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Skeptics: How Do You So Easily Dismiss Testimonies From Astronauts About UFO's?

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posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:03 PM
I agree with the OP. Though ~ Even if the El Pesidente came forward saying that there are "Legitimate Aliens" visiting earth and they have proof we would still have people in "Disbelief".

Sad, true~

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:15 PM


reply to post by randyvs

what do you base that off of?

Knowledge, the same way I know you're young.
You've only seen the rabbit hole. You've not been
inside, so it would be in your best interest, not to
draw conclusions. Because those conclusions may
not be your own. That is to say although you may
possess thoughts and ideas. That in no way
determines they belong to you or weren't put there.
It's easily done.

it sounds like you're grasping. and that video was horrible.
edit on 3-10-2013 by solongandgoodnight because: spell

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:20 PM



Another Believers vs. Evil Skeptics thread.

Don't see enough of that around here.

I believe I said I wanted to know your point of view. Thanks for not all.

Your provocative subject line directed at "skeptics" makes your point of view clear enough - that "Skeptics" unanimously refuse to believe such unimpeachable sources as former astronauts [NASA/Air Force employees] regarding alleged UFO sightings. I don't believe that you are interested in differing points of view so much as making yet another "us vs. them" thread based on your biased misrepresentation and oversimplification of the "Skeptical POV".

My point of view? It seems the "Never A Straight Answer" "Disinfo Agent" "Government Coverup" mantras only apply to NASA/government employees who do not support the ET narrative. Funny how they suddenly and conveniently become "credible" when they seem to say the right things. No eyewitness testimony is beyond scrutiny - no character beyond reproach.

First of all, you are wrong. I truly enjoy hearing and trying to understand other people's perspectives on anything from politics to UFO's. I'm just weird I guess.

That being said I can understand your point of view. Now that you mention that, I really have a hard time believing a lot of what NASA says. But Cooper, for example had UFO sightings well before he was ever involved with NASA, so I don't think you can dismiss the whole thing just because you don't like NASA.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:40 PM
I believe all eyewitness testimony, no matter who it's from, deserves the apporpiate scrunity. Never take another person's word regarding eyewitness testimony as absolute truth.

With that being said, for me, what some astronauts have seen is very interesting and it deserves further investigation. I also don't think UFO-ET sightings are that common. Out of the hundred of thousands of sightings over the last 70 years, I'd say less than 50 are probably true UFO-ET sightings. Sounds like a lot, but it's really not when you consider how spread out they are.

And, I have to say, that Buzz interview is misleading. The science channel interview isn't one continuous interview, but rather they lathed together different segments and words/phrases to make is seem like he insunated that he saw UFO's. He didn't. After it was shown he tried to get it taken down and he did say publicly that he did not see a UFO on that mission.
edit on 3-10-2013 by RockstarMatt because: Bad grammar

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 03:04 PM
Enjoy yourselves, this thread doesn't involve me at all, since I have never 'easily dismissed' any of the stories associating astronauts and UFOs. To the contrary, I've undertaken original investigations with access to previously untouched resources, based on my decades of experience in Mission Control, Houston, personal and profession association with a hundred astronauts and cosmonauts, academic and practical knowledge about real space flight, and have published many of the results at, results with verifiable sources and checkable technical assertions. But these are results that too many eager-believers like the OP too easily dismiss or ignore. That's their right. As I said, enjoy yourselves in your self-imposed ignorance, it probably makes you feel really, really smart. How nice for you.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 05:47 PM
I think I'll pass on checking out your website. Shame on you, Agent of dis info .

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 05:57 PM

Similar topics have been brought up here on ATS, (yes I did a search) but they seemed to fall by the wayside.
So the question stands. How is it so easy to dismiss the existence of UFO's when there are credible witnesses' with testimonies? Astronauts at that.

As you know there are testimonies from Gordon Cooper.

Buzz Aldrin

Edgar Mitchell

Deke Slayton

The list goes on.

Granted, I am bias about the UFO phenomenon because I've have actually seen one that is worth telling, but how can it be so easy for many to dismiss the subject when there are these kinds of witnesses out there saying, "These things are real, I've seen them." ?

I really want to hear your point of view on this.

They are physically, emotionally and intellectually chosen to do what very few people do...spending years until the moment of liftoff to get to a peak of performance...see something they shouldn't have commented on, and they are not about selective...

Run of the mill experiencers can be easily fobbed off...we're not that elite, you see...


posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:02 PM

I think I'll pass on checking out your website. Shame on you, Agent of dis info .

Thanks for illustrating my point so effectively.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:03 PM
Frankly, I am a sceptic but I don't dismiss astronaut's testimony on the matter. Gordon Cooper's testimony in particular appears credible and lucid even if his claims seem fantastic, and he's one of the reasons I bother to lurk around a place like ATS and listen in.

That said, any reasoned inquiry depends upon a healthy dose of scepticism, no matter what the topic is. There are enough bits of strong evidence out there to show that something weird has happened and is happening, but that evidence is rare. I haven't seen enough of it to support any of the explanations I've seen offered, and that statement applies as equally to claims that UFO phenomena are some sort of popular myth or the result of human psychosocial forces as it does to claims that UFOs are alien visitors. These phenomena are strange in the extreme, and in the absence of much stronger evidence than I've seen I think that if a person closes his minds to any possible explanation for these phenomena he's doing himself a disservice.


posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by solongandgoodnight

it sounds like you're grasping. and that video was horrible.

