posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:09 AM
Not really U.S. politics but with the crazy goings-on in our Gov.t it kinda ties in.
So what are your opinions on the greatest leaders of all time? and why?
I'd say world leaders but most probably werent around for satellite tv and internet, so their "worlds" were a bit smaller.
Starting with our presidents I'd guess George Washington, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt,JFK...all before my time and other than LIncoln I believe all
were soldiers.
Was Fidel Castro a great leader or just kept in power by force and fear?
Tsar Nicholas II? or just famous-ish because of Anastasia?
Geronimo, Sitting Bull or Tec-cum-seh ?
Alexander the great, Ghengis Khan, Pol Pot???????
The caesars of Rome and whoever ruled the ancient greek civilizations must have had something going on.
Egypt and Cleopatra and King Tut... was he a good ruler?
Surely being a loved ruler of a small island like Cuba is much easier than ruling the U.S but throughout history their must have been great rulers or
leaders, kings or queens
Just would like some opinions....
edit on 3-10-2013 by tinner07 because: (no reason given)