Agree with Mama J...let her go.
I would also suggest you do some growing up ..before going down this road again with a woman...some serious growing up.
It is obvious to me that this woman is not grown up sufficiently to work out the difficulties and is thinking in terms of "Options" not in terms or
responsibilities. You cannot trust this woman with such a condition.. do you think this woman can be trusted with the monies you earn??? Think it
Also I believe you made some bad choices here and are paying the piper for them...this is your doing too. You chose badly.
I do not have time or interest in people whos number one occupation when not working is their social needs and boredom.
I have been up this road even with my own brother and kept supporting him for about a year and a half while his number one skill and concern was his
boredom and social life while I was keeping him afloat with my risk taking in my job. I finally told him to move out.
I have learned that once you stabilize certain types of people with a roof over their heads, food, and utilities... Their number one concern now
becomes social..and
In chasing down "unboredom" ..they loose sight of the bigger more important picture while chasing and thinking about more "Un Boredom." This is how I
gauge maturity levels.
Do they bore easily?? If you are not on top of this thought process..before you know it..a switch has taken place in priorities and you two are on
different courses and priorities/directions.
You are no longer one.
Also suggest strongly that next time you be prepared to go it alone on the costs of your flat and other expenses. You do not want to have to depend on
roomates and such.
It is just the way things out here stack up.
I will give you one other bit of advice. Choose your woman for Peace..not for Piece. You will find that a woman who can bring a man Peace is a very
very rare and valuable commodity out here. There are many ..both male and female out here for whom their major tools in their toolbox are Piece and
social skills...not real skills to go the long distances today..but mostly instant gratification types..including and especially boredom or being
easily bored.
This means they don't have long attention spans.
It is not difficult to get a partner to take off their is much more difficult to get real life skills, wisdom, and knowledge from But you are learning that harsh truth ..are you not??
Unfortunately in an instant gratification world ..this is not a thought process often taught to young people.
One of the hard harsh truths about being grown that you dont get all the "Options" at someone else's expense. You dont just show up and the
buffet line is set up for you and you can just show up and sparkle. It often takes hard work, commitment, and dedication..not social skills.
Is this not what you must do to get your gas qualifications..."hard work, commitment , and dedication??"
Why would you accept any less from the woman in whom you choose to spend your time and monies??
Choose wisely KingDoey.
edit on 5-10-2013 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)