Could you please supply an example of grasping sound, so I can judge for myself.
And the video is horrible.
edit on 3-10-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:49 PM
The astronaut's sightings are not just "dismissed," but they are simply filed away to gather dust like all other sightings by anybody where no more information can be gathered from them. Astronauts aren't superheroes. They're just regular people in an unusual situation (even for them) who have their own expectations and quirks and who see things with their eyes like most people and can make mistakes or misidentifications.

Somebody sees a light in the sky. Or space. And... ? That's it. Nothing more. Maybe it was natural. Maybe it was an artifact created by men or aliens. Who knows? Not us, ever, because the sighting is gone and there was and will be nothing more to it. Should we jump to a conclusion? Why? What's the point?

It's like all other UFO reports. Decades of weird sightings that add up to exactly nothing and we're back where we started in 1947. And it doesn't matter if it's "highly trained" astronauts or the little old lady down the street. We never get the thing that links Point A to Point B. We still don't even know where Point B is!

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 06:55 PM
No worries man. Glad to help. I formed my belief in ufos years ago so nothing is going to change it now. For myself, the evidence is sufficient and continues to build. I do consider myself open minded. I may have considered checking out buddys website if it weren't for his condescending remarks. Then again, maybe not.


posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:04 PM

I agree with the OP. Though ~ Even if the El Pesidente came forward saying that there are "Legitimate Aliens" visiting earth and they have proof we would still have people in "Disbelief".

Sad, true~

I think probably an announcement from the President might be taken a bit more seriously than a declaration from most other people, so I don't think there would be many people who would not believe him. However, there are people out there who think he's a Muslim Nazi Communist, so I wouldn't say everybody would believe him. Everybody but lunatics, perhaps.

But that has never happened, so I could always be proven wrong.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:24 PM

Blue Shift
However, there are people out there who think he's a Muslim Nazi Communist, so I wouldn't say everybody would believe him.

Ahh yes... conspiracy theorists. Fortunately there aren't many of them in ufological circles.
edit on 3-10-2013 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:29 PM
Muslim Nazi I could believe. But a communist?...that's a stretch.

Ahh this post was actually for blue shift
edit on 3-10-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:30 PM
"UFO - Unidentified Flying Object...doesnt mean aliens, means ice, rocks and all that kind of boring stuff."

Wow, you obviously have absolutely no understanding of the word unidentified. Ice, rocks and all that kind of boring stuff generally always becomes identified and ruled out. There is a lot of known natural phenomenon that people can regularly missunderstand and believe to be something special but again they also generally get ruled out and do not remain unidentified because inevitably someone understands and explains it.

There are MANY cases of highly studied cases that everyone agrees there is no currently understood explanation for and they remain unidentified.

The most interesting cases to me are objects that fly at such high speeds and change course so rapidly with such sharp angles that nothing known on earth could possibly match without anyone within being killed by g-forces. I saw one such UFO, having served in the Combat Information Center (CIC) of a U.S. Aircraft carrier I happen to know a little about aircraft capabilities.

I can't speculate on what exactly it was I saw but in a basically infinite universe I cannot rule out the possibility that there is an alien civilization probably millions of years more advanced and more evolved with understandings of science that would probably make our current understanding so far behind that in comparison it would be like cavemen trying to understand us.
edit on 3-10-2013 by inquisitive1977 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-10-2013 by inquisitive1977 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-10-2013 by inquisitive1977 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:57 PM
As far as writing off Astronauts eye witness accounts, I don't think that is regularly done. The main issue, like any account that can only be recounted by an eye witness, is that it cannot be proven by anyone (not even the eye witness) to really be anything that special or out of the ordinary.

That is the problem with my account too, cannot prove anything to anyone it is an interesting story of what I saw only. No one else witnessed it with me, someone else may have interpreted what they were seeing differently. Personally with my own account and so many other accounts of strange things I believe there is something going on with craft that have capabilities well beyond our currently understood limits.

They remain interesting stories only though until someone has a personal experience. With Astronauts they likely have a little more credibility than the average eye witness account but still only an interesting story.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 09:44 PM
Here is the problem with the whole UFO, alien situation,I do believe there are people out there that knows the truth but here lies the problem Mr B is going to call Mr.A a liar and so on Take Mr. Alexander for instant he said that William Cooper was just anti government Mr. Cooper didn't think highly of Mr Alexander so you have some say yes this exist and the others firmly denying it.Yes i believe UFOs exist and also aliens but really who can we believe is telling the truth

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:47 PM
Existence of objects in the skies that people cannot identify? Sure, I don't think many skeptics/debunkers/non-believers will debate that.

The weight of an astronaut making that claim? It depends on the source and situation. For example, Edgar Mitchell has never seen a UFO or alien body. He only tells stories second-hand. But, TV shows are edited and stories told to make it seem as if he had. Does he add weight to a story other than offering his opinion. No, not really.

Gordon Cooper never saw the Edwards "saucer" land. The story is told as if he had. He misidentified a weather balloon earlier in his career for a "saucer". Only upon closer inspection, he realized what it really was. This shows the "trained observer" can be confused as any other citizen.

By their testimonies alone, it doesn't do anything to add anymore credence to the phenomena. As far as their claim of intelligent alien life being a source for some? It's still only an opinion and means nothing in lieu of actual real evidence.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:06 AM

Gordon Cooper never saw the Edwards "saucer" land. The story is told as if he had. He misidentified a weather balloon earlier in his career for a "saucer". Only upon closer inspection, he realized what it really was. This shows the "trained observer" can be confused as any other citizen.
reply to post by Ectoplasm8

Cooper also had another sighting that was not a weather balloon. Weather balloon do not fly at high altitudes and speeds.

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