeebub Did shew itself to the gathered throng. Her pet Cat was shewn to feed upon the extra nipple, which whence pricked did not bleed. The cat be a a familiar to said witch. So we had to burn her quick like, for fear we would be bewitched, in such circumstances we could do nought else." .. "Tiz nasty work but some ones hast to do it"

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by anonentity

"I was just sitting there with Page in front of a fire at Headley Grange,"recalls Plant. "Pagey had written the chords and played them for me. I was holding a paper and pencil and for some reason, I was in a very bad mood. Then, all of a sudden, my hand was writing out words:

'There's a lady who's sure, all that glitters is gold, and she's buying her stairway, to heaven.'

I just sat there and looked at the words and then I almost leaped out of my seat. Looking back suppose I just sat down at the right moment. Obviously it was the right time."

The Led Zeppelin Biography, p. 115, pp. 2.

"Robert's symbol," Page informed Zigzag, "is his own design...the feather, a symbol on which all sorts of philosophers have been based and which has a very interesting heritage...."

ibid, p. 111, pp. 3

So it only goes to know....

# 61
edit on 4-10-2013 by TheWhiteKnight because: grammar

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:21 AM

It works for me.

When it works, it seems so natural that I don't think you'd enjoy the stories much. I doubt it could be proven because of this - it's uncanny enough only to make you wonder IF you are inclined to anyway.
If I did have stories and think you'd enjoy them, I probably wouldn't write them out here for free.

It works well enough for me, that the people closest to me often say "you get everything you want, why don't you want xyz for me?" Usually I think, because you don't really need that anyway.

The problem is...and this is something only witches might understand...when you get about anything you want, you quit wanting much. At this point I can see myself living in a rundown hovel as long as I have a pot to cook soup in, and my animals, as long as I get to see my loved ones. Maybe it's a form of magic in itself to feel rich in the midst of poverty, glad at being able to leave something on the table for others more needy.

I've found the strongest magic comes from feeling deep compassion towards the world. I imagine that deep resentment and destructive feelings can be the same, personally I don't have a lot of those sorts of emotions and don't like it when I have experienced them.

Well anyways...that's all I have to say. I don't believe in the law of 3. Wicca works as a system because it puts one in deep reverence for nature, and in tune with cycles, and more apt to start to feel the deep compassion I speak of.

Sympathy itself is like a big loophole in nature for humans.

You said it, if you can have anything you want, it most likely wasn't worth having anyway. Yep you can be a millionaire, but the time and effort Required takes so much out of you it isn't worth the trouble. The compassion
you speak of, is for the seeming sadness of physical reality, that we fade and die. That's why we search for things imperishable, which can only be found in the freedom of the mind. The rest is the illusion of passing novelty.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by anonentity

Hmm so I can just chant myself rich? Interesting hypothesis are u going to write a book oh wait several ppl beat u to it ... shame

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 02:39 AM
Witchcraft is bad news. As above so below. You try to manipulate, you will the one manipulated. It's no different that just trying to deceive someone. You're trying to gain power in a negative way. Bad idea. It always backfires in the end. Check this out...

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by randyvs

C'mon people. They were just a couple of "dumb" kids. They weren't trying to kill anyone, besides, that's their path to go down, if they wish. This existence is simply a learning process for everyone.

